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env_beam is a point entity available in all GoldSrc GoldSrc games. It creates a visible energy beam running between two entities, in either a line or ring shape.

Key Values


Name (targetname) <string>
The targetname that other entities refer to this entity by.
Start Entity (LightningStart) <targetname>
Entity that the beam starts at. If omitted the entity will instead use a random position on any surface within its Radius value. A new random position will be appointed for every strike. See usage note above.
Tip.pngTip:Use the env_beam itself as the starting entity to save on edicts.
Ending Entity (LightningEnd) <targetname>
Entity that the beam ends at. If omitted the entity will instead use a random position on any surface within its Radius value. A new random position will be appointed for every strike. See usage note above.
Brightness (1 - 255) (renderamt) <integer>
Brightness/opacity of the beam, 1 = fully dark, 255 = Fully bright.</nowiki>
Beam Color (R G B) (rendercolor) <color255>
Beam color.
Radius (Radius) <integer>
If the Start Entity and/or Ending Entity values are omitted, this radius determines the area within which the endpoints will randomly strike. A new random position will be appointed for every strike.
Life (seconds 0 = infinite) (life) <string>
Amount of time before the beam dies. Setting to zero will make the beam stay forever.
Width of beam (pixels*0.1 0-255) (BoltWidth) <integer>
Pixel width of the beam. Range: 1 to MAX_BEAM_WIDTH.
Amount of noise (0-255) (NoiseAmplitude) <float>
The amount of noise in the beam. 0 is a perfectly straight beam, while the maximum is very jagged.
Sprite Name (texture) <sprite>
The SPR sprite used to draw the beam.
Texture Scroll Rate (0-100) (TextureScroll) <integer>
Rate at which the beam sprite should scroll along the beam.
Frames per 10 seconds (framerate) <integer>
Framerate at which the beam sprite should animate, if it has multiple frames.
Starting Frame (framestart) <integer>
The frame to start the beam sprite on.
Strike again time (secs) (StrikeTime) <string>
Refire time between random strikes of the beam. Only used if the 'Random Strike' spawnflag is set.
Damage/second (damage) <string>
How much damage this beam does per second to things it hits when it is continually on, or instantaneously if it strikes. For continuous damage, the value should be greater than 10 or it may not work.


  • [1]: Start On
  • [2]: Toggle
  • [4]: Random Strike
  • [8]: Ring
  • [16]: StartSparks
  • [32]: EndSparks
  • [64]: Decal End
  • [128]: Shade Start
  • [256]: Shade End