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Developer Console...

timedemo <demoname> <optional stats.txt> : gets demo speeds, writing perf resutls to the optional stats.txt

2 frames 1.234 seconds 12.34 fps (12.34 ms/f) 12.345 fps variability

timedemoquit <demoname> <optional stats.txt> : gets demo speeds, writing perf resutls to the optional stats.txt
timedemo_vprofrecord <demoname> <vprof stats filename> : gets demo speeds, recording perf data to a vprof stats file


Warning.pngWarning:Playback of demo files can be used as a benchmark, but may not reflect actual in-game performance.
Tip.pngTip:Disable vertical sync (VSync) (-forcenovsync command line argument) and set fps_max high enough in order to play demos with timedemo at higher rate...
Confirm:What about accuracy?

timedemo is a console command available in all Source Source games.


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