Template:KV Source 2 Light
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Source 2 Light:
- Enabled (enabled) <boolean>
- Sets the initial on/off state of the light.
- Color (color) <color255>
- The RGB color of the light.
- Brightness (brightness) <float>
- The brightness of the light. The value can be increased over 1.0
- Range (range) <float>
- Distance range for light. 0 : infinite.
- Cast Shadows (castshadows) <choices>
- Whether this light casts shadow.
- 0: No
- 1: Yes
- 2: Baked Only
- Shadow Near Clip Plane (nearclipplane) <float>
- Distance in game units for near clip plane for shadow map.
- Appearance (style) <choices>
- Various Custom Appearance presets.
Lightstyle presets (epilepsy warning) Literal Value Description Sequence Preview 0 Normal m 10 Fluorescent flicker mmamammmmammamamaaamammma 2 Slow, strong pulse abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba 11 Slow pulse, noblack abcdefghijklmnopqrrqponmlkjihgfedcba 5 Gentle pulse jklmnopqrstuvwxyzyxwvutsrqponmlkj 1 Flicker A mmnmmommommnonmmonqnmmo 6 Flicker B nmonqnmomnmomomno 3 Candle A mmmmmaaaaammmmmaaaaaabcdefgabcdefg 7 Candle B mmmaaaabcdefgmmmmaaaammmaamm 8 Candle C mmmaaammmaaammmabcdefaaaammmmabcdefmmmaaaa 4 Fast strobe mamamamamama 9 Slow strobe aaaaaaaazzzzzzzz 12 Underwater light mutation mmnnmmnnnmmnn
- Custom Appearance (pattern) <string>
- Set a custom pattern of light brightness for this light. Pattern format is a string of characters, where 'a' is total darkness, 'z' fully bright. i.e. 'aaggnnttzz' would be a steppy fade in from dark to light.
- Start Fade Dist (fademindist) <float>
- Distance at which the light starts to fade (<0 : use fademaxdist).
- End Fade Dist (fademaxdist) <float>
- Maximum distance at which the light is visible (0 : don't fade out).
- Render to Cubemaps (rendertocubemaps) <boolean>
- If true, this geometry renders into baked cube maps
- Priority (priority) <integer>
- When the number of visible lights exceeds the rendering budget, higher priority lights are chosen for rendering first.
- Indirect Light Multiplier (bouncescale) <float>
- Multiplies the brightness of light bouncing of surfaces.
- Render Diffuse (renderdiffuse) <boolean>
- Toggles baking and rendering of diffuse lighting (per-pixel, lightmaps,light probe volumes and bounced light on cubemaps).
- Render Specular (renderspecular) <choices>
- Controls rendering of direct specular highlights. This applies a bright sphere effect to reflections.
- 0: Off
- 1: On - Render in real-time.
- 2: Bake into cubemaps (Source 1 behavior)
- Direct Lighting (directlight) <choices>
- How direct lighting should be represented.
- Indirect Lighting (indirectlight) <choices>
- How indirect lighting should be represented.
- 0: None
- 1: Baked