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List of Portal 2 Movies

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Portal 2

Portal 2 This is a list of all available Bink videos of Portal 2. See vgui_movie_display for implementation and tips.

Warning.pngWarning:(in Portal 2: Community Edition) Support for .bik videos have been dropped completely. All prepackaged videos have been replaced with .webm videos, so to get these videos to play, replace the .bik extension with .webm.

Elevator Panels

File name Description Image
animalking.bik The animal-king invades the UN.
aperture_appear_horiz.bik A waving person walking on a strip, then falling slowly.
Aperture appear horiz.jpg
Aperture appear vert.jpg
bluescreen.bik Molten core bluescreen.
exercises_horiz.bik Evacuation training reminder with marching people.
Exercises horiz.jpg
Exercises vert.jpg
faithplate.bik Aerial Faith Plate demonstration.
fizzler.bik Emancipation Grid demonstration.
hard_light.bik Hard Light Surface demonstration.
Hard light.jpg
laser_danger_horiz.bik Demonstration of the fatal effects of a laser beam.
Laser danger horiz.jpg
Laser danger vert.jpg
laser_portal.bik Thermal Discouragement Beam demonstration.
Laser portal.jpg
plc_blue_horiz.bik Reminder to remain calm.
Plc blue horiz.jpg
Plc blue vert.jpg
turret_colours_type.bik Turret case options.
Turret colours type.jpg
turret_dropin.bik Some turrets descending and deploying.
Turret dropin.jpg
turret_exploded_grey.bik Insides of a turret.
Turret exploded grey.jpg

Single-player story

File name Description Image
sp_30_a4_finale5.bik Elevator ride before credits, opera and field included.
Sp 30 a4 finale5.jpg
sp_a5_credits.bik Space background.
Sp a5 credits.jpg
sp_credits_bg.bik Background used for the credits song, song and credits text not included, intended for looping.
Sp credits bg.jpg
sp_ending_callback.bik Wheatley feeling sorry in space, coming from the credits.
Sp ending callback.jpg

Co-op Story

File name Description Image
coop_black_screen.bik Empty black screen.
coop_bluebot_load.bik Animated schematics of Atlas, used for the coop loading screen.
Coop bluebot load.jpg
coop_bots_load.bik Bot walking cycle, used for the coop loading screen.
Coop bots load.jpg
coop_bots_load_wave.bik Bot waving demonstration, used for the coop loading screen.
Coop bots load wave.jpg
coop_bts_blueprints.bik Laserdisc content for course 2.
Coop bts blueprints.jpg
coop_bts_powergrid_01.bik Laserdisc content for course 4.
Coop bts powergrid 01.jpg
coop_bts_powergrid_02.bik Laserdisc content for course 4.
Coop bts powergrid 02.jpg
coop_bts_radar.bik Unused laserdisc content.
Coop bts radar.jpg
coop_bts_radar_1.bik Laserdisc content for course 1.
Coop bts radar 1.jpg
coop_bts_radar_2.bik Laserdisc content for course 1.
Coop bts radar 2.jpg
coop_bts_security.bik Unused laserdisc content.
Coop bts security.jpg
coop_bts_security_01.bik Laserdisc content for course 3.
Coop bts security 01.jpg
coop_bts_security_02.bik Laserdisc content for course 3.
Coop bts security 02.jpg
coop_intro.bik Co-op intro video.
Coop intro.jpg
coop_orangebot_load.bik Animated schematics of P-body, used for the coop loading screen.
Coop orangebot load.jpg
coop_outro.bik Co-op outro video. Credits excluded.
Coop outro.jpg
insert_disk.bik "INSERT DISC" message of the laserdisc player.
Insert disk.jpg


File name Description Image
aperture_logo.bik Aperture Laboratories logo on a tan background.
Aperture logo.jpg
attract01.bik Cooperative Testing Initiative promotional video.
attract02.bik Single player promotional video.
attract_boots.bik Longfall boots promotional video.
Attract boots.jpg
attract_bot_trust.bik Bot trust promotional video.
Attract bot trust.jpg
attract_panels.bik Panels promotional video.
Attract panels.jpg
attract_turrets.bik Turrets promotional video.
Attract turrets.png
e1912_end.bik Super 8 title card.
E1912 end.png
valve.bik "Open your mind" logo and legal notices, slightly different for each platform.
Valve intro.jpg
valve_portal2_fp.bik Not a video file. Contents purely consist of a SHA-256 fingerprinting hash that would have been used to trace potential leaks of internal Portal 2 development builds.


File name Description Image
dlc1_endmovie.bik Ending movie for the Art Therapy campaign.
Dlc1 endmovie.png


File name Description Image
community_bg1.bik Menu background.
Community bg1.png
intro_movie.bik Perpetual testing initiative promotional video (special cut that links to the menu).
Intro movie.png
valve.bik Like the normal valve.bik movie, but with the man turning towards the camera.

Main menu backgrounds

File name Description Image
menu_act01.bik GLaDOS lying in decay, used for the main menu background during Act 1. Based on sp_a1_wakeup, Chapter 1 (The Courtesy Call).
Menu act01.jpg
menu_act02.bik A manufacturing line, used for the main menu background during Act 2. Based on sp_a2_bts3, from Chapter 5 (The Escape): Turret Manufacturing.
Menu act02.jpg
menu_act03.bik Ruins outside the condemned testing area, used for the main menu background during Act 3. Based on sp_a3_01, from Chapter 6 (The Fall): The Pit.
Menu act03.jpg
menu_act04.bik View from a destroyed test chamber, including a Frankenturret, used for the main menu background during Act 4. Based on sp_a4_finale3, from Chapter 9 (The Part Where...): Morton's Fork
Menu act04.jpg
menu_act05.bik Wheatley and space core in space, used for the main menu background during "Act 5" (only appears immediately after beating the game, directly after "sp_ending_callback" finishes playing).
Menu act05.jpg