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This page includes performance tips and tricks to improve your VScript performance. While some of these tricks can be transferred to other supported titles (such as Left 4 Dead 2), they were all tested in Team Fortress 2. Your mileage may vary in other games.

Warning.pngWarning:Only optimize your scripts if you need to! Some of these tips may introduce extra unnecessary complexity to your project. Premature optimization without knowing where your performance issues actually come from is extremely ill-advised.

Folding Functions

Folding functions in the context of VScript means folding them into the root table. It is recommended that you do this for functions that are commonly used in expensive operations.


Note.pngNote:Benchmark done on tc_hydro
::ROOT <- getroottable()
foreach(k, v in ::NetProps.getclass())
	if (k != "IsValid" && !(k in ROOT))
		ROOT[k] <- ::NetProps[k].bindenv(::NetProps)

foreach(k, v in ::Entities.getclass())
	if (k != "IsValid" && !(k in ROOT))
		ROOT[k] <- ::Entities[k].bindenv(::Entities)


for (local prop; prop = Entities.FindByClassname(prop, "prop_dynamic");)
    NetProps.GetPropString(prop, "m_iName")

printf("unfolded took %.4f ms\n", EndBenchmark());


for (local prop; prop = FindByClassname(prop, "prop_dynamic");)
    GetPropString(prop, "m_iName")

printf("folded took %.4f ms\n", EndBenchmark());


Configuration Results
Unfolded 0.1439ms
Folded 0.0999ms


Folding Constants

Similar to folding functions, folding pre-defined Constant values into the constant table (or the root table) increases performance significantly.


local j = 0
for (local i = 1; i <= Constants.Server.MAX_EDICTS; i++)
printf("unfolded constant took %.4f ms\n", EndBenchmark());

const MAX_EDICTS = 2048
local e = 0
for (local i = 1; i <= MAX_EDICTS; i++)
printf("folded constant took %.4f ms\n", EndBenchmark());


Configuration Results
Unfolded 0.1127ms
"Folded" 0.0423ms

Root table vs Constant table

Unlike values inserted into the root table, values inserted into the constant table are cached at the pre-processor level. What this means is, while accessing them is faster, it may not be feasible to fold your constants into the constant table if they are folded in the same script file that references them.

If you intend to insert values into the constant table, you must do this before any other scripts are executed, otherwise your script will not be able to read any values from it.


const CONST_VALUE = 2


for (local i = 0; i <= 10000; i++)
    i += CONST_VALUE

printf("CONST took %.4f ms\n", EndBenchmark());


for (local i = 0; i <= 10000; i++)
    i += ROOT_VALUE

printf("ROOT took %.4f ms\n", EndBenchmark());


Configuration Results
Constant 0.0767ms
Root 0.1037ms

String Formatting

Squirrel supports two main ways to format strings: Concatenation using the + symbol, and the format() function.

format() does not support formatting entity handles and other VScript-specific datatypes, however it does support formatting strings, integers, and floats. It is also significantly faster than concatenation.


the TOKVString() VScript function takes a Vector/QAngle and formats the values into a string. For example, Vector(0, 0, 0).ToKVString() would be "0 0 0"

On top of being less cumbersome to write, ToKVString() is marginally faster than format(). Interestingly though, when formatting multiple ToKVString() outputs into a new string, concatenation may be faster.


local mins = Vector(-1, -2, -3);
local maxs = Vector(1, 2, 3);
local keyvalues = { responsecontext = "-10 -10 -10 10 10 10" }

for (local i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
    keyvalues.responsecontext <- mins.x.tostring() + "," + mins.y.tostring() + "," + mins.z.tostring() + "," + maxs.x.tostring() + "," + maxs.y.tostring() + "," + maxs.z.tostring()
printf("concat took %.4f ms\n", EndBenchmark());

for (local i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
    keyvalues.responsecontext <- format("%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g", mins.x, mins.y, mins.z, maxs.x, maxs.y, maxs.z)
printf("format took %.4f ms\n", EndBenchmark());    

for (local i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
    keyvalues.responsecontext <- format("%s %s", mins.ToKVString(), maxs.ToKVString())
printf("kvstring took %.4f ms\n", EndBenchmark());    

for (local i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
    keyvalues.responsecontext <- mins.ToKVString() + " " + maxs.ToKVString()
printf("kvstring concat took %.4f ms\n", EndBenchmark());


Configuration Results
concat 39.0847ms
format 24.0123ms
ToKVString 19.9377ms
ToKVString + concat 18.5166ms

Spawning Entities

in VScript, there are four common ways to spawn entities:

- CreateByClassname + DispatchSpawn

- SpawnEntityFromTable

- SpawnEntityGroupFromTable

- point_script_template entity + AddTemplate

CreateByClassname + DispatchSpawn vs SpawnEntityFromTable

In general, performance is not a major concern when spawning entities. In special circumstances though, you may need to spawn and kill a temporary entity in an already expensive function. A notable example of an entity that would need this is trigger_stun. This entity will not attempt to re-stun the same player multiple times, so it is not possible to spawn a single entity and repeatedly fire StartTouch/EndTouch on the same target.

In situations like this, CreateByClassname + DispatchSpawn is roughly 4x faster in comparison to SpawnEntityFromTable.


trigger_stun = SpawnEntityFromTable("trigger_stun", 
    stun_type = 2,
    stun_effects = true,
    stun_duration = 3,
    move_speed_reduction = 0.1,
    trigger_delay = 0.1,
    spawnflags = 1,
printf("table took %.4f ms\n", EndBenchmark());

trigger_stun = Entities.CreateByClassname("trigger_stun");
trigger_stun.KeyValueFromInt("stun_type", 2);
trigger_stun.KeyValueFromInt("stun_effects", 1);
trigger_stun.KeyValueFromFloat("stun_duration", 3.0);
trigger_stun.KeyValueFromFloat("move_speed_reduction", 0.1);
trigger_stun.KeyValueFromFloat("trigger_delay", 0.1);
trigger_stun.KeyValueFromInt("spawnflags", 1);
printf("manual took %.4f ms\n", EndBenchmark());


Configuration Results
SpawnEntityFromTable 0.0428ms
CreateByClassname 0.0156ms

SpawnEntityGroupFromTable vs point_script_template

When spawning multiple entities at the same time, it is more efficient to use either SpawnEntityGroupFromTable or a point_script_template entity. These options also have the added benefit of respecting parent hierarchy, so the parentname keyvalue works as intended.

point_script_template is both more flexible and faster. SpawnEntityGroupFromTable has several major limitations in comparison to point_script_template, and is generally not recommended. See the VScript documentation for more details on how to use point_script_template.


//run these functions in EntFire to account for the delay. 
function PerfBegin() 

function PerfEnd() 
    printf("point_script_template took %.4f ms\n", EndBenchmark());

//spawn origins are right outside of bigrock spawn
    [0] = {
        func_rotating =
            message = "hl1/ambience/labdrone2.wav",
            volume = 8,
            responsecontext = "-1 -1 -1 1 1 1",
            targetname = "crystal_spin",
            spawnflags = 65,
            solidbsp = 0,
            rendermode = 10,
            rendercolor = "255 255 255",
            renderamt = 255,
            maxspeed = 48,
            fanfriction = 20,
            origin = Vector(278.900513, -2033.692993, 516.067200),
    [2] = {
        tf_glow =
            targetname = "crystalglow",
            parentname = "crystal",
            target = "crystal",
            Mode = 2,
            origin = Vector(278.900513, -2033.692993, 516.067200),
            GlowColor = "0 78 255 255"
    [3] = {
        prop_dynamic =
            targetname = "crystal",
            solid = 6,
            renderfx = 15,
            rendercolor = "255 255 255",
            renderamt = 255,
            physdamagescale = 1.0,
            parentname = "crystal_spin",
            modelscale = 1.3,
            model = "models/props_moonbase/moon_gravel_crystal_blue.mdl",
            MinAnimTime = 5,
            MaxAnimTime = 10,
            fadescale = 1.0,
            fademindist = -1.0,
            origin = Vector(278.900513, -2033.692993, 516.067200),
            angles = QAngle(45, 0, 0)
printf("SpawnEntityGroupFromTable took %.4f ms\n", EndBenchmark());


local script_template = Entities.CreateByClassname("point_script_template")

script_template.AddTemplate("func_rotating", {
    message = "hl1/ambience/labdrone2.wav",
    volume = 8,
    targetname = "crystal_spin2",
    spawnflags = 65,
    solidbsp = 0,
    rendermode = 10,
    rendercolor = "255 255 255",
    renderamt = 255,
    maxspeed = 48,
    fanfriction = 20,
    origin = Vector(175.907211, -2188.908691, 516.031311),

script_template.AddTemplate("tf_glow", {
        target = "crystal2",
        Mode = 2,
        origin = Vector(175.907211, -2188.908691, 516.031311),
        GlowColor = "0 78 255 255"

    targetname = "crystal2",
    solid = 6,
    renderfx = 15,
    rendercolor = "255 255 255",
    renderamt = 255,
    physdamagescale = 1.0,
    parentname = "crystal_spin2",
    modelscale = 1.3,
    model = "models/props_moonbase/moon_gravel_crystal_blue.mdl",
    MinAnimTime = 5,
    MaxAnimTime = 10,
    fadescale = 1.0,
    fademindist = -1.0,
    origin = Vector(175.907211, -2188.908691, 516.031311),
    angles = QAngle(45, 0, 0)

EntFireByHandle(script_template, "CallScriptFunction", "PerfBegin", -1, null, null)
EntFireByHandle(script_template, "ForceSpawn", "", -1, null, null)
EntFireByHandle(script_template, "CallScriptFunction", "PerfEnd", -1, null, null)


Configuration Results
SpawnEntityGroupFromTable 0.2382ms
point_script_template 0.1100ms

Iterating through players

players are collected in a mapspawn.nut

::playerArray <- []
::Events <- {
    function OnGameEvent_player_team(params)
        local player = GetPlayerFromUserID(params.userid)
        if (playerArray.find(player) != null) return
    function OnGameEvent_player_disconnect(params) 
        local player = GetPlayerFromUserID(params.userid)
        if (playerArray.find(player) == null) return

::maxClients <- MaxClients().tointeger()


for (local player; player = Entities.FindByClassname(player, "player");)

printf("\nFindByClassname took %.4f ms\n", EndBenchmark())


for (local i = 1; i <= maxClients; i++)
    local player = PlayerInstanceFromIndex(i)
    if (player == null) continue


printf("\nIndex iteration took %.4f ms\n", EndBenchmark())


foreach(player in playerArray)

printf("\nPlayer array iteration took %.4f ms\n", EndBenchmark())


Configuration Results
FindByClassname 0.1289ms
Index iteration 0.0856ms
Array iteration 0.0679ms