Portal 2 with Alien Swarm Authoring Tools
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Note:With the authoring Tools out of beta and the release of Hammer++, is this actually needed?
Note:The directories listed below are shortened for brevity. Each directory is assumed to be in your default Steam directory (e.g. C:\Program Files\Steam).
Note:Remember that default Swarm configuration uses vbsp to change all brushes into func_details, so tie the sealing parts to func_brush and name it structure_seal, or delete -alldetail from $bsp_exe.

Some may prefer Alien Swarm's Authoring Tools over
Portal 2's. For those who would rather use the Alien Swarm SDK work-around, the instructions are listed below.

Adding Portal 2 to SDK
- Download, install, and run Alien Swarm SDK.
- Double click Edit Game Configurations.
- Under 'Current Game Configuration, click Add.
- Under Name in the Edit Configuration window, type Portal 2
- Under Directory, type ...\steamapps\common\portal 2\portal2.
- Click OK.
Configuring Portal 2 to work with the SDK
- Open up the Portal 2 GameInfo.txt file.
- Find SearchPaths.
- Add: "game" "platform" (with the quotes).
Configuring Hammer
- Search for 4 files in ...\steamapps\common\portal 2\bin - base.fgd, halflife2.fgd, portal.fgd, portal2.fgd.
- Rename base.fgd to something like portal2base.fgd.
- Copy all files to ...\steamapps\common\alien swarm\bin.
- Open halflife2.fgd and portal2.fgd and change @include "base.fgd" to @include "portal2base.fgd".
- Go back to the originals in ..\steamapps\common\portal2\bin and rename portal2base.fgd back to base.fgd.
- Run Hammer.
- Click on Tools and Options.
- Remove swarm.fgd and add portal2.fgd.
- Change Game Executable Directory to $SteamUserDir\portal 2.
- Go to Build Programs tab and change Game Executable to $SteamUserDir\portal 2\portal2.exe.