Strata Source
Strata Source (Bardziej znany jako Strata, i kiedyś znany jako Chaos Engine) jest stworzony przez stronę trzecią
Source engine branch wykorzystującą licencjonowany kod. Jest to zmodyfikowana wersja
CS:GO engine branch która łączy funkcje z CS:GO i z
Portal 2 engine branch, też przy wielu wzmocnieniach które przynoszą source do dzisiejszych standardów. Ta wersja został po raz pierwszy udostępniony publicznie z wydaniem
Portal: Revolution, i nadal jest w fazie aktywnego rozwoju.

Lista funkcji z Strata Source Wiki
Nowość od CS:GO engine branch:
- Native DirectX 11 renderer
- Support for DX11 by default
- DXVK support on Linux for DirectX 11
- 64-bit executable
- Game runs on 64-bit on all platforms; 32-bit and Mac OS support has been dropped
- PBR shaders
Introduces a new
shader that attempts to create realistic reactions to light
- Ported
Portal 2 engine branch features
- Including but not limited to World Portals and Portal gun
- Backwards compatibility with BSP v19-21, as well as BSP v25 support
- Backwards compatibility with
Source 2013 (and older) branch models
- The model format found in games such as
is now supported.
- WEBM video support, replacing older Bink videos
- Increased framerate, lower file sizes, and easier to author
- New v7.6 VTF version
- Adds support for the higher-quality ATI1N, ATI2N, BC6H, and BC7 texture compression formats, as well as lossless
deflate compression on top of existing image format, for reduced size. Better support for 4K textures[Template:Dictionary/How/pl?].
- Many improvements to Linux support
- Fully cross-platform engine tools and utils
- Steam Audio
- Many improvements to the
Hammer level editor, named
Strata Hammer
- Many code quality improvements (Refactors, cleanup, and C++20)
- Sentry crash report integration
Następujące tytuły działają na wersji Strata Source:
Portal 2: Community Edition
Momentum Mod
Portal: Revolution (Uses older version of P2:CE as a base)
The source code for this branch is not available, however, authoring tools exist for each game, located in /bin/win64/
See also
- Strata Source's Wiki
Mapbase, a mod for Source 2013 Singleplayer with similar goals
Alien Swarm Deferred
Strata Hammer