User talk:Arkmac

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This is the user talk page of User:Arkmac. To add a comment, use the Edit button near the headline of the appropriate section. To create a new section, you can use the Add topic button at the top of this page.
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GoldSrc programming

(using Template:Message) I saw you wrote some documentation on the page Category:GoldSrc_Programming, however that page is a category page which is meant to link to other pages, and not contain documentation itself. I would recomend moving that text to it's own page like Getting_Started_(GoldSrc) or whatever name you think fits best. I've temporarily moved the text to Category:GoldSrc Programming/pt-br, but I would advise you to create a new page for the documentation.
Also the note "This tutorial is in brazillian I will make one in English next time!" should be in the edit summary or on the talk page, not within the documentation itself, as such I removed it. --Wisdurm (talk) 11:56, 11 Jun 2024 (UTC)