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January 2024
English (en)中文 (zh)Translate (Translate)

为了让Panorama支持多语言,大多数UI都会使用本地化标识而不是简单的给用户看的字符。这些标识让程序根据用户的语言选择,正确地应用对应的语言环境。 In order to support multiple languages, most Panorama UIs are built with references to "localization tokens" instead of literal user-facing strings. These tokens are then dynamically replaced with the correct localized string depending on the user's language selection.

在XML文件中,方言标识标有“#”前缀,并可以按以下的标准文本被使用: <Label text="#hello_message" /> 当UI被加载完成后,这些带标识的文本会自动被替换成方言文件中对应的字符:

 "hello_message" "Hello, world!"

注意: 和大多数Panorama的文件不同,方言文件放在game/ 下而不是content



   <Label id="msg" text="#MessageText" />
   $("#msg").SetDialogVariable( "adjective", "favorite" );
   $("#msg").SetDialogVariableInt( "number", 2 );
 Localization file:
   "MessageText" "My {s:adjective} number is {d:number}."


 $( "#PanelID" ).text = $.Localize( "#LocalizationToken" );