Template:I BaseTank

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Turn the tank on.
Turn the tank off (go dormant).
SetFireRate <float>
How fast to fire (0 = don't fire).
SetDamage <integer>
Set the Damage Per Bullet keyvalue.
SetTargetPosition <vector>
World position (coordinates) that to aim at
SetTargetDir <vector>
Direction (pitch yaw roll) to aim at.
SetTargetEntityName <targetname>
"Set the entity I should follow/attack to the closest entity matching this name."[Clarify]
SetTargetEntity <entity>
"Set the entity I should follow/attack to the passed in entity. This requires an output which passes an entity through the output."[Clarify]
Clear the entity memory of any targets it was told to attack.
FindNPCToManTank <string>
Find a nearby capable NPC to man this tank.
Start searching for capable NPCs to man this tank.
Stop searching for capable NPCs to man this tank.
Force the NPC manning this tank (if any) to leave.
SetMaxRange <float>
Set the max range of the tank.
Confirm:Maximum distance a shot can go?