Understanding VGUI2 Resource Files
I've witnessed a lot of confusion when I asked other coders how the VGUI2 system interacts with Resource Files, and I have not found any complete reference for using them, so here goes.
What they do
Resource files are used to automatically generate controls (=panels) that can be put in a parent control. This way, panel layout is far easier to do. Hence, resource files are very handy when you're creating your own in-game panel and want the heavy layout-lifting done automatically.
The design
Resource files are simple KeyValues that are parsed from top to bottom: each control that is specified in the file is created with a control factory and has its settings applied in a hierarchical manner.
When creating a new in-game panel
Loading a resource file
To load a resource file for a panel, simply add the following in your constructor:
LoadControlSettings( "Path/To/Resource/File.res" );
Tweaking controls ingame
See The VGUI Build Mode for more information.
Modifying resource file-generated controls in code
Let's say you've made your own panel and put some ImagePanels in the resource file. If you wish to modify an automatically generated control, you only need to do a few things:
- Create a pointer for the control in your header file:
vgui::ImagePanel* m_pTestImage;
- Populate the control in your constructor:
m_pTestImage = dynamic_cast<ImagePanel*>( FindChildByName( "NameOfPanelInResourceFile", true ) );
If you're using Source SDK 2013, you can use the shorter template method instead:
m_pTestImage = FindControl<ImagePanel>( "NameOfPanelInResourceFile", true );
- Done! You can now access the ImagePanel (don't forget to check for null pointers!)
Don't worry about having to clean up the auto-generated panels; they do that themselves.
When creating a new type of control
The system needs to know which controls can be built using a factory method. This is necessary to automatically create controls when reading a resource file. It uses the following macro for this:
This method will attempt to create an instance of the control with a constructor with two parameters, which are both NULL:
#define DECLARE_BUILD_FACTORY( className ) \
static vgui::Panel *Create_##className##( void ) \
{ \
return new className( NULL, NULL ); \
}; \
static vgui::CBuildFactoryHelper g_##className##_Helper( #className, Create_##className## );\
className *g_##className##LinkerHack = NULL;
If you want to pass other parameters, or you have non-nullable parameters that require a default value, you can use DECLARE_BUILD_FACTORY_CUSTOM:
// Example: ComboBoxNew inherits from ComboBox
// Custom ComboBoxNew method
vgui::Panel *ComboBoxNew_Factory()
return new ComboBoxNew( NULL, NULL, 5, true );
// Takes the class name and the method name. Ensure that the method is defined before this line!
DECLARE_BUILD_FACTORY_CUSTOM( ComboBoxNew, ComboBoxNew_Factory );
Applying Settings
The method ApplySettings( KeyValues* inResourceData ) is what does the heavy lifting when laying out your control. Because of the hierarchical structure of the controls (A inherits from B, B inherits from C, etc), it is very easy to create a new control whose particular settings can be data-driven (that is, initialized from the resource file). Here is an example:
Say your control, ImagePanelBetter, inherits from ImagePanel. You would then override the virtual ApplySettings() function and read things for your control:
void ImagePanelBetter::ApplySettings(KeyValues *inResourceData)
BaseClass::ApplySettings( inResourceData );
const char *value = NULL;
value = inResourceData->GetString("normalImage", "");
if (*value)
UpdateNormalImage( value );
value = inResourceData->GetString("mouseoverImage", "");
if (*value)
UpdateMouseOverImage( value );
value = inResourceData->GetString("mouseclickImage", "");
if (*value)
UpdateMouseClickImage( value );
value = inResourceData->GetString("command", "");
if (*value)
UpdateCommand( value );
Pretty simple, no?
Because resource files are simply KeyValues, you can also nest items:
void ImagePanelBetter::ApplySettings(KeyValues *inResourceData)
BaseClass::ApplySettings( inResourceData );
KeyValues* nestedItem;
nestedItem = inResourceData->FindKey( "NameOfNestedItemInResourceFile" );
if (nestedItem )
DoStuff( nestedItem );
Hierarchical overview of keys in resource files
This is an overview of which keys are defined where in code and what their function is.
Description: A simple control that is the basis for all other VGUI controls. Contains many overrideable functions.
Inherits from: None
- fieldName: Determines the name of the control.
- xpos: Determines the horizontal offset from the top left (by default) of the parent panel.
- ypos; Determines the vertical offset from the top left (by default) of the parent panel.
- wide: Determines the width of the control.
- tall: Determines the height of the control.
- zpos: Determines the depth of the panel. Deeper panels are drawn first. Lower numbers = deeper.
- visible: Determines if the control will be drawn.
- enabled: Determines if the control is enabled. Used by controls higher up the chain (like Buttons).
- tabPosition: Determines the tab order of the control.
- tooltiptext: Determines the tooltip text to show when you hover over this control.
- paintbackground: Paint the background color of this control?
- paintborder: Paint the border of this control?
There are also a number of overridable colors defined in several controls. Panel checks the ones of itself and its children and has the following defined:
- fgcolor_override: Overrides the color of the foreground (for Labels, this is the text color).
- bgcolor_override: Overrides the color of the background.
Description: A control that can display (wrapped) text.
Inherits from: Panel
- labelText: Determines the text that the label will display.
- textAlignment: Determines the alignment of the label.
- associate: Allows the label to be associated with another control. Todo: See what uses this has.
- dulltext: A boolean that determines if text should be displayed in a dull manner.
- brighttext: A boolean that determines if text should be displayed in a bright manner.
- font: Determines the font used by the label. Use the font name as defined in the SourceScheme.res file.
- wrap: Determines if your label wraps around the available space.
- centerwrap: Same as above, except it also works for centered text.
- textinsetx: Additional horizontal offset space from whichever side it is aligned.
- textinsety: Additional vertical offset space from whichever side it is aligned.
Description: A control that can display (wrapped) text and act as a button.
Inherits from: Label
- command: Determines which command to fire to the OnCommand handler when pressed.
- default: A boolean that determines if this button is to be activated when the user presses the enter or space bar keys. Only one such button can exist.
- selected: A boolean that determines if this button appears to have been selected.
- sound_armed: Determines what sound the button makes when hovered over.
- sound_depressed: Determines what sound the button makes when pressed upon.
- sound_released: Determines what sound the button makes when released.
Description: Essentially an image.
Inherits from: Panel
- scaleImage: A boolean that determines whether to scale the image to its specified width and height.
- scaleAmount: A float that determines how much the image should scale.
- tileImage: A boolean that determines whether to tile the image.
- tileHorizontally: A boolean that determines whether to tile the image horizontally.
- tileVertically: A boolean that determines whether to tile the image vertically.
- image: The actual image. Expects a path to a .VMT file in the /materials/vgui folder.
- fillcolor: Determines the background color behind the image. Only painted if the alpha is higher than 0 (duh)
- border: Determines the border around the image. You can only refer to colors defined in the scheme files here using the names of the colors!
Description: A window-like control that can house other controls, which can be edited using the VGUI Build Mode.
Inherits from: Panel
Description: A dynamically resizeable control that can be dragged around. Has a title bar, close and minimization buttons, etc.
Inherits from: EditablePanel
- title: Determines the title of the frame.
- title_font: Determines what font the title of the frame will use.
- clientinsetx_override: Overrides the default horizontal offset from the left side of the panel.
Color overrides:
- infocus_bgcolor_override: Override for the background color of the panel when it is in focus.
- outoffocus_bgcolor_override: Override for the background color of the panel when it is out of focus.
- titlebarbgcolor_override: Override for the background color of the title bar when it is in focus.
- titlebardisabledbgcolor_override: Override for the background color of the title bar when it is out of focus.
- titlebarfgcolor_override: Override for the foreground color of the title bar when it is in focus.
- titlebardisabledfgcolor_override: Override for the foreground color of the title bar when it is out of focus.