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ParallaxTest is an unfinished shader since Alien Swarm (although not available in SDK 2013) which draws parallax mapping on an albedo. Alternative to the disabled $parallaxmap shader parameter. Accepts only a $basetexture, of which the alpha channel is used as the heightmap.

Successful implementation, by placing a surface using Modulate shader, to fake lightmaps ontop of the otherwise fullbright parallax mapped texture (Click image if thumbnail is not animated).
Icon-Bug.pngBug:The material will always be drawn unlit.  [todo tested in?]
Note.pngNote:There's a workaround for this bug, as lightmaps can be faked with Modulate shader

Todo: Document/test more of this shader!

The texture scale in hammer seems to correspond to the depth of the parallax effect. Higher scale -> deeper parallax. Models with this material will rendered invisible.

Defines an albedo texture.
Specifies a texture that will provide three-dimensional lighting information for a material. Since he dont have lighting, he just exist.