is a point entity available in Half-Life.
Entity description
The snark can be considered an organic hand grenade. They'll chase down NPCs when thrown but will quickly turn on the player in the event that no NPCs are around.

Wait Till Seen : [1]
- Prevents this NPC from seeing (or being seen) until it enters a player's viewcone.
Gag : [2]
- Won't make IDLE sounds until it's angry.
Fall to ground (unchecked means teleport to ground) : [4]
Drop Healthkit : [8]
- Causes this NPC to drop an item_healthvial upon dying.
Efficient : [16]
- Don't acquire enemies or avoid obstacles
Wait For Script : [128]
- Forces this NPC to "wait" in an idle state until it finishes playing a scripted_sequence.
Long Visibility/Shoot : [256]
- By default, increases a NPC's sight range to
units and allows it to attack from anywhere within that distance.
Fade Corpse : [512]
Think outside PVS : [1024]
- Allows this NPC to run its regular AI outside of any player's PVS.
Template NPC : [2048]
- Marks this NPC as a template for entities like npc_template_maker. The NPC will not spawn on its own. This is not needed for point_template.

input does this.Don't drop weapons : [8192]
Ignore player push : [16384] (in all games since )
- Entity won't give way to player.
GoldSrc flags
Wait Till Seen : [1]
Gag (No IDLE sounds until angry) : [2]
MonsterClip : [4]
No wreckage : [8]
Prisoner : [16]
Start inactive : [64]
Wait for script : [128]
Pre-disaster : [256]
- Only for use with monster_scientist and monster_barney. Has no effect on aliens.
Fade corpse : [512]
Not in Deathmatch : [2048]
- !FGD for some entities.
- ActivateSpeedModifier !FGD
- DisableSpeedModifier !FGD
- Break
- Smash into pieces. If this is not possible, disappear.
- BecomeRagdoll (in all games since
- Remove itself and instantly become a ragdoll with zero force (just go limp). OnDeath, etc. outputs will NOT be fired.
- ForceInteractionWithNPC <string> <string> (in all games since
- Force the NPC to use a dynamic interaction with another NPC. Syntax is <targetname> <dynamic interaction>.
- ForgetEntity <targetname>
- Clears out the NPC's knowledge of a named entity.
- UpdateEnemyMemory (in all games since
- Update (or create) this NPC's memory of of the given entity.
- GagEnable
- GagDisable
- Gagged NPCs won't speak (or moan, caw, etc.) unless made to be a choreographed scene.
- HolsterWeapon (in all games since
- UnholsterWeapon (in all games since
- Force the NPC to holster or unholster their weapon. Ignored if the NPC is scripting or if the NPC doesn't use weapons.
- HolsterAndDestroyWeapon (in all games since
- Same as
, except the weapon is destroyed once it has been concealed.
- IgnoreDangerSounds <float>
- Ignore danger sounds for the specified number of seconds.
- InsideTransition !FGD
- OutsideTransition !FGD
- SetBodyGroup <integer>
- HACK: Sets this NPC's body group (from 0–n).
- SetEnemyFilter <string>
- SetHealth <integer>
- Set the NPC's health.
- SetMaxLookDistance <float> (only in
- Sets the maximum look distance for the NPC. Defaults are 2048 and 6000 for long range NPCs.
- SetRelationship <string|targetname or classname> <string|disposition> <int|rank>
- Changes whether this NPC likes or dislikes certain others. Used like the ai_relationship entity, with this NPC as the subject.
- Values for
: HateD_FR
: FearD_LI
: LikeD_NU
: Neutral
- SetSquad <string>
- Change the name of this NPC's squad. Leaving the parameter blank will remove the NPC from any existing squad.
- StartScripting
- StopScripting
- Enter/exit scripting state, where NPCs ignore a variety of stimulus that would make them break out of their scripts. They ignore danger sounds, ignore +Use, don't idle speak or respond to other NPCs' idle speech, and so on.
- Wake
- Wakes up the NPC if it is sleeping.
- KilledNPC !FGD
- Tells the entity it killed something. Despite the name, this can include a player. This input will be automatically sent by the victim when they die.
- physdamagescale <float>
- Scales damage energy when this character is hit by a physics object. With a value of 0 the NPC will take no damage from physics.