List of predefined response concepts

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The following is a list of response concepts as defined in the SDK source.

Tip.pngTip:Custom response concepts can be added to NPC code or passed through each actor's speakresponseconcept input.

Concepts are defined in 🖿ai_playerally.h (the TLK_ macros)

List of predefined response concepts

Concept string Applies to Description
TLK_USE player allies, npc_vortigaunt The player has done +USE on the NPC.
TLK_STARTFOLLOW npc_citizen and simpletalkers The NPC has begun following the player.
TLK_STOPFOLLOW npc_citizen and simpletalkers The NPC has begun following the player.
TLK_JOINPLAYER npc_citizen
TLK_STOP simpletalkers
TLK_NOSHOOT simpletalkers The NPC has been damaged by the player, has a friend nearby, and is not dead yet.
TLK_PLHURT1 If player's health is <= 50%
TLK_PLHURT2 If player's health is <= 25%
TLK_PLHURT3 If player's health is <= 12.5%
TLK_PLPUSH If the player has pushed the NPC out of the way Ex: "Let me get out of your way"
TLK_PLRELOAD If the player needs to reload
TLK_SMELL simpletalkers, the player (only in Entropy : Zero 2)
TLK_SHOT player allies, the player (only in Entropy : Zero 2) The NPC has been shot. (Identifies location of damage.)
TLK_WOUND player allies, npc_monk The NPC has light wounds (health is <= 75% max).
TLK_MORTAL player allies The NPC has mortal wounds (health is <= 50% max).
TLK_DANGER player companions, npc_monk The NPC senses something nearby that's dangerous (e.g. a grenade)
TLK_PLYR_PHYSATK The NPC has been hit by an object thrown by the player
TLK_SEE_COMBINE The NPC has seen a Combine NPC
TLK_ENEMY_DEAD npc_monk The NPC has killed a enemy
TLK_ALYX_ENEMY_DEAD npc_alyx Half-Life 2: Episode One Custom TLK_ENEMY_DEAD for Alyx post Half-Life 2: Episode One
TLK_SELECTED The NPC is selected by player in command mode.
TLK_COMMANDED The NPC has received orders from player in command mode.
TLK_BETRAYED The player killed an ally of the NPC in front of the NPC.
TLK_ALLY_KILLED The NPC witnessed an ally die some other way.
TLK_ATTACKING The NPC is about to fire my weapon at a target.
TLK_HEAL The NPC is healing someone Ex: "Take this medkit"
TLK_GIVEAMMO The NPC is giving ammo to someone
TLK_DEATH npc_citizen, npc_monk, npc_alyx Death rattle; NPC has died.
TLK_HELP_ME Call out to the player for help.
TLK_PLYR_PHYSATK Player has attacked the NPC with a thrown physics object.
TLK_NEWWEAPON player companions The NPC is picking up a new weapon.
TLK_PLDEAD Player has died. Ex: "Dips on the suit?"
TLK_STARTCOMBAT player companions, citizens, npc_alyx
TLK_WATCHOUT player companions, npc_alyx Half-Life 2: Episode One
TLK_MOBBED player companions, npc_alyx Half-Life 2: Episode One
TLK_MANY_ENEMIES player companions, npc_alyx Half-Life 2: Episode One Alyx sees more than four enemies
TLK_FLASHLIGHT_ILLUM npc_alyx Half-Life 2: Episode One
TLK_FLASHLIGHT_ON npc_alyx Half-Life 2: Episode One Player turned on flashlight
TLK_FLASHLIGHT_OFF npc_alyx Half-Life 2: Episode One Player turned off flashlight
TLK_DARKNESS_LOSTPLAYER npc_alyx Half-Life 2: Episode One
TLK_DARKNESS_FOUNDPLAYER npc_alyx Half-Life 2: Episode One
TLK_DARKNESS_UNKOWN_WOUND npc_alyx Half-Life 2: Episode One
TLK_DARKNESS_HEARDSOUND npc_alyx Half-Life 2: Episode One The NPC has heard an enemy in the darkness. Alyx waits
TLK_DARKNESS_LOSTENEMY_BY_FLASHLIGHT npc_alyx Half-Life 2: Episode One The NPC has lost a enemy in the darkness because of the flashlight
TLK_DARKNESS_LOSTENEMY_BY_FLASHLIGHT_EXPIRED npc_alyx Half-Life 2: Episode One The NPC has lost a enemy in the darkness because the flashlight went out
TLK_DARKNESS_FOUNDENEMY_BY_FLASHLIGHT npc_alyx Half-Life 2: Episode One The NPC has found a enemy in the darkness because of the flashlight
TLK_DARKNESS_FLASHLIGHT_EXPIRED npc_alyx Half-Life 2: Episode One The players flashlight has expired while not in combat [Clarify]
TLK_DARKNESS_ENEMY_IN_DARKNESS npc_alyx Half-Life 2: Episode One The NPC has an enemy, but it's in the darkness
TLK_SPOTTED_INCOMING_HEADCRAB npc_alyx Half-Life 2: Episode One The NPC has seen a headcrab jumping at it for the first time
TLK_CANT_INTERACT_NOW npc_alyx Half-Life 2: Episode One The NPC is too busy to interact with an object the player is holding up to it [Clarify]
TLK_ALLY_IN_BARNACLE npc_alyx Half-Life 2: Episode One, npc_wilson(only in Entropy : Zero 2) The NPC is seeing an ally being grabbed by a barnacle
TLK_SELF_IN_BARNACLE npc_alyx Half-Life 2: Episode One, the player (only in Entropy : Zero 2) The NPC has been grabbed by a barnacle
TLK_FOUNDPLAYER npc_alyx Half-Life 2: Episode One
TLK_PLAYER_KILLED_NPC player companions
TLK_ENEMY_BURNING npc_alyx Half-Life 2: Episode One
TLK_SPOTTED_ZOMBIE_WAKEUP npc_alyx Half-Life 2: Episode One The NPC has seen a zombie getting up
TLK_SPOTTED_HEADCRAB_LEAVING_ZOMBIE npc_alyx Half-Life 2: Episode One The NPC has seen a headcrab leaving a zombie that just died
TLK_DANGER_ZOMBINE_GRENADE npc_alyx Half-Life 2: Episode One Alyx has seen a npc_zombine pulling out a grenade
TLK_BALLSOCKETED npc_alyx Half-Life 2: Episode One
TLK_PASSENGER_WARN_COLLISION About to collide with something, Presumed to be used by Alyx in Half-Life 2: Episode Two
TLK_PASSENGER_IMPACT Just hit something
TLK_PASSENGER_OVERRTURNED Vehicle was just overturned
TLK_PASSENGER_REQUEST_UPRIGHT Vehicle needs to be put upright
TLK_PASSENGER_ERRATIC_DRIVING Vehicle is moving erratically
TLK_PASSENGER_VEHICLE_STARTED Vehicle has started moving
TLK_PASSENGER_VEHICLE_STOPPED Vehicle has stopped moving
TLK_PASSENGER_BEGIN_ENTRANCE Passenger started entering seat
TLK_PASSENGER_FINISH_ENTRANCE Passenger finished entering seat (is in seat)
TLK_PASSENGER_BEGIN_EXIT Passenger started exiting seat
TLK_PASSENGER_FINISH_EXIT Passenger finished exiting seat (seat is vacated)
TLK_PASSENGER_NEW_RADAR_CONTACT Passenger notices a new contact on the radar
TLK_PASSENGER_PUNTED The Player has punted us while we're sitting in the vehicle
TLK_VORTIGAUNT npc_vortigaunt Half-Life 2: Episode One Dispel attack starting
TLK_RESUME "as I was saying..." or "anyhow..."
TLK_TGSTAYPUT not used in code, part of a "Tour Guide" NPC
TLK_TGFIND not used in code, part of a "Tour Guide" NPC
TLK_TGSEEK not used in code, part of a "Tour Guide" NPC
TLK_TGLOSTYOU not used in code, part of a "Tour Guide" NPC
TLK_TGCATCHUP not used in code, part of a "Tour Guide" NPC
TLK_TGENDTOUR not used in code, part of a "Tour Guide" NPC
TLK_TAKING_FIRE (only in MapbaseEntropy : Zero 2) player allies Someone fired at me (regardless of whether I was hit)
TLK_NEW_ENEMY (only in MapbaseEntropy : Zero 2) player allies A new enemy appeared while combat was already in progress
TLK_COMBAT_IDLE (only in MapbaseEntropy : Zero 2) player allies Similar to TLK_ATTACKING, but specifically for when *not* currently attacking (when in cover or reloading)
TLK_SURRENDER (only in Entropy : Zero) npc_citizen Citizen just dropped their weapon in fear
Note.pngNote:These Entropy : Zero responses are only in the Entropy : Zero 2 codebase, but a indef'd for Entropy : Zero
TLK_BEG (only in Entropy : Zero) npc_citizen Citizen is unarmed and threatened
TLK_FEAR (only in Entropy : Zero) npc_citizen
TLK_MELEE (only in Entropy : Zero) npc_citizen, npc_zombie
TLK_THROWGRENADE (only in Entropy : Zero) player companions, the player, npc_citizen, npc_combine_s
TLK_USE_SCARE (only in Entropy : Zero) the player
TLK_TIPPED (only in Entropy : Zero 2) npc_wilson, npc_turret_floor The NPC has been tipped over
TLK_FIDGET (only in Entropy : Zero 2) npc_wilson
TLK_XEN_GRENADE_RELEASE (only in Entropy : Zero 2) npc_wilson
TLK_REMIND_PLAYER (only in Entropy : Zero 2) npc_wilson
TLK_APC_LOW_CLEARANCE (only in Entropy : Zero 2) npc_wilson
TLK_APC_EJECTED (only in Entropy : Zero 2) npc_wilson
TLK_WITNESS_EAT (only in Entropy : Zero 2) npc_wilson
TLK_GOODBYE (only in Entropy : Zero 2) npc_wilson
TLK_SCAN_START (only in Entropy : Zero 2) npc_wilson
TLK_SCAN_END (only in Entropy : Zero 2) npc_wilson
TLK_REMARK (in all games since Left 4 Dead series)(also in Entropy : Zero 2) the player, npc_wilson The NPC will comment of a info_remarkable

See also