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Class hierarchy
models/weapons/w_defuser.mdl in Counter-Strike: Source.
models/weapons/w_defuser.mdl in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.

Item_defuser is a point entity available in Counter-Strike: Source Counter-Strike: Source and Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.

Entity description

This entity represents the defuse kit in Bomb Defusal maps. When this entity is picked up successfully by a player, it is removed and in code, the CCSPlayer's m_bHasDefuser field is set to true.

If a CT has picked up this entity, it takes significantly less time to defuse C4. Without it, defusing a planted_c4 requires the CT to +use it for 10 seconds or 5 seconds with a kit.

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive The cutters seen in Hostage Rescue maps use the same code class and thus are interchangeable with this entity. Both entities make a CT both defuse C4 and rescue hostages faster (1 instead of 4 seconds).


Start constrained : [1]

Prevents the model from moving.


OnPlayerTouch  !FGD
Does not fire at all?
OnCacheInteraction  !FGD
Does not fire at all?

Related Console Variables

These ConVars exist only in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.

ConVar Default Description
mp_death_drop_defuser 1 Whether or not players drop their defuser on death.
mp_defuser_allocation 0 How to allocate defusers or rescure kits to CTs at the start of a round:
  • 0: none
  • 1: random
  • 2: all CTs