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January 2024

January 2024

UTIL_Tracer is a UTIL provided in the Source code for creating bullet traces. It supports new particle-based tracers and old-style hardcoded particle tracers. See List of Client Effects for effects you can use.
Todo: Picture example.
Todo: Fill out rest of Input, it's not clear from the function what each one does.
// Purpose: Make a tracer effect using the old, non-particle system, tracer effects.
// Input : &vecStart - Vector of where to start the tracer
// &vecEnd - Vector of where to end the tracer
// iEntIndex -
// iAttachment -
// flVelocity -
// bWhiz -
// *pCustomTracerName - Dispatches a tracer with this name instead of the default "Tracer"
void UTIL_Tracer( const Vector &vecStart, const Vector &vecEnd, int iEntIndex, int iAttachment, float flVelocity, bool bWhiz, char *pCustomTracerName )
// Purpose: Make a tracer effect using the old, non-particle system, tracer effects.
// Input : &vecStart - Vector of where to start the tracer
// &vecEnd - Vector of where to end the tracer
// iEntIndex -
// iAttachment -
// flVelocity -
// bWhiz -
// *pCustomTracerName - Dispatches a tracer with this name instead of the default "Tracer"
// iParticleID -
void UTIL_Tracer( const Vector &vecStart, const Vector &vecEnd, int iEntIndex,
int iAttachment, float flVelocity, bool bWhiz, const char *pCustomTracerName, int iParticleID )
//This example uses the first (non overloaded) function. It creates a custom "StriderTracer" tracer.
void CNPC_Strider::MakeTracer( const Vector &vecTracerSrc, const trace_t &tr, int iTracerType )
float flTracerDist;
Vector vecDir;
Vector vecEndPos;
vecDir = tr.endpos - vecTracerSrc;
flTracerDist = VectorNormalize( vecDir );
UTIL_Tracer( vecTracerSrc, tr.endpos, 0, TRACER_DONT_USE_ATTACHMENT, 5000, true, "StriderTracer" );
void CPropJeep::DrawBeam( const Vector &startPos, const Vector &endPos, float width )
//Tracer down the middle
UTIL_Tracer( startPos, endPos, 0, TRACER_DONT_USE_ATTACHMENT, 6500, false, "GaussTracer" );
//So on
int iAttachment = GetTracerAttachment();
switch ( iTracerType )
UTIL_Tracer( vNewSrc, tr.endpos, iEntIndex, iAttachment, 0.0f, true, pszTracerName );
UTIL_Tracer( vNewSrc, tr.endpos, iEntIndex, iAttachment, 0.0f, true, pszTracerName );
if( m_iszTracerType != NULL_STRING )
UTIL_Tracer( GetAbsOrigin(), vecEnd, 0, TRACER_DONT_USE_ATTACHMENT, 5000, true, STRING(m_iszTracerType) );
UTIL_Tracer( GetAbsOrigin(), vecEnd, 0, TRACER_DONT_USE_ATTACHMENT, 5000, true );