Template talk:Language/archives/Autolang
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This is the discussion page of Template:Language/archives/Autolang.
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Autolang will produce a warning after transclusion
☑ Resolved.
This page has not been translated into your language or even into English, so we have nothing to show you. You can still view the page in other languages if it is translated into them. If you have already created language subpages, you need to purge the main page in order to display them.
I don't know how to fix it.
See Entity#Point entity as example. Lxm6 (talk) 03:14, 14 June 2023 (PDT)
This can be fixed by adding <onlyinclude> tag. Therefore, it will only transclude the overview of Point entity. I have fixed it now. --1416006136 (talk) 3:28, 16 Jun 2023