VTX is the extension for Source's proprietary mesh strip format. It stores hardware optimized material, skinning and triangle strip/fan information for each LOD of each mesh in the MDL.
VTX files use a two-part file extension; the first part varies depending upon the renderer, although StudioMDL usually makes identical VTX files for dx80, dx90, and sw.
Extension | Used when? |
.dx90.vtx | dxlevel ≥ 90 |
.dx80.vtx | dxlevel ≥ 80 |
.sw.vtx | dxlevel < 80 |
Extension | Console |
.xbox.vtx | ![]() |
.360.vtx .dx90.360.vtx |
![]() |
The Left 4 Dead series originally used just .VTX files, as of the Sacrifice update for these two games they now use the
for the Mac OSX and re-used the .VTX only for Portal 2 [Clarify].

- What mesh file do other platforms, like
PlayStation 3 and
Android use?

File Structure
// this structure is in <mod folder>/src/public/optimize.h
struct FileHeader_t
// file version as defined by OPTIMIZED_MODEL_FILE_VERSION (currently 7)
int version;
// hardware params that affect how the model is to be optimized.
int vertCacheSize;
unsigned short maxBonesPerStrip;
unsigned short maxBonesPerTri;
int maxBonesPerVert;
// must match checkSum in the .mdl
int checkSum;
int numLODs; // Also specified in ModelHeader_t's and should match
// Offset to materialReplacementList Array. one of these for each LOD, 8 in total
int materialReplacementListOffset;
//Defines the size and location of the body part array
int numBodyParts;
int bodyPartOffset;
This is the header structure for the current VERSION7 .vtx file
Body array
The body array is a list of BodyPartHeader_t objects.
- Size: numBodyParts.
- Location: bodyPartOffset.

struct BodyPartHeader_t
//Model array
int numModels;
int modelOffset;
Model array
The model array is a list of ModelHeader_t objects.
- Size: numModels.
- Location: bodyPartOffset.
// This maps one to one with models in the mdl file.
struct ModelHeader_t
//LOD mesh array
int numLODs; //This is also specified in FileHeader_t
int lodOffset;
LOD Mesh Array
The LOD mesh array is a list of ModelLODHeader_t objects.
- Size: numLODS.
- Location: lodOffset.
struct ModelLODHeader_t
//Mesh array
int numMeshes;
int meshOffset;
float switchPoint;
Mesh array
The mesh array is a list of MeshHeader_t objects.
- Size: numMeshes.
- Location: meshOffset.
Switch Point
The point at which the engine should switch to this LOD mesh is defined by switchPoint.
struct MeshHeader_t
int numStripGroups;
int stripGroupHeaderOffset;
unsigned char flags;
Strip Group Array
The strip group array is a list of StripGroupHeader_t objects.
- Size: numStripGroups.
- Location: stripGroupHeaderOffset.
The unsigned char flags value can be read from this table:
Value | Meaning |
struct StripGroupHeader_t
// These are the arrays of all verts and indices for this mesh. strips index into this.
int numVerts;
int vertOffset;
int numIndices;
int indexOffset;
int numStrips;
int stripOffset;
unsigned char flags;
// The following fields are only present if MDL version is >=49
// Points to an array of unsigned shorts (16 bits each)
int numTopologyIndices;
int topologyOffset;
MDL versions 49 and above (found in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive) have an extra two int fields (totaling 8 bytes). This is not reflected in the VTX header version, which remains at 7.
Vertex & Indices arrays
Indices Array - This is a set of unsigned short integers that index the position of the real vertex data in the .VVD's vertex array
- Size: numIndices
- Location: indexOffset
Vertex Array - The vertex array inside the .VTX file holds some extra information related to skinning
- Size: numVerts
- Location: vertOffset
Strip Array
The strip array is a list of StripHeader_T objects
- Size: numStrips
- Location: stripOffset
// A strip is a piece of a stripgroup which is divided by bones
struct StripHeader_t
int numIndices;
int indexOffset;
int numVerts;
int vertOffset;
short numBones;
unsigned char flags;
int numBoneStateChanges;
int boneStateChangeOffset;
// MDL Version 49 and up only
int numTopologyIndices;
int topologyOffset;
Like in StripGroupHeader_t, the last eight bytes/two int fields are present if the MDL file's header shows version 49 or higher. Presumably, (
) these index into the parent strip group's list of topology indices, similar to vertices and indices.
Indices & Vertex Groupings
Each group (Indices and Vertices respectively), specify what position to read from the vertex pool, as well as the indices pool. These pools come from the parent StripGroupHeader object
struct Vertex_t
// these index into the mesh's vert[origMeshVertID]'s bones
unsigned char boneWeightIndex[3];
unsigned char numBones;
unsigned short origMeshVertID;
// for sw skinned verts, these are indices into the global list of bones
// for hw skinned verts, these are hardware bone indices
char boneID[3];
origMeshVertID defines the index of this vertex that is to be read from the linked .VVD file's vertex array

When parsing, note that a Vertex contains nine bytes of information, but will usually be padded to 10 bytes. Within the VTX file, the length of each vertex's data will still be 9. For example, one should call in C:
fread(vertexBuf, vertexCount, 9, fileptr);
Instead of:
fread(vertexBuf, vertexCount, sizeof(Vertex_t), fileptr);
The latter sample will cause data corruption, unless your model has only one vertex (unlikely).