Beam spotlight/en

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CBeamSpotlight defined in beamspotlight.cpp

It is used to draw a spotlight. Will draw a beam when the player views it side on, and a halo when it's facing towards the player. It will also create a dynamic light wherever the end of the spotlight rests. Other than its ability to rotate, this entity is functionally identical to point_spotlight.

Note.pngNote:This spotlight is entirely client side, and rotation may be desynchronized between clients.
Note.pngNote:This entity is also available in Garry's Mod Garry's Mod .
Tip.pngTip:Can be set to rotate for a lighthouse search beam effect.


  •  [1] : Start On
  •  [2] : No Dynamic Light - Do not create any actual light.
  •  [4] : Start with Rotation On
  •  [8] : Reverse Direction
  •  [16] : X Axis
  •  [32] : Y Axis

([Clarify] are these axes relative to the world or to the entity?)


Max Rotation Speed (maxspeed) <integer>
The maximum rotation speed of the spotlight, in degrees per second.
Spotlight Length (SpotlightLength) <integer>
Length of the spotlight beam.
Spotlight Width (SpotlightWidth) <integer>
Width of the spotlight beam.
HDR color scale (HDRColorScale) <float>
Multiplier for sprite color by when running in HDR mode.
Halo Sprite (HaloSprite) <sprite> (only in Left 4 Dead)
The material that should be used for the halo.
Beam Sprite (BeamSprite) <sprite> (only in Left 4 Dead)
The material that should be used for the beam.


Render Mode (rendermode) <choices>
Set a non-standard rendering mode on this entity.
Render Modes
  • 0: Normal
  • 1: Color
  • 2: Texture
  • 3: Glow
  • 4: Solid/Alphatest Obsolete
  • 5: Additive
  • 6: Removed, does nothing Obsolete
  • 7: Additive Fractional Frame
  • 8: Alpha Add
  • 9: World Space Glow
  • 10: Don't Render
Render FX (renderfx) <choices>
Various somewhat legacy alpha effects.
Render Effects
Icon-Bug.pngBug:Alpha effects from 0 to 10 are unavailable due to the bug in code in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
  • 0: None
  • 1: Slow Pulse (varies alpha by ±16 over a period of 1.5 s)
  • 2: Fast Pulse (varies alpha by ±16 over a period of 0.4 s)
  • 3: Slow Wide Pulse (varies alpha by ±64 over a period of 1.5 s)
  • 4: Fast Wide Pulse (varies alpha by ±64 over a period of 0.4 s)
  • 5: Slow Fade Away (decreases alpha by -1 per frame/(in all games since Left 4 Dead) Fades out over 4 s)
  • 6: Fast Fade Away (decreases alpha by -4 per frame/(in all games since Left 4 Dead) Fades out over 1 s)
  • 7: Slow Become Solid (increases alpha by +1 per frame/(in all games since Left 4 Dead) Fades in over 4 s)
  • 8: Fast Become Solid (increases alpha by +4 per frame/(in all games since Left 4 Dead) Fades in over 1 s)
  • 9: Slow Strobe (transparent 0.8 s, visible 0.8 s, repeat)
  • 10: Fast Strobe (transparent 0.2 s, visible 0.2 s, repeat)
  • 11: Faster Strobe (transparent 0.09 s, visible 0.09 s, repeat)
  • 12: Slow Flicker (transparent 0.18 s, visible 1.5 s, repeat)
  • 13: Fast Flicker (transparent 0.14 s, visible 0.2 s, repeat)
  • 14: Constant Glow ("NoDissipation;" purpose uncertain—for sprites?) (not in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive)
  • 15: Distort (causes unnatural flickering and position shifting)/(in all games since Left 4 Dead) Fade Out (instant; not very useful outside of code)
  • 16: Hologram (Distort + "distance fade")/(in all games since Left 4 Dead) Fade In (instant; not very useful outside of code)
  • 17: Scale Up ("Explode"/"scale up really big!" causes wild stretching of model parts) (in Source 2013)/Fade Wider Pulse (varies alpha by ±255 over a period over a period of 0.26 s) (in all games since Left 4 Dead)
    Confirm:which branches/games is it available in, and where does it do what?
  • 18: Glow Shell (purpose unclear) (in all games since Source 2013) (not in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive)
    Confirm:what does this do? and which games is it in?
  • 19: Clamp Minimum Scale ("keep this sprite from getting very small (SPRITES only!)") (not in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive)
  • 20: Environmental Rain ("for environmental rendermode, make rain") (in Source 2013) (not in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive)
    Confirm:which games? may be nonfunctional.
  • 21: Environmental Snow ("for environmental rendermode, make snow") (in Source 2013) (not in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive)
    Confirm:which games? may be nonfunctional.
  • 22: Spotlight FX ("TEST CODE for experimental spotlight") (in Source 2013) (not in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive)
  • 23: Ragdoll ("HACKHACK: TEST CODE for signalling death of a ragdoll character;" ragdolls an entity but doesn't kill it) (in Source 2013) (not in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive)
    Confirm:which games? may be nonfunctional?
  • 24: Fade Wider Pulse (varies alpha by ±255 over a period over a period of 0.26 s) (in Source 2013) (not in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive)
  • 25: kRenderFXMax/Fade Near (removed since Left 4 Dead) (not in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive)
Blank image.pngTodo: what does this do? may be nonfunctional
Render FX / Transparency (0 - 255) (renderamt) <integer>
Transparency amount, requires a Render Mode other than Normal. 0 is invisible, 255 is fully visible.
Render Color (R G B) (rendercolor) <color255>
Color tint.
Disable Receiving Shadows (disablereceiveshadows) <boolean>
Prevent the entity from receiving shadows on itself.


Turn the spotlight on.
Turn the spotlight off
Start rotating.
Stop rotating.
Reverse the direction of rotation.


Alpha <integer 0–255>
Sets the entity's transparency to a number from 0 (invisible) to 255 (fully visible). Requires the entity to have its rendermode set to a number other than 0.
Color <color255>
Sets an RGB color for the entity.


Fires when light turns on.
Fires when light turns off.