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Note:Every animation compiles into a sequence, so the list of sequences show in this tool represents all the animations on a compiled model.
Note:The values are stored relative to the influence object.
Note:do not edit the default group.
Note:This does not affect in game visibility.
Tip:Unlike Source, the Dota Workshop Tools can have collision meshes included in mesh groups.

How to accomplish basic editing tasks with .vmdl
assets using Model Editor.
Creating a new asset
Some examples for how to get a model you have already created into Model Editor:
From a Mesh
To create a model using an existing mesh file as the base:
- Launch Model Editor if it is not already open.
- From the File menu, select New VMDL From Mesh File.
- Browse to a mesh file.
- A new session of model editor will appear with the mesh visible in the viewport.
- The name of the VMDL is generated from the browsed to mesh file. For example a mesh called "test.fbx" will make a model named "test.vmdl". If the mesh has a "_mesh" suffix, that will be stripped off the VMDL name.
- The VMDL file is created in the directory as the incoming mesh unless the mesh is in a directory named "dmx" or "fbx". If that is the case, the file will be saved one directory up. For example, a mesh saved in
will make a VMDL inmodels/test/test.vmdl
- To add collision geometry go to the main menu bar and select Model > Collision > Add Physics Mesh.
- Browse to a collision mesh.
- View the collision mesh via the Display > Collision Geo menu item.
File > New
To create a model by first creating an empty model file:
- Launch Model Editor if it is not already open.
- From the File menu, select New.
- Name the new file, and save it in the current game's content folder.
- You should see an empty session of Model Editor.
- Add a mesh by going to the main menu and selecting Model > Mesh > Add Mesh.
- Browse to a mesh file.
- The mesh will now be visible in the viewport.
View Animations
If animations have been added to the model:
- Go to Tools->View Sequences to bring up the sequence select and playback interface.

- Open the animation group item in the Outliner, and select on an animation item to play the animation in the viewport.
View Items on a DOTA Hero
- From the main menu bar, select Tools->Load Stock Hero Items
Add a Mesh
- From the main menu bar go to Model->Mesh->Add Mesh
- To edit the mesh properties select the mesh item under the "Mesh List" item in the Outliner
- Edit the properties in the Property Editor
- Save to see the changes
- For attribute reference, see VMDL/Mesh.
Add Collision
- From the main menu bar go to Model->Collision Add Physics Mesh
- To see the collision mesh in the viewport check Display->"Collision Geo"
- To edit the mesh properties select the physics mesh item under the "Physics Mesh List" item in the Outliner
- Edit the properties in the Property Editor
- Save to see the changes
- For attribute reference, see VMDL/PhysicsMesh.
Add Hitboxes
There are multiple ways to add hitboxes to a model.
- From the main menu bar Model->Hitboxes->Add Hitbox
- Give the hitbox a name and press OK.
- Select the parent joint and press OK.
- From the main menu bar Model->Hitboxes->Autopopulate Hitboxes
- Select/deselect the joints that need hitboxes, and hit the "Auto Populate" button
- The size of the hitbox will be initially based off the bounding box of all vertices skinned to the parent joint
Hitbox set list:
- From the main menu bar, select Model->Hitboxes->Add Hitbox Set List to create an empty hitbox set list
- Select the item in the Outliner, hit the "+" button in the Property Editor to create a new hitbox set
- Hit the "+" next to "Hitboxes" to add a hitbox
Editing Hitboxes
- From the main menu select Display->Hitboxes to show the hitboxes
- To edit a hitbox, select the hitbox item in the editor or click the hitbox in the viewport
- Use the gizmo to scale the hitbox size ( scale and box scale are available gizmo modes )
- Or edit the values directly in the Property Editor
- For attribute reference, see VMDL/Hitboxes
Add an Attachment
There are multiple ways to add attachments to a model.
- From the main menu, bar select Model->Attachments->Add Attachments
- Give the attachment a name and press OK.
- Select the parent joint and press OK.
By attachment list:
- From the main menu bar select Model->Attachments->Add Attachment List to create an empty attachment list.
- Select the attachment list item in the Outliner
- Hit the "+" button in the Property Editor next to Attachments to add an attachment
- For attribute reference, see VMDL/Attachments.
Editing Attachments
- From the main menu select Display->Attachment to show attachments in the viewport
- To edit an attachment, select the attachment item in the editor.
- Use the gizmo to translate and rotate the attachment
- Or edit the values directly in the Property Editor

Add an Animation
- To add an animation to a model, go to the main menu Animation->Add Animation
- Animations are stored in Animation Groups, if the model has more than one already a UI will pop up asking which group the animations should be added to
- Browse to and select the animation files ( multiple files can be selected at once )
- The new animations will appear in the Outliner, under their associated group
- For attribute reference, see VMDL/Animation.
Playing and editing Animation
- To play an animation select the animation item in the Outliner
- Use the Timeline to control playback
- To edit the animation, select the Outliner item and edit it in the Property Editor
Add Material Groups
- Add a material group list with Model->Add Material Group List
- From the main menu select Tools->Edit Material Groups
- Click Add to add a new group
- Right-click on the new group and select "Rename" to rename it
- Right- click on a material and select "Browse To Material"
- Select the material to associate with this group
- Save the session ( File->Save )
- Click on the new group to switch it in the viewport

- For attribute reference, see VMDL/MaterialGroups.
Add Level Of Detail Meshes
- From the main menu bar select Model->Mesh->Add LOD groups
- From the "LOD group List" Outliner item, right click and select "Add LOD Group"
Note:Another way is to select the item, then click the "+" next to "LOD Groups" in the Property Editor
Tip:Make sure meshes have been added for the LOD groups to use.
- Select the LOD item ( found under "LOD Group List" in the Outliner )
- Edit the properties in the Property Editor
- Set a switch distance
- Add meshed to the group by hitting the "+" next to "Mesh List"
Tip:Make sure the first LOD group is set to a switch distance of 0.
- For attribute reference, see VMDL/LodGroup.
Viewing LOD Meshes
- To view LOD in the viewport
- From the main menu select LOD->Auto LOD
- Now when you zoom in and out of the viewport the LOD will switch at the proper distance
- From the main menu select LOD->LOD to show that specific LOD
Add Mesh Groups
- To add a mesh group go to Model->Mesh->Add Mesh Group
- Select the "Mesh Groups" item in the Outliner
- To add a new mesh group select the Mesh Groups "+" icon in the Property Editor.
- Select the mesh group item and edit the properties in the Property Editor
- Each Mesh group item in the Outliner has a checkbox that can be used to toggle visibility in the viewport

- For more information, see VMDL/MeshGroup.