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From Valve Developer Community
< VMDL(Redirected from Valve Model/MeshGroup)
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Mesh groups provide a way to group meshes, and set their visibility. A simple usage case is a mesh group for a character, and another for sunglasses. A mesh group can have physics meshes in it, so a mesh group switch can also change the collision representation of a model.


  • Mesh groups will be under the "Mesh Groups" item in the outliner. To turn a mesh group on or off, toggle the check box next to the item.



  • Mesh groups are under the "Mesh Groups" item in the outliner
  • Select a mesh group item to edit in the property editor

Data Structures

The vmdl mesh group data looks like this:

CVMeshGroupListReference m_pMeshGroupList = CVMeshGroupListReference
	MeshGroupList_t* m_pObject = &MeshGroupList_t_0
	string m_sFileName = ""


The reference to the MeshGroupList_t of the vmdl.

Attribute Friendly Name Description Type Default Value
m_pObject Pointer to the MeshGroupList_t MeshGroupList_t*
m_sFileName content relative path to the external mesh group list string


A list of MeshGroup_t elements. Looks like this in the vmdl:

MeshGroupList_t MeshGroupList_t_0
	MeshGroup_t[] m_meshGroups = 
			string m_name = "meshGroup_0"
			bool m_bEnabledByDefault = false
			string[] m_meshList = 
			string[] m_physList = 


Attribute Friendly Name Description Type Default Value
m_name Group Name The name of the mesh group string
m_bEnabledByDefault Enabled By Default Is the mesh group visible by default bool false
m_meshList Mesh List A list of mesh names string[]
m_physList Physics List A list of physics mesh names string[]