User:Dr. Orange/Floor button

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This tutorial will show step-by-step how to create the floor button, a test element commonly seen throughout the Portal test chambers. The floor button is activated by a weighted storage cube being placed on it, or when a player stands on it, and it can be used to trigger other test elements such as doors, platforms and elevators.


Step 1

The base brush

Create a 128w*128l*8h brush and tie it to a func_detail. Texture the sides of the brush with signage/hazard_orange_03b, texture the top with concrete/concrete_modular_floor001a, and texture the bottom with tools/toolsnodraw.

Step 2


Place four overlays with the texture signage/overlay_button_accent on top of the brush. Position them in the corners and rotate them so they look like in the picture on the right.

Step 3

Button base prop

Create a prop_static entity and set its World Model to models/props/button_base_reference.mdl. Position it in the middle on top of the base brush. Rotate it so that the sign with a box and an arrow on the rim of the button faces the way the player will enter the room.

Step 4

The door brush

Create 60w*60l*8h 8-sided cylinder textured with tools/toolsnodraw above the base brush, in the same place as the button base prop. Tie this brush to a func_door entity and set the following keyvalues:

Property Name Value
Name floor_button_door
Speed 25
Delay Before Reset -1
Move Direction 90 0 0

Next, go to the flags section and make sure that all flags are unchecked.

Step 5

The button prop
Positioning of the button prop

Create a prop_dynamic entity. Set its World Model to models/props/button_top_reference.mdl, set its Pitch Yaw Roll (Y Z X) to the same as the button base prop's and set its Parent to floor_button_door. Finally, position it in the same place as the base prop, except the origin of the button prop should be 2 units above the origin of the base prop.

Step 6

The trigger brushes

Create a 48w*48l*2h brush textured with tools/toolstrigger. Tie this brush to a trigger_multiple entity and set its Name to floor_button_trigger_player. Go to its flags and make sure Clients is the only flag that is checked.

Next create a 8w*8l*2h 8-sided cylinder brush, also textured with tools/toolstrigger in the same place as the floor_button_trigger_player brush and tie it to a trigger_multiple entity. Set its Name to floor_button_trigger_box and make sure only the Physics Objects flag is checked. Next, set its Filter Name to filter_boxes. If you have created a box dropper in your level, you should already have this entity, but if you don't, create a new filter_activator_name entity with the Name filter_boxes and set its filter to the name of your weighted storage cube.

Now add the following outputs to floor_button_trigger_player:

  My Output Target Entity Target Input Parameter Delay Only Once
Io11.png OnEndTouchAll floor_button_door Close   0.00 No
Io11.png OnEndTouchAll floor_button_trigger_box Enable   0.00 No
Io11.png OnTrigger floor_button_door Open   0.00 No
Io11.png OnTrigger floor_button_trigger_box Disable   0.00 No

Next, add the following outputs to floor_button_trigger_box:

  My Output Target Entity Target Input Parameter Delay Only Once
Io11.png OnEndTouchAll floor_button_door Close   0.00 No
Io11.png OnEndTouchAll floor_button_trigger_player Enable   0.00 No
Io11.png OnTrigger floor_button_door Open   0.00 No
Io11.png OnTrigger floor_button_trigger_player Disable   0.00 No

Step 7

The ambient_generic entities

Create two ambient_generic entities near the button. Set the following keyvalues on the first one:

Property Name Value
Name button_down
Sound Name Portal.button_down
SourceEntityName floor_button_door

Set the following keyvalues on the second ambient_generic:

Property Name Value
Name button_up
Sound Name Portal.button_up
SourceEntityName floor_button_door

Next, add the following outputs to floor_button_door:

  My Output Target Entity Target Input Parameter Delay Only Once
Io11.png OnClose button_up PlaySound   0.00 No
Io11.png OnOpen button_down PlaySound   0.00 No

Step 8

The light entity

Create a light entity in the middle of the base prop, 8 units above the base brush. Set the following keyvalues on it:

Property Name Value
Brightness 251 159 57 30
BrightnessHDR 251 159 57 20

The button is now finished and ready to be implemented in a map.


The floor button in-game

Step 1

Place the button where it should be in the map.

Step 2

Add the outputs that should fire when the button is activated. The outputs that should be fired when the button is pressed should be the OnOpen output on floor_button_door, and the OnClose output when the button is released.

See Also