Talk:Source VMT Editor
In the works of writing up information for the Material Editor--Kwp17pitts 23:41, 1 January 2012 (PST) If anyone has more information or a tutorial regarding this please add
- I'll be adding info when I can. Through use of the editor I've noticed that you can actually do things you can't manually editing vmt's, such as defining a 2nd bumpmap scale. I am not sure why manually editing vmts and editing them via the Editor saves the process differently, or rather the actual vmt.--MrFourVideoCards 02:32, 3 January 2012 (PST)
Material Editor Issues in Alien Swarm
Currently the material editor for Alien Swarm is largely bugged and crash prone. Trying to figure out if there is a possible solution to correct this problem.--Kwp17pitts 21:02, 17 January 2012 (PST)
Old Info

What is a Material?
A material (or VMT) is a script that defines how a texture (or VTF) will render as well as sound properties. Some materials may not even load textures for certain effects depending on the types of shaders used.


To Create a new material
click file -> new , then begin editing
see Material for editing information
Shader Parameters
see List of Shader Parameters for more details
Data types
- bool "short for boolean" in which 0 = false and 1 = true
- color <color255 + int> (ex. 97 11 255 255)
- float "floating point" (ex. 5)
- int "short for integer" (ex. 56)
- matrix "written in binary" (ex. 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 )
- string "file path" (ex. brick\brickfloor001a.vtf) "name" (ex. VertexLitGeneric)
- vector2 "two configureable values" (ex. 23 45)
- vector3 "three configureable values" (ex. 23 45 37)
- vector4 "four configureable values" (ex. 23 45 37 89)
Loading a material

click file -> Open..., open the file located only in the mod or game directory currently running
Saving a material

click file -> save as..., give the material a name, and save only in the mod or game directory currently running