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Black Mesa Level Creation

dynlightscript.txt is a txt file available in Black Mesa Black Mesa, placed in cfg folder. This file used by Xengine Xengine to load values for some settings from new point lights, which are used by some other entities as a dynamic light source. You can set RGB light color, intensity and light style/appearance.

Icon-Important.pngImportant:Must present in your mod folder, otherwise all the entities will use default light values.

Full list of entities



// // Black Mesa - A Half-Life Modification // Run. Think. Shoot. Live. Source. // // Copyright (c) 2018, Crowbar Collective LLC. All rights reserved. // // This product contains software technology licensed from VALVe // Corporation. All Rights Reserved. // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

//this file should be reloaded at each map loading //so you don't need to restart the game.

//possible parameters are : // "color" - default value if not specified : "255,0,255,255" // "intensity" - default value if not specified : 2048 // "style" - default value if not specified : "NORMAL"

// possible values for "style" (case-insensitive) : // "NORMAL" (0) (default value) // "FLICKER" (1) // "SLOW STRONG PULSE" (2) // "CANDLE 1" (3) // "FAST STROBE" (4) // "GENTLE PULSE" (5) // "FLICKER" (6) // "CANDLE 2" (7) // "CANDLE 3" (8) // "SLOW STROBE" (9) // "FLUORESCENT FLICKER" (10) // "SLOW PULSE NOT FADE TO BLACK" (11) // "UNDERWATER LIGHT MUTATION" (12)

"DynamicLight" {

"Flare" {

"color" "195 0 3 255" "intensity" "2048" "style" "FLICKER" }

"WeaponFlash.357" { "color" "255 222 150 255" "intensity" "8000" } "WeaponFlash.GLOCK" { "color" "255 222 150 255" "intensity" "8000" } "WeaponFlash.HIVEHAND" { "color" "255 122 65 255" "intensity" "4096" } "WeaponFlash.MP5" { "color" "255 208 106 255" "intensity" "6000" } "WeaponFlash.RPG" { "color" "255 255 185 255" "intensity" "8000" } "WeaponFlash.SHOTGUN" { "color" "255 222 150 255" "intensity" "8000" } "WeaponFlash.ASSASSIN_GLOCK" { "color" "255 222 150 255" "intensity" "8000" }

"GluonRay" { "color" "20 181 214 255" "intensity" "2048" "style" "FLICKER" }

"ItemBattery" { "color" "20 181 214 255" "intensity" "256" "style" "FLICKER" }

"PropXenGruntPod" { "color" "232 251 0 255" "intensity" "20000" "style" "NORMAL"//"GENTLE PULSE" }

"ItemAmmoBox" { "color" "255 150 0 255" "intensity" "32" "style" "FLICKER" }

"SentryGround" { "color" "255 192 64 255" "intensity" "512" }

"Flame" { "color" "254 174 10 255" "intensity" "4000" "style" "FLICKER" }

"Gargantua" // eye of Gargantua. {

"color" "245 128 0 255" "intensity" "512" "style" "NORMAL" }

"Controller.BrainGlow" { "color" "245 128 0 255" "intensity" "4096" "style" "NORMAL" }

"PlantLight.Light" { "color" "255 255 128 255" "intensity" "1000" "style" "NORMAL" }

"PlantLightStalker.Light" { "color" "200 100 0 255" "intensity" "1000" "style" "NORMAL" }
