Modified Fizzler Fields
Modified fizzler fields are a custom element that is not shipped with Portal 2. It's basically a modified Emancipation Grid that behaves differently depending on the color of the field.

, r
and center
fizzler textures as explained here. For fields taller than 128 units, you will need to split it into multiple 128-unit high brushes.Creation
This assumes you have a level to put the fields in. If not, this page will show you the basics. You will also need to have downloaded the Field texture pack that contains the custom fizzler textures (Look at the vmf of this file to see exactly how it works).

Surface Division Field (Green field)
Essentially a world portal that portals cannot be fired through. It does not fizzle cubes or clear portals. Because this field is a portal, you will need to make a second field which it is linked to. This testing element was initially made for the map FourthReaper's Penrose.
1. Create a 128*128*1 trigger_portal_cleanser textured with the tools/nodraw texture. Set the field to be visible and uncheck the Clients
2. Texture the face you will see with fr_surface_division_field
3. Create a linked_portal_door and apply the following settings:
Property Name Value Name green_field_1 Linked Partner green_field_2 Width Half of the field's width Height Half of the field's height Start active Yes
For the second field, the Name and Linked Partner should be swapped.

. This can minimize the likelihood of odd visual behavior when you pass things like lasers or funnels through field. If you have lasers or funnels, it is also helpful to put a func_brush
behind the field. This will help to prevent odd visual behavior.
facing in the opposite directon.This will create a linked_portal_door
which covers the entire trigger_portal_cleanser
Force Deflection Field (Orange field)
This field prevents everything from passing it, except portal shots. It is essentially a reskin of grating. This field is created in a similar way as the green field. It does, however, have few differences as well.
1. Create a func_brush and texture it like you did the surface division field, except use fr_force_deflection_field.
2. Set it as follows:
Property Name Value Solidity Never Solid
3. Create a second func brush and texture it with tools/invisible.

Matter Inquisition Field (Yellow field)
This field will fizzle things and block portals but will not reset portals.
1. Create a field as you did with the green field, steps 1 and 2
2. Texture the face of the field with fr_matter_inquisition_field.
3. Uncheck the Clients flag and check the Physics Objects flag under flags.
Compressed Smoke Field (Purple field)
This field will block the player and prevent portals from being fired through it, but allow physic objects to pass.
1. Create a field as you did with the green field, steps 1 and 2
2. Texture the field with fr_compressed_smoke_field.
3. Create a func brush and texture it with tools/playerclip.

Liquid Coloring Excision Field (Pink field)
It is esentially a fizzler for paint. It block portals, but does not fizzle portals or cubes. Only paint will be destroyed when the field is active.
1. Create a field as you did with the green field, steps 1 and 2
2. Uncheck the "Clients" flag. This will prevent the field from fizzling portals.
3. Texture the faces that you'll see with fr_liquid_coloring_excision_field.
5. Create a trigger_paint_cleanser that is the same size. Texture this in tools/trigger. No properties need to be changed.

Death Fizzler (Red field)
This field prevents everything from passing it, except lasers (as a non solid glass). This field was featured in Portal Stories: Mel.
1. Create a field as you did with the green field, steps 1 and 2
2. Check the "Physics Objects" flag
3. Texture with fr_death_field_fizzler
4. Create a trigger_hurt (same size that the previous field), and texture it with tools/trigger
5. Set it as follows:
Property Name Value Damage 1000

Physics Repulsion Field (Dark green field)
This fizzler only blocks physic objects (as cubes); you can shoot through it, and this doesn't fizzle portals
1. Create a field as you did with the orange field, steps 1 and 2, except use fr_forcefield
2. Create a func_clip_vphysics (same size that the previous field), and texture it with tools/trigger. No properties need to be changed.

Controlling the Fields
You can of course control these fields just like any other object. If you choose to make the fields controllable, you will need to give the fields names. I find it easiest to name the field for its color; such as green_field_1, purple_field_east, etc. That way I can remember where the devil the silly thing is in the room. The, you just have to use enable/disable output, except for the green fizzler field where the output is Open/Close (If you haven't followed my advice to give the same name of the two part of the field, you have to enable/disable both)