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$bodygroup is a QC command available in all Source Source games. It defines a group of meshes that can be turned on or off, or changed entirely. Server code can change their state.

Note.pngNote:Body groups cannot change skeletons or collision models.


This body group allows a weapon to have iron sights, laser sights, or no sights at all:

$bodygroup sights
	studio "ironsights"
	studio "laser_dot"

This body group defines the entire chest region of the model, which spans multiple bones:

$bodygroup chest
	studio "chest_with_no_armor"
	studio "chest_with_light_armor"
	studio "chest_with_heavy_armor"
	studio "chest_with_super_armor"
Note.pngNote:Since body group polygons never share vertices with the base mesh in Source models, there need not be seams between properly-made components.

Bodygroups in Level of Detail Meshes

Using Level of Detail meshes - especially for high-poly geometry - is highly recommended. Body groups can be used in $lod strings in the same method as normal geometry meshes:

$lod 12
	replacemodel "chest_with_no_armor" "chest_with_no_armor_lod1"
	replacemodel "chest_with_light_armor" "chest_with_light_armor_lod1"
	replacemodel "chest_with_heavy_armor" "chest_with_heavy_armor_lod1"
	replacemodel "chest_with_super_armor" "chest_with_super_armor_lod1"

$lod 18
	replacemodel "chest_with_no_armor" "chest_with_no_armor_lod2"
	replacemodel "chest_with_light_armor" "chest_with_light_armor_lod2"
	replacemodel "chest_with_heavy_armor" "chest_with_heavy_armor_lod2"
	replacemodel "chest_with_super_armor" "chest_with_super_armor_lod2"
	replacemodel "chest_with_no_armor" "chest_with_no_armor_lod2"
	replacemodel "chest_with_light_armor" "chest_with_light_armor_lod2"
	replacemodel "chest_with_heavy_armor" "chest_with_heavy_armor_lod2"
	replacemodel "chest_with_super_armor" "chest_with_super_armor_lod2"


To change a body group's state:

int BodyGroup_Sights = FindBodygroupByName("sights"); // calculate this value once
SetBodygroup( BodyGroup_Sights , 1 ); // laser dot

By default, CBaseAnimating supports 4,294,967,296 combinations (32 bits), and CBaseViewModel supports 256 (8 bits). You can raise either of these by editing the relevant SendProp for m_nBody.

To calculate how many combinations you need, multiply the size of all your bodygroups together. The examples on this page total 3 * 4 = 12...but add two more groups the same size and you're up at 144. The figure grows exponentially.

Switching bodygroup via $Sequence

It is possible to swap bodygroups during sequences, using the following event:

  • AE_CL_BODYGROUP_SET_VALUE <frame> "<bodyGroupName> <body>"
    Note.pngNote:So far only tested in Left 4 Dead 2 and Team Fortress 2. Seems to be fine but certain functions in the game can restart it to default making it somewhat "buggy".
  • AE_CL_ENABLE_BODYGROUP <frame> "<bodyGroupName>"
  • AE_CL_DISABLE_BODYGROUP <frame> "<bodyGroupName>"


 $bodygroup "travel"
 	studio "delorean_Notravel"
 	studio "Delorean_Yestravel"
 	studio "Delorean_brokentravel"
 $sequence "charger_escape_b" {
 	{ event AE_CL_BODYGROUP_SET_VALUE 0   "travel 0" }  // On frame 0   Sets model to show body 0 (first variant) of the "Travel" Bodygroup. Being "delorean_Notravel.smd"
 	{ event AE_CL_BODYGROUP_SET_VALUE 50  "travel 1" }  // On frame 50  Sets model to show body 1 of the same bodygroup. Being "Delorean_Yestravel.smd"
 	{ event AE_CL_BODYGROUP_SET_VALUE 220 "travel 2" }  // On frame 220 Sets model to show body 2 of the same bodygroup. Being "Delorean_brokentravel"
 $bodygroup "Bodygroup_1" 
 	blank			 // Disabled state
 	studio "myBodyGroup" // Enabled  state
 $sequence "Sequence_1" {
 	{ event AE_CL_ENABLE_BODYGROUP 10 "Bodygroup_1" }  // On Frame 10 Enables bodygroup_1 
 $sequence "Sequence_2" {
 	{ event AE_CL_DISABLE_BODYGROUP 50 "Bodygroup_1" }  // On Frame 50 Disables bodygroup_1  