User talk:GuestSneezePlayz/Vortex Engine

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Reason for being here?

Greetings, I just noticed this page pop up concerning your mod. When combined with activities on the Strata github, and with peeking at the github page + lack-of-existing wiki page, its safe to say that this mod of sdk2013 is not in the most developed state yet. Your github shows additions of some weapons, yes, but not a whole lot of the listed changes present on this page (lighting, to be specific). When considering all this, and because no publically released or announced games are currently using it, could I ask why this page exists on this wiki? -Equalizer, aka the better pickaxe (talk) 18:23, 28 July 2024 (PDT)

The page is also not well written. It ends on a comma instead of a period, has random capitalisations ("Singleplayer", "Note that", "Heavy development", "Lighting Update", "The developer"), peacock-ish wording ("gained much more knowledge", "advanced graphics"), a typo ("Releastic") and a few commas without whitespace following them.
Considering the above, and that the author already had a page about their own project written and deleted, I strongly advise first writing these pages in the sandbox to weed out errors and improve the wording until the article is ready for the main space. Right now the article we see is anything but that. Cvoxalury (talk) 00:52, 29 July 2024 (PDT)
Hello there I have fixed most of the issues concerning my engine, Yes the engine is still in development but our first release will be released soon and I have fixed random capitalization and i will try to avoid those terms, Thank You. GuestSneezePlayz