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UTIL_ApproachAngle is a UTIL provided in the Source code for 'approaching' a target value, as an angle. It is useful for creating non-linear movement when turning.

Todo: Verify this!


// Purpose: 
// Input  : target - Target value to reach
// Input  : value - Current value
// Input  : speed - Speed at which to approach the target value
// Output : float - Current value? //TODO: Check
inline float UTIL_ApproachAngle( float target, float value, float speed )
	return ApproachAngle( target, value, speed );


//Called every frame in a Think function, approaches the new angle at a rate of MAX_WIND_CHANGE (5.0f)
m_nDirCurrent = UTIL_ApproachAngle( m_nDirTarget, m_nDirCurrent, MAX_WIND_CHANGE );
m_goalHeadCorrection.x = UTIL_Approach( m_goalHeadCorrection.x * s0 + vTargetAngles.x * s1, m_goalHeadCorrection.x, 10.0 );