Getting the portalgun at the start of map correctly/en

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Portal Level Creation


When transitioning through levels, you don't want the player to hear the portalgun upgrade sound or see a portalgun coming from nowhere when loading a new map from a level transition. This guide will show you how to fix that.

Note.pngNote: If your map doesn't have any level transitions or it's the first/only map in the map collection, all you have to do is put the weapon_portalgun on the player spawn and you don't need to follow this guide.


1. Create a weapon_portalgun entity and position it inside the info_player_start or where the player spawns and set its name to portalgun.

2. Create a point_template and set its name to portalgun_template and set template 1 to portalgun.

3. Create a logic_auto entity and enter the following properties:

My Output > Target Entity Target Input Parameter Delay Only Once
OnNewGame portalgun_template ForceSpawn <none> 0.00 No

The portalgun should now only spawn when you load directly into the map and won't spawn when using level transitions.