Template:I CAI BaseNPC
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This template is our holder for all inputs assigned through CAI_BaseNPC.
Add |rappel=1
to display the BeginRappel
- SetRelationship <string>
- <string|targetname or classname> <string|disposition> <int|rank>
- Changes whether this NPC likes or dislikes certain others. Used like the ai_relationship entity, with this NPC as the subject.
- Values for
: HateD_FR
: FearD_LI
: LikeD_NU
: Neutral
- SetEnemyFilter <targetname>
- Set a filter by which to filter potential enemies.
- SetHealth <integer>
- Set the health of the NPC to this amount.
- BeginRappel
- Tells NPC to begin rappelling.
- SetSquad <string>
- Changes the name of this NPC's squad. Leaving the parameter blank will remove the NPC from any existing squad.
- Wake
- Wakes up the NPC if it is sleeping.[Clarify]
- UpdateEnemyMemory <targetname> (in all games since
- Update (or create) this NPC's memory of of the given entity.
- ForgetEntity <targetname>
- Clears out the NPC's knowledge of a named entity.
- IgnoreDangerSounds <float>
- Ignore danger sounds for the specified number of seconds. Todo: Clarify what a "danger sound" is.
- Break
- Makes the NPC die and disappear.
- StartScripting
- Puts the NPC into a "scripted" state. It will ignore a variety of stimuli, such as +use, danger sounds, and idle speech.
- ExitScripting
- Puts the NPC into their normal state again.
- GagEnable
- Prevents the NPC from making any vocalized sounds or speech, unless they are in a choreographed scene.
- GagDisable
- Allow the NPC to make vocalizations again.
- InsideTransition !FGD
- Tells the NPC to stop any choreography (but not scripted speech) its a part of. Usually this is only done by a trigger_changelevel when a player steps inside it, and the NPC is inside an associated trigger_transition.
- ActivateSpeedModifier !FGD
- DisableSpeedModifier !FGD
- SetSpeedModRadius !FGD
- SetSpeedModSpeed !FGD
- HolsterWeapon
- Makes the NPC put their weapon away.
- UnholsterWeapon
- Makes the NPC take out their weapon, if they have one.
- HolsterAndDestroyWeapon
- Makes the NPC holster their weapon and then never unholster it again.
- ForceInteractionWithNPC <string> (in all games since
- Force the NPC to use a dynamic interaction with another NPC. Syntax is
<targetname> <dynamic interaction>