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is a point entity available in Half-Life,
Half-Life: Blue Shift,
Half-Life: Opposing Force, and
Team Fortress Classic.
Xen Hair resembles a real-world, black, mammal hair. It is completely inoffensive, has no AI, doesn't react to the player's presence, and only flaps in the wind. Often found around and in Healing Pools, it seems to inhabit wild and wet locations, living alone or in a group of up to four organisms.
Key Values
- Name (targetname) <string>
- The targetname that other entities refer to this entity by.
- Pitch Yaw Roll (Y Z X) (angles) <angle>
- This entity's orientation in the world. Pitch is rotation around the Y axis, yaw is the rotation around the Z axis, roll is the rotation around the X axis.
- Render FX (renderfx) <choices>
- Render FX mode to use, for special effects.
Value Description 0 Normal 1 Slow Pulse 2 Fast Pulse 3 Slow Wide Pulse 4 Fast Wide Pulse 5 Slow Fade Away 6 Fast Fade Away 7 Slow Become Solid 8 Fast Become Solid 9 Slow Strobe 10 Fast Strobe 11 Faster Strobe 12 Slow Flicker 13 Fast Flicker 14 Constant Glow 15 Distort 16 Hologram (Distort + fade)
- Render Mode (rendermode) <choices>
- Render Mode to use.
Value Description 0 Normal 1 Color 2 Texture 3 Glow 4 Solid 5 Additive
- Render Amount (0-255) (renderamt) <integer>
- Controls transparency when using another render mode then normal. 0 is completely invisible, and 255 is opaque. If render mode is solid, then all values except 0 are opaque.
- Render Color (R G B) (rendercolor) <color255>
- Color to use by the specified render mode.
Also used on brush entities to control the speed of scrolling textures; see func_conveyor for more information.
Sync Movement : [1]