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(only in Source 2013 Multiplayer) (also in Garry's Mod)

PPL files are lightmaps (per-pixel lighting) generated by VRAD for prop_static models that have generatelightmaps enabled. Unlike brush lightmaps, PPL files are always uncompressed RGB888 (24-bit Wikipedia icon SDR), even when the map is compiled in HDR mode.

Cpp.pngCode Fix:Being always RGB888 is a VRAD limitation, not a format or engine one; a custom compiler could make DXT1, I8, or even RGBA16161616F lightmaps, and these would be properly loaded by the game.

To do so in the most basic manner, modify 🖿vradstaticprops.h to replace all mentions of IMAGE_FORMAT_RGB888 with the desired format. If used in conjunction with a modified VBSP, this could be replaced with if statements or switch cases that check for newly assigned static prop flags.

This is fixed in Garry's Mod Garry's Mod, which uses a separate _hdr.ppl for HDR lighting.
Icon-Important.pngImportant:To account for potential discrepancies between UV maps of LoD models, PPL files contain a lightmap for each LoD model. This can greatly increase the file size of a map if a lightmapped model has several LoD models!

A PPL file can be converted to uncompressed VTF(s) using Ficool2's proptexelvtf.exe (direct download), which can then be used for $lightmap.

File format

The format is super simple, and is as follows:

struct FileHeader_t
    int            version;
    unsigned int   checksum;
    unsigned int   imageFormat;
    int            meshCount;
    unsigned int   unused[4];

    // Immediately after, "meshCount" number of MeshHeader_t headers

struct MeshHeader_t
    unsigned int   lod;
    unsigned int   offset; // Offset from the top of the file to the raw image data in given image format (usually RGB888)
    unsigned int   length; // Length of the image data, including all mip maps
    unsigned int   width;
    unsigned int   height;
    unsigned int   unused[3];

See also

  • VHV, the equivalent for vertex-lit props