Resource list (GoldSrc)

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A Resource list (.res file) accompanies a map. When the map is running, it directs the server to push arbitrary files to connecting clients. This is necessary for providing custom assets other than WAD textures, such as models, skyboxes, or sounds, as only WAD textures can be packed into the BSP.

A RES file for a map called 🖿example.bsp containing a custom skybox called `mysky` would look like this:

gfx/env/myskyup.tga gfx/env/myskydn.tga gfx/env/myskylf.tga gfx/env/myskyrt.tga gfx/env/myskyft.tga gfx/env/myskybk.tga


  • Resguy Modern resfile generator; originally created for Sven Co-op Sven Co-op but should work for all GoldSrc games.
  • RESGen Legacy tool from 2005 that can be used to generate resource lists automatically, although the results should be cleaned up manually.