List of Sven Co-op console commands and variables

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The following is a list of Sven Co-op Sven Co-op console commands and variables listed in alphabetical order.

Contents: + - _ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z



Name Default Flags Source Category Description
_snd_mixahead 0.100 a
adminsfile 0 sv, ext, nolog
allow_spectators 1 sv, ext Allow players to spectate the game. Currently obsolete in Sven Co-op.
as_file_size_quota 32 ext, prot
as_log_level 0 ext, prot
as_script_log_max 8 ext, prot
bannedcfgfile 0
bgmvolume 1 a
bitmapfonts 1 cl
bottomcolor 0 a, user
brightness 1 a
c_maxdistance 200 cl
c_maxpitch 90 cl
c_maxyaw 135 cl
c_mindistance 30 cl
c_minpitch 0 cl
c_minyaw -135 cl
cam_command 0 cl
cam_contain 0 cl
cam_followaim 0 cl
cam_idealdist 64 cl
cam_idealpitch 0 cl
cam_idealyaw 0 cl
cam_snapto 0 cl
chase_active 0 sp, cheat
chase_back 100 sp, cheat
chase_right 0 sp, cheat
chase_up 16 sp, cheat
cl_allowdownload 1 a
cl_allowupload 1 a
cl_anglespeedkey 0.670 cl
cl_backspeed 400 a, cl
cl_bob 0.010 cl
cl_bobcycle 0.800 cl
cl_bobup 0.500 cl
cl_clockreset 0.100
cl_cmdbackup 2 a
cl_cmdrate 200 a
cl_crosshair_color 0 a
cl_crosshair_translucent 0 a
cl_dlmax 512 a, user
cl_download_ingame 1 a
cl_filterstuffcmd 1
cl_fixtimerate 7.500
cl_forwardspeed 400 a, cl
cl_fpscolor 0 a
cl_fpspos 2 a
cl_gaitestimation 1
cl_gg 0
cl_gibcount 10 cl
cl_hideadmin 0 a, user, cl
cl_hidextra 0 a, user, cl
cl_himodels 1 a
cl_idealpitchscale 0.800 a
cl_lc 1 a, user
cl_logocolor 0 a
cl_logofile 0 a
cl_lw 1 a, user
cl_mirror_disabled 0 a, cl
cl_mirror_fps 0 a, cl
cl_mirror_halfframes 0 a, cl
cl_mirror_quality 100 a, cl
cl_monitor_disabled 0 a, cl
cl_monitor_fps 0 a, cl
cl_monitor_halfframes 0 a, cl
cl_monitor_quality 100 a, cl
cl_mousegrab 1 a
cl_movespeedkey 0.300 cl
cl_needinstanced 0
cl_nosmooth 0
cl_outline_sounds 0 a, cl
cl_particles_max 800 a, cl
cl_pitchdown 89 cl
cl_pitchspeed 225 cl
cl_pitchup 89 cl
cl_portal_disable_shaders 0 a, cl
cl_portal_disabled 0 a, cl
cl_portal_fps 0 a, cl
cl_portal_halfframes 0 a, cl
cl_portal_quality 100 a, cl
cl_resend 6
cl_rollangle 2 a, cl
cl_rollspeed 200 a, cl
cl_scaleenginefont 1 a
cl_showerror 0
cl_showevents 0
cl_showfps 0 a
cl_showmessages 0
cl_shownet 0
cl_showstats 0 a, cl
cl_sidespeed 400 cl
cl_slist 10
cl_smoothtime 0.100
cl_solid_players 1
cl_spectrum_debug 0 a, cl
cl_texture_lod -0.600 a, cl
cl_timeout 60 a
cl_updaterate 60 a, user
cl_upspeed 320 cl
cl_vr 0 a, cl
cl_vr_inverted 0 a, cl
cl_vsmoothing 0.050 a, cl
cl_waterdist 4 cl
cl_weaponlistfix 0
cl_yawspeed 210 cl
clientport 27005
clockwindow 0.500
con_color 180 a
con_fastmode 1
con_mono 1 a
con_notifytime 4
con_shifttoggleconsole 0
console 1 a
coop 0 sv
crosshair 1 a
deathmatch 1 sv This is essential for the intended game play of Sven Co-op. Do not change this, and do not use the coop setting.
decalfrequency 30 ext, prot The time (seconds) a player must wait before making their spray again. 0 will remove this delay, but is not recommended.
default_fov 70 a, cl
dev_overview 0
developer 1
direct 0.900
displaysoundlist 0 ext
edgefriction 2 sv
ex_interp 0.100
fakelag 0
fakeloss 0
fps_max 100 a
fps_override 0
fs_lazy_precache 0
fs_perf_warnings 0
fs_precache_timings 0
fs_startup_timings 0
g_ai_drawpath 0 ext, prot, nolog
g_pathfinding 1 ext, prot, nolog
g_runai 1 ext, prot, nolog
gamebuild 6142 sv, ext, nolog
gamename 0 sv, ext, nolog
gameversion 5.170 sv, ext, nolog
gameversionnum 5.170 sv, ext, nolog
gamma 2.500 a
gl_alphamin 0.250
gl_ansio 16
gl_clear 1
gl_clearcolor 0
gl_cull 1
gl_envmapsize 256
gl_fog 1 a
gl_keeptjunctions 1
gl_lightholes 1
gl_max_size 1024
gl_npot 1 a
gl_overbright 0 a
gl_picmip 0
gl_polyoffset 4 a
gl_round_down 0
gl_spriteblend 1
gl_vsync 1 a
gl_wateramp 0
gl_wireframe 0 sp, cheat
gl_wireframecolor 255 a
gl_zmax 4096
hisound 1 a
host_framerate 0
host_killtime 0
host_limitlocal 0
host_profile 0
host_speeds 0
HostMap 0
hostname 0 The name of your server as players see it. This line comes first to minimize the chance of your server appearing as the default name Sven Co-op. Try to limit yourself to 40 characters on this.
hostport 27015
hpk_maxsize 4 a The size limit (megabytes) of the file that stores uploaded sprays. The oldest sprays are removed to make way for new sprays.
hud_alpha_default 160 a, cl
hud_alpha_max 255 a, cl
hud_bordersize 16 a, cl
hud_capturemouse 1 a, cl
hud_debug 0 cl
hud_draw 1 cl
hud_drawhistory_time 5 a, cl
hud_fastswitch 0 a, cl
hud_hidecustom 0 cl
hud_saytext 1 cl
hud_saytext_lines 6 a, cl
hud_saytext_time 5 a, cl
hud_selection_fadeout 0.500 a, cl
hud_selection_timeout 1.500 a, cl
hud_takesshots 0 a, cl
hud_weaponautoswitch 1 a, user, cl
index_1 1 cl
index_2 1 cl
index_3 1 cl
index_4 1 cl
ip 0
ip_clientport 0
ip_hostport 0
joyadvanced 0 cl
joyadvaxisr 0 cl
joyadvaxisu 0 cl
joyadvaxisv 0 cl
joyadvaxisx 0 cl
joyadvaxisy 0 cl
joyadvaxisz 0 cl
joyaxisoffset 0 cl
joybindthreshold 0.150 cl
joyforwardsensitivity -1 cl
joyforwardthreshold 0.150 cl
joyname 0 cl
joypitchsensitivity 1 cl
joypitchthreshold 0.150 cl
joysidesensitivity -1 cl
joysidethreshold 0.150 cl
joystick 0 a, cl
joywwhack1 0 cl
joywwhack2 0 cl
joyyawsensitivity -1 cl
joyyawthreshold 0.150 cl
lambert 1.500
lightgamma 2.500
listipcfgfile 0
loadas8bit 0
logsdir 0
lookspring 0 a, cl
lookstrafe 0 a, cl
lservercfgfile 0
m_customaccel 0 a, cl
m_customaccel_exponent 1 a, cl
m_customaccel_max 0 a, cl
m_customaccel_scale 0.040 a, cl
m_filter 0 a, cl
m_forward 1 a, cl
m_mousethread_sleep 10 a, cl
m_pitch 0.022 a, cl
m_rawinput 0 a
m_side 0.800 a, cl
m_yaw 0.022 a, cl
mapchangecfgfile 0
mapcyclefile 0
mapvotecfgfile 0 sv, ext, nolog
max_queries_sec 3 sv, prot
max_queries_sec_global 30 sv, prot
max_queries_window 60 sv, prot
model 0 a, user
motdfile 0
MP3FadeTime 2 a
MP3Volume 0.800 a
mp_allowmonsterinfo 1 ext, prot, nolog Allow players to see information about monsters they see. Disabling this will cause confusion over who is allied and who are enemies.
mp_allowmonsters 1 ext, prot
mp_ammo_droprules 1 ext, prot
mp_ammo_respawndelay -2 ext, prot
mp_autocrosshair 0 ext, prot
mp_banana 1 sv, ext Allow players to throw banana bombs.
mp_bantime 1440 ext, prot
mp_barnacle_paralyze 1 ext, prot
mp_chattime 6 ext, prot
mp_classic_mode -1 ext, prot Allow/Deny Classic Mode, on maps that support it.
  • -1: Players can vote to enable/disable Classic Mode through the command menu.
  • 0: Classic Mode is disabled.
  • 1: Classis Mode is enabled.
mp_consistency 0 sv
mp_decals 300 a The maximum number of decals the server will render. This should never be higher than the value used for num_edicts, which is typically 4096.
mp_defaultteam 0 ext
mp_disable_autoclimb 0 ext, prot, nolog Deny players to use the auto-climb feature.
mp_disable_medkit_points 0 ext, prot, nolog
mp_disable_pcbalancing 0 ext, prot, nolog Disable skill auto-balancing.
mp_disable_player_rappel 0 ext, prot, nolog Deny players to use the Barnacle grapple on each other.
mp_disablegaussjump 0 ext, prot, nolog Disable vertical knock back caused by the gauss cannon's charge up shot. This can sometimes be used to exploit maps or get places players aren't meant to go. This is a direct copy of mp_allowgaussjump, which for some reason was inverted in Sven Co-op 3.0 and previous versions.
mp_dropweapons 1 ext, prot, nolog Allow players to drop weapons and ammo. Miniguns and shock rifles can always be dropped.
mp_falldamage 1 ext, prot Use realistic fall damage. If disabled, when players get hurt from falling they will always lose 10 health points. -1 prevents players taking falldamage
mp_flashlight 1 ext, prot Allow players to use their flashlight.
mp_footsteps 1 sv Players generate footstep sounds while running fast enough.
mp_forcerespawn 0 ext, prot Force players to respawn after they die. Disabling this allows players to respawn when they are ready to (recommended).
mp_fraglimit 0 ext, prot Map changes after someone obtains this many frags. Currently obsolete in Sven Co-op.
mp_fragsleft 0 ext, prot, nolog
mp_friendlyfire 0 ext, prot
mp_grapple_mode 0 ext, prot, nolog Players are pulled to monsters bigger than headcrabs when grappled rather than the monster being pulled to a player.
mp_hevsuit_voice 0 ext, prot, nolog
mp_item_respawndelay -2 ext, prot
mp_kickbantime 25 ext, prot
mp_logecho 1
mp_logfile 1 sv
mp_modelselection 1 ext, prot Players are able to change their model. Set to 0 to disallow players to change their model.
mp_monsterpoints 1 ext, prot, nolog
mp_multiplespawn 1 ext, prot, nolog Allow players to use more than 1 spawn point. Disabling this would be epic fail on your behalf.
mp_nextmap 0 ext, prot, nolog
mp_nextmap_cycle 0 sv, ext, nolog
mp_nextmap_cycle_cmds 0 ext, prot, nolog
mp_nextmap_cycle_maxp 0 ext, prot, nolog
mp_nextmap_cycle_minp 0 ext, prot, nolog
mp_nextmap_cycle_rules 0 ext, prot, nolog
mp_no_akimbo_uzis 0 ext, prot, nolog Deny players to have akimbo uzis. This may help balance power on some maps or large player capacities.
mp_noblastgibs 0 ext, prot, nolog Deny monsters to be gibed (ripped apart) when killed with explosives.
mp_nomedkit 0 ext, prot
mp_notimelimit 0 sv, ext Disable a map's time limit (mp_timelimit).
mp_npckill 1 ext, prot, nolog Set the behaviour of killing allied NPCs. This replaces the old killnpc setting.
  • 0: Disallows allied NPCs to be killed.
  • 1: Allows allied NPCs to be killed.
  • 2: Allows allied NPCs to be killed by anything other than players, allied NPCs, and human passive class.
mp_observer_cyclic 0 ext, prot
mp_observer_mode 0 ext, prot Enables or disables observer mode on death.
mp_pcbalancing_factorlist 0 ext, prot, nolog
mp_playerinactive 30 ext, prot
mp_playervotedelay 120 ext, prot The time (seconds) a player must wait before starting another poll.
mp_respawndelay 5 ext, prot, nolog The time (seconds) a player must wait before respawning. This is 6 seconds by default to help encourage use of the new reviving feature.
mp_startoffset 0 ext, prot
mp_suitpower 1 ext, prot
mp_survival_minplayers 1 ext, prot
mp_survival_mode 1 ext, prot
mp_survival_nextmap 0 ext, prot
mp_survival_retries 3 ext, prot
mp_survival_startdelay 30 ext, prot
mp_survival_starton 1 ext, prot
mp_survival_supported 0 ext, prot
mp_survival_voteallow 1 ext, prot
mp_teamlist 0 ext, prot
mp_teamoverride 1 ext
mp_teamplay 0 ext, prot
mp_telefrag 1 ext, prot Players will kill someone if they are teleported inside them. Disabling this will result in players piling up inside each other unable to move.
mp_timeleft 5386 ext, prot, nolog
mp_timeleft_empty 600 ext, prot, nolog
mp_timelimit 90 ext, prot Map changes after this amount of time (minutes) if the map hasn't been completed already. Time limit is infinite if set to 0, but mp_timelimit_empty can prevent a map keeping your server empty forever..
mp_timelimit_empty 10 ext, prot Map changes after this amount of time (minutes) when the server is empty, regardless if the map's own time limit has been reached. Set to 0 to disable this feature.
mp_voteallow 1 ext, prot Allow players to use the built in voting system. Consider disabling this if you run plug-in packs such as AdminMod or AMX mod X.
mp_votebanrequired 76 ext, prot Percentage of players that must say yes for a ban vote to succeed. Set to -1 to disable this type of vote. (We recommend leaving this off so bans are left up to the server administrators.)
mp_voteclassicmoderequired 51 ext, prot Percentage of players that must say yes for a Classic Mode vote to succeed. Set to -1 to disable this type of vote.
mp_votekickrequired 67 ext, prot Percentage of players that must say yes for a kick vote to succeed. Set to -1 to disable this type of vote.
mp_votekill_respawndelay 30 ext, prot The time (seconds) a player must wait before respawning after being successfully killed by a vote.
mp_votekillrequired 51 ext, prot Percentage of players that must say yes for a kill (aka slay) vote to succeed. Set to -1 to disable this type of vote.
mp_votemaprequired 66 ext, prot Percentage of players that must say yes for a map vote to succeed. Set to -1 to disable this type of vote.
mp_votesurvivalmoderequired 51 ext, prot
mp_votetimebetween 20 ext, prot The time (seconds) a player other than the previous poll starter can start a new poll.
mp_votetimecheck 10 ext, prot The time (seconds) players have to cast their vote. Players who don't answer in time will be assumed as inactive and not included in the result.
mp_weapon_droprules 1 ext, prot
mp_weapon_respawndelay -2 ext, prot
mp_weaponfadedelay 60 ext, prot
mp_weaponstay 1 ext, prot Weapons can be picked up multiple times, with the exception of miniguns. Disabling this will result in a couple of players taking all the weapons leaving others with nothing.
name 0 a, user, print, strip
net_address 192168208 Engine Networking
net_chokeloop 0 Engine Networking
net_drawslider 0 Engine Networking
net_graph 0 a Engine Netgraph Shows network graph (various network-related statistics). Usage: net_graph <value> where <value> is:

0 - hide network graph
1 - shows fps, ping, latency, in/out statistics, in/out rates (text) + latency and interpolation graphs
2 - same as 1 + payload graph
3 - shows fps, ping, latency, in/out statistics, loss and choke (compact mode, text only)
4 - same as 2 + loss and choke

net_graphheight 64 a Engine Netgraph Set height of the area under the textual portion of the net_graph.
net_graphpos 1 a Engine Netgraph Set horizontal position of the net_graph. Usage: net_graphpos <value> where <value> is:

0 - bottom left corner
1 - bottom right corner
2 - bottom center
n > 2 - n-pixels from the bottom left corner
n < 0 - n-pixels from the bottom right corner

net_graphwidth 200 a Engine Netgraph Set width of the net_graph.
net_log 0 Engine Networking
net_scale 5 a Engine Netgraph Set scale of the payload part of the net_graph (modes 2 and 4 only).
net_showdrop 0 Engine Networking
net_showpackets 0 Engine Networking
nosound 0
npc_dropweapons 0 ext, prot, nolog
password 0 user
pausable 0 sv Determines whether the game on your server can be paused by anyone. This is never recommended on public servers.
plugin_list_file 0 ext, prot
port 27015
psys_rendermode 0 cl
psys_spritename 0 cl
r_bmodelinterp 1
r_cachestudio 1
r_cullsequencebox 1
r_decals 300
r_detailtextures 1 a
r_detailtexturessupported 1 sp
r_drawentities 1
r_drawviewmodel 1
r_dynamic 1
r_fullbright 0
r_glowshellfreq 2.200
r_lightmap 0
r_norefresh 0
r_novis 0
r_shadows 0
r_speeds 0
r_traceglow 0
r_wadtextures 0
r_wateralpha 1
rate 50000 user
rcon_address 0
rcon_password 0 Password used for accessing the server console remotely. Use a password strength meter to help you build a good password. Only your trusted server administrators should know this as it allows unlimited access to your game server. If you leave this blank, remote console access will not be available (don't worry -- it won't allow everyone to use RCON without a password).
rcon_port 0
room_delay 0
room_dlylp 2
room_feedback 0
room_left 0
room_lp 0
room_mod 0
room_off 0
room_refl 0
room_rvblp 1
room_size 0
room_type 0
s_force_dsound 1 a, cl
s_mute_unfocused 1 a, cl
s_show 0
scr_centertime 2
scr_connectmsg 0
scr_connectmsg1 0
scr_connectmsg2 0
scr_ofsx 0 cl
scr_ofsy 0 cl
scr_ofsz 0 cl
scr_printspeed 8
sdl_double_click_size 2
sdl_double_click_time 400
sensitivity 3 a, cl
servercfgfile 0
showpause 1
showtriggers 0 ext, prot, nolog
sk_12mm_bullet 12 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_556_bullet 15 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_9mm_bullet 9 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_9mmAR_bullet 6 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_agrunt_berserker_dmg_punch 30 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_agrunt_dmg_punch 20 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_agrunt_health 150 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_agrunt_melee_engage_distance 256 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_apache_health 500 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_babygargantua_dmg_fire 2 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_babygargantua_dmg_slash 25 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_babygargantua_dmg_stomp 50 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_babygargantua_health 600 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_barnacle_bite 8 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_barnacle_health 50 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_barney_health 65 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_battery 25 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_bigmomma_dmg_blast 140 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_bigmomma_dmg_slash 60 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_bigmomma_health_factor 1 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_bigmomma_radius_blast 260 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_blkopsosprey 600 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_bullsquid_dmg_bite 25 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_bullsquid_dmg_spit 15 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_bullsquid_dmg_whip 45 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_bullsquid_health 110 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_controller_dmgball 4 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_controller_dmgzap 20 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_controller_health 90 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_controller_speedball 900 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_gargantua_dmg_fire 4 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_gargantua_dmg_slash 50 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_gargantua_dmg_stomp 100 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_gargantua_health 1000 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_gonome_dmg_guts 15 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_gonome_dmg_one_bite 15 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_gonome_dmg_one_slash 30 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_gonome_health 200 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_grunt_buckshot 6 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_hassassin_health 50 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_headcrab_dmg_bite 10 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_headcrab_health 20 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_healthcharger 80 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_healthkit 25 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_hgrunt_gspeed 500 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_hgrunt_health 100 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_hgrunt_kick 12 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_hgrunt_pellets 7 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_hornet_dmg 10 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_hornet_pdmg 12 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_houndeye_dmg_blast 15 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_houndeye_health 60 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_hwgrunt_health 200 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_hwgrunt_minipellets 1 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_ichthyosaur_health 350 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_ichthyosaur_shake 30 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_islave_dmg_claw 8 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_islave_dmg_clawrake 24 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_islave_dmg_zap 11 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_islave_health 80 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_kingpin_health 450 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_kingpin_lightning 25 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_kingpin_melee 40 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_kingpin_plasma_blast 80 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_kingpin_tele_blast 15 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_kingpin_telefrag 500 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_leech_dmg_bite 5 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_leech_health 3 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_massassin_sniper 40 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_miniturret_health 80 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_monster_arm 1 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_monster_chest 1 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_monster_head 3 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_monster_leg 1 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_monster_stomach 1 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_nihilanth_health 900 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_nihilanth_zap 30 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_osprey 600 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_otis_bullet 34 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_otis_health 65 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_pitdrone_dmg_bite 25 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_pitdrone_dmg_spit 15 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_pitdrone_dmg_whip 25 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_pitdrone_health 60 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_player_arm 1 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_player_chest 1 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_player_head 1 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_player_leg 1 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_player_stomach 1 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_plr_357_bullet 66 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_plr_762_bullet 110 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_plr_9mm_bullet 12 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_plr_9mmAR_bullet 8 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_plr_9mmAR_grenade 100 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_plr_buckshot 9 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_plr_crowbar 15 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_plr_displacer_other 250 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_plr_displacer_radius 300 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_plr_egon_narrow 0 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_plr_egon_wide 12 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_plr_gauss 19 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_plr_grapple 40 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_plr_hand_grenade 100 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_plr_HpMedic 10 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_plr_rpg 150 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_plr_satchel 160 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_plr_secondarygauss 190 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_plr_shockrifle 15 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_plr_shockrifle_beam 2 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_plr_spore 100 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_plr_tripmine 150 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_plr_uzi 10 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_plr_wrench 22 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_plr_xbow_bolt_client 0 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_plr_xbow_bolt_monster 60 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_rgrunt_explode 100 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_scientist_heal 100 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_scientist_health 50 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_sentry_health 80 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_shockroach_dmg_xpl_splash 150 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_shockroach_dmg_xpl_touch 350 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_shocktrooper_health 200 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_shocktrooper_kick 12 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_shocktrooper_maxcharge 10 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_snark_dmg_bite 10 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_snark_dmg_pop 5 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_snark_health 2 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_sqknest_health 50 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_stukabat 123 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_stukabat_dmg_bite 12 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_suitcharger 100 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_tentacle 750 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_tor_energybeam 3 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_tor_health 800 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_tor_punch 55 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_tor_sonicblast 15 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_turret_health 200 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_voltigore_dmg_beam 40 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_voltigore_dmg_explode 200 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_voltigore_dmg_punch 30 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_voltigore_health 350 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_zombie_barney_dmg_both_slash 40 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_zombie_barney_dmg_one_slash 25 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_zombie_barney_health 110 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_zombie_dmg_both_slash 40 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_zombie_dmg_one_slash 25 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_zombie_health 100 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_zombie_soldier_dmg_both_slash 55 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_zombie_soldier_dmg_one_slash 40 ext, prot Server Skill
sk_zombie_soldier_health 150 ext, prot Server Skill
skill 1 Server Skill The default skill level your server will use. Maps can override this in their configuration.
  • 0: Always let the map choose.
  • 1: Easy, enemies are easy to kill, players are hard to kill.
  • 2: Hard, enemies are hard to kill, players are easy to kill.
  • 3: Realistic, enemies are easy to kill, players are very easy to kill - enables realistic weapon damage.

Mappers are recommended not to use this setting, but still do.

skillcfgfile 0 sv, ext, nolog
skin 0 a, user
snd_noextraupdate 1
snd_show 0 sp
speak_enabled 1
suitvolume 0.250 a
sv_accelerate 10 sv
sv_admin_icon 0 sv, ext, nolog
sv_ai_enemy_detection_mode 0 ext, prot, nolog
sv_aim 0 a, sv
sv_airaccelerate 10 sv
sv_allow_dlfile 1
sv_allowdownload 1 Allow players to download custom content from your server.
sv_allowupload 1 sv Allow players to send custom sprays to your server.
sv_alltalk 0 sv, ext Voice communication is sent to all teams. Currently obsolete in Sven Co-op.
sv_bounce 1 sv
sv_cheats 1 sv Allow players to use cheat commands. If the server is for Internet use the player slots must be 3 or less for players (non-administrators) to use cheats.
  • 0: Nobody can use cheats.
  • 1: Everyone can use cheats.
  • 2: Administrators can use cheats, players can't use cheats.

This is primarily intended for a map author to run a controlled test session. LAN servers are not subject to the player slots limit. More info

sv_clienttrace 1 sv
sv_contact 0 sv The email address of the server manager, so players have someone to contact when there is a problem.
sv_disable_online_api 0 ext, prot, nolog
sv_downloadurl 0 prot The HTTP/HTTPS address where your server's custom content can be found, so players can download it very fast. This is essential to get players onto your server while it's running non-standard maps.
sv_enableoldqueries 0
sv_failuretime 0.500
sv_filetransfercompression 1 Allow custom content to be compressed on the fly for faster delivery.
sv_filetransfermaxsize 10485760
sv_filterban 1
sv_friction 4 sv
sv_gravity 800 sv
sv_instancedbaseline 1
sv_lagcompensation 5 ext, prot
sv_lan 0 Server is only for a local area network. When enabled players authenticate with their IP address, and can only join if they are within the same subnet as the server.
sv_lan_rate 20000 Rate (bytes/second) that the clients are forced to talk to the server at when in LAN mode. 100000 (100 kBtyes/sec) is more than enough for 32 players and sustainable on any modern LAN.
sv_log_client_commands 0 ext, prot
sv_log_daily 1
sv_log_monster_damage 1 ext, prot
sv_log_monster_deaths 0 ext, prot
sv_log_monster_monster_kills 0 ext, prot
sv_log_onefile 0
sv_log_player_deaths 1 ext, prot
sv_log_player_frequency 30 ext, prot
sv_log_singleplayer 0
sv_logbans 0
sv_logblocks 0 sv
sv_logrelay 0
sv_logsecret 0
sv_maxrate 0 sv The maximum rate (bytes/second) that clients can talk to the server at when in Internet mode. 20,000 (20 kBytes/sec) is enough for 16 players, though intense maps with lots of server-to-client traffic will likely need to be raised up to the maximum of 100,000 (100 kBytes/sec).
sv_maxspeed 270 sv
sv_maxunlag 0.500
sv_maxupdaterate 30 The maximum number of events/second the server can send to a client. 50 is enough for 16 players. If you're running a server on a home broadband connection, consider lowering this to 15 or 20.
sv_maxvelocity 4096
sv_minrate 0 sv The minimum rate (bytes/second) that clients can talk to the server at when in Internet mode. Please do not change this so dial-up users can still enjoy your server.
sv_minupdaterate 10 The maximum number of events/second the server can send to a client. Please do not change this so dial-up users can still enjoy your server.
sv_newunit 0
sv_notransition 0 ext, prot
sv_outofdatetime 1800
sv_password 0 sv, prot Password used for players to join your server. Leave blank if your server is public.
sv_proxies 1 sv Allow spectator proxies (HLTV) to connect to your server.
sv_rcon_banpenalty 0
sv_rcon_maxfailures 10
sv_rcon_minfailures 5
sv_rcon_minfailuretime 30
sv_report_unknown_entities 0 ext, prot, nolog
sv_rollangle 2
sv_rollspeed 200
sv_send_logos 1
sv_send_resources 1
sv_skycolor_b 132
sv_skycolor_g 132
sv_skycolor_r 369
sv_skyname 0
sv_skyvec_x 1
sv_skyvec_y 0
sv_skyvec_z 0
sv_stats 1
sv_stepsize 18 sv
sv_stopspeed 100 sv
sv_timeout 60 The time (second) a client stops responding before the server considers the client to have completely lost connectivity.
sv_unlag 1
sv_unlagpush 0
sv_unlagsamples 1
sv_uploadmax 0.500 sv
sv_version 501048.781
sv_visiblemaxplayers -1
sv_voiceenable 1 a, sv Allow players to use voice communication.
sv_wateraccelerate 10 sv
sv_wateramp 0
sv_waterfriction 1 sv
sv_zmax 4096 sp The radius based distance from players of which the sky map will be rendered at, causing anything further than this to not be drawn. (Only mappers should ever worry about this.)
sys_ticrate 100 The maximum number of frames/second your server will process.

Frame rates too high will (over 200) also have a negative effect on physics and NPC movement, and will cause many brush entities to cause crush damage when nothing is blocking them.

team 0 a, user
texgamma 2
topcolor 0 a, user
traceralpha 0.500
tracerblue 0.400
tracergreen 0.800
tracerlength 0.800
traceroffset 30
tracerred 0.800
tracerspeed 6000
v_centermove 0.150 cl
v_centerspeed 500 cl
v_dark 0
violence_ablood 1
violence_agibs 1
violence_hblood 1
violence_hgibs 1
voice_avggain 0.500
voice_clientdebug 0 cl
voice_enable 1 a
voice_fadeouttime 0.100
voice_forcemicrecord 1 a
voice_inputfromfile 0
voice_loopback 0
voice_maxgain 5
voice_modenable 1 a, cl
voice_overdrive 2
voice_overdrivefadetime 0.400
voice_profile 0
voice_recordtofile 0
voice_scale 1 a
voice_serverdebug 0 ext
voice_showchannels 0
voice_showincoming 0
volume 0.700 a
waterroom_type 14
weaponmode_9mmhandgun 0 ext, prot
weaponmode_crossbow 0 ext, prot
weaponmode_displacer 0 ext, prot
weaponmode_eagle 0 ext, prot
weaponmode_mp5 0 ext, prot
weaponmode_rpg 0 ext, prot
weaponmode_shotgun 0 ext, prot
zoom_sensitivity_ratio 1.200 cl
ambient_fade 100 Engine Sound Automatic ambient sounds: Rate of volume fading when moving from one environment to another.

Removed in Sven Co-op 5.18. Quake feature, broken and unused in GoldSrc.

ambient_level 0.300 Engine Sound Automatic ambient sounds: Volume of ambient sounds (water and wind).

Removed in Sven Co-op 5.18. Quake feature, broken and unused in GoldSrc.

ati_npatch 1.0 a Engine Rendering Enables ATI TruForm/npatch tessellation for studio models.

Removed in Sven Co-op 5.17. ATi drivers dropped support for TruForm long time ago.

d_spriteskip 0 Engine Rendering ? Software renderer only.

Removed in Sven Co-op 5.17. Software renderer is no longer present in Svengine.

gl_affinemodels 0 Engine Rendering Disables perspective-correct texturing for studio/alias models to improve performance. This is only a hint for the OpenGL driver (sets GL_PERSPECTIVE_CORRECTION_HINT to GL_FASTEST).

Removed in Sven Co-op 5.17.

gl_dither 1 a Engine Rendering Enables texture dithering in 16-bit color depth modes to improve visuals.

Removed in Sven Co-op 5.17. 16-bit color depths are no longer supported.

gl_flipmatrix 0 a Engine Rendering Fixes world <-> screen transformations when using the 3DNow! 3Dfx MiniGL driver.

Removed in Sven Co-op 5.17. 3Dfx hardware is no longer relevant/supported.

gl_palette_tex 1 Engine Rendering Enables use of paletted textures to conserve video memory.

Removed in Sven Co-op 5.17. Drivers dropped support for paletted textures long time ago.

gl_ztrick_old 0 Engine Rendering Enables the use of a trick that allows the renderer to avoid clearing the depth buffer every frame by splitting it in half. This provided a slight speed increase on early 3D accelerators, with a trade off for less depth precision. Was gl_ztrick in pre-Steampipe builds of the GoldSrc engine.

Removed in Sven Co-op 5.17.

graphheight 64.0 Engine Netgraph Renamed to net_graphheight in Sven Co-op 5.17 (for consistency with the other net_graph CVARs).
r_mirroralpha 1 Engine Rendering Sets transparency of the mirror texture.

Removed in Sven Co-op 5.17. Leftover from GLQuake, this feature never worked correctly in GoldSrc/Svengine.

r_mmx 0* Engine Rendering Enables use of MMX extensions for surface rendering. Software renderer only. * Default value is determined on start up (1 for CPUs with MMX extensions, 0 otherwise).

Removed in Sven Co-op 5.17. Software renderer is no longer present in Svengine.


Flag Description
a Archive
user User Info
sv Server
ext External DLL
cl Client DLL
prot Protected
sp Singleplayer only
print Printable characters only
nolog Unlogged
strip Strip extra white characters
cheat Cheat

See also

External links