Talk:Saving and Compiling

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Game isn't automatically being launched

"Under Additional game parameters:, type: -dev -console +sv_lan 1
. . . The Compile Process Window will show the progress of the compile. When the compilation is done, the game you are mapping for will automatically launch, and load your map in the engine."
But its not automatically launching. Banaticus -- BAH 22:37, 26 Mar 2007 (PDT)

Is the Don't run the game after compiling checkbox ticked? If so, untick it. --Daedalus 05:00, 27 Mar 2007 (PDT)

Launcher Error...

I've recently been learning how to use Hammer, and when I was ready to compile my first test map, the Compile Process Window popped up for about 3 seconds and then an error popped up which said:

Failed to load the launcher DLL:

The specified module could not be found.

Any assistance on this problem will be appreciated.


--ArtemisUK 08:27, 17 Dec 2007 (PST)

I too have this same problem, any advice? N00bits
Check this thread at the SteamPowered forums. What is basically says is for you to not launch your game automatically after compiling the map. Then (manually) open the game and load your map via the "Create Server" option on the game menu. This might be a kind of work-around, I don't know if this problem has any better solutions as of yet. --Etset 02:16, 9 Feb 2008 (PST)
I... uh, am really clueless or something, but I'm making an HL2:Ep2 map, there's no create server option there. --N00bits 08:10, 11 Feb 2008 (PST)

If that item is not on the game menu, try running the game with the developer console (i.e. add -console to the game Launch Options on Steam or to the desktop shortcut (if that is what you're using to launch the game manually); enabling the developer console is quickly explained here; more on command line options here). When the game loads up, type this on the console: "map your_map_name" (without quotation marks). That should load your map, if it's in the correct folder. --Etset 08:34, 11 Feb 2008 (PST)

Compile Problem

I am getting another problem with the compile process. I have saved the map in the mapsrc folder. In the editor itself all is well. But when I tell it to compile, it cant find any of the files. Materials, not found, Ligths, not found, MAP, not found.

During the compile process, windows alway comes in and says that vbsp.exe has stopped working. It also says that WINDOWS reported the error and that the error is "Unable to find file.". I am unsure of windows meddling is related or not, new to hammer. All i know is that without the vbsp.exe working, no map for me. I dont know the problem or how to diagnose and fix it.

Help is obviously greatly appreciated.

Found the source of my problem

It is important to note that I am unsure about a lot of the technical part of Hammer and you should keep that in mind while reading this.

If you run into a similar problem here is how I fixed mine. Go under "Tools" and select "Options". Under the first tab called "Game Configurations" you can choose which configuration you would like for your map, that is: Half-Life, CS etc. What you choose here will determine what materials and models you will be able to use in the editor. Choose the desirable configuration (Note: Here was my first error, I had the wrong Configuration).

When you are done choosing the desired configuration you should take a look at the "Game Data files". Make sure that you have the right .fgd file selected, for instance if you want to do a single player Half-Life 2 map like me, choose halflife2.fgd. Make sure it is in accordance with whatever Configuration you have selected.(Note: This was my second error seeing as how it tried to load files from another configuration "halflifemp.fgd".)

When you are done choosing the Configuration and Game Data files for your map you can see three directory inputs at the bottom labled "Game Executable Directory", "Game Directory" and "Hammer VMF Directory". Make sure that these direcotry inputs are correct and points to the right files.(Note: Here was my third error and this is why I could not load any of the models during the compile process that I had put on the map.)

can't find the file

hey guys. I made a portal map called army_dudes_portal_map. when I try to run it, two things pop up: vbsp.exe has stopped responding; and

'the command failed. windows repoted the error: "The system cannot find the file specified" do you want to continue?' Yes No if I press yes, it goes to the portal menu. No, it stops. what do I do?

The first error causes the second. Post your compile log on PasteBin and we can have a look. --TomEdwards 04:45, 12 Jan 2009 (PST)

Compiling error

im trying to compile my first "test map" but as soon as it starts and error comes up saying, "failed with error 21: A different version of this FS is already in use" i dont know what that means. could someone please tell me what it means and give me some ideas on how to fix this? Much apreciated --Sourcemann

Does "as soon as it starts" mean as soon as the compile starts, or as soon as the game starts? --TomEdwards 17:00, 7 August 2009 (UTC)
the compile --Sourcemann
Well that certainly is odd. When did you last go online with Steam / refresh SDK content? --TomEdwards 18:11, 7 August 2009 (UTC)
yesterday, and the full error message says "MountAppFilesystem() failed: SteamMountAppFilesystem(215,38,0x82efd54) failed with error 21: A different version of this FS is already in use." --Sourcemann
That isn't the compile failing, it's the game failing to launch after the compile has finished. You'll just have to start it through Steam. --TomEdwards 21:11, 7 August 2009 (UTC)
ok! thanks! but now i cant get to my maps the only thing that shows up is "quit, options and a video stress test"
Hah, yes. You can either open the console and type map <your map>, or use a different game. The SDK Bases aren't designed to be run directly. --TomEdwards 09:30, 8 August 2009 (UTC)

Map it's always black inside the room

EDIT: I started again and i can't find the leak i started moving or deleting all the entities of the level, creating again the brushes using the magnify tool and looking with the camera... and nothing... but when i compile i get the same error saying ****leaked****

Help please i will send you the .vmf file if you want.

BTW i speak spanish so. If i wrote something bad tell me... i'm learning English for this things

You will get a lot more help with questions like that on a forum such as one found on interlopers.--cheesemoo0 04:19, 12 January 2010 (UTC)

Help Compiling

So, I just started use this today the tutorials are great , but I got some issue compiling. It doesn't show me any error message , the compiling screen works fine and as is just my 1st step the map I did is really simple ( just a room with a guy inside ) . It looks right to my and dont know what to do now. I am using win xp and its a map for alien swarm. Any help ?

Textures disappear when shot at?

I'm test-running this map I made (no, I'm not one of those fools who's made a lot and never tested), my map runs perfectly fine in tf2 (although the ceiling shows through the motd screen and change team screen). Except the walls start disappearing when i fire at them. They literally just fade into giant black squares. Any advice on what I do?

Error compiling?

LoadPortals: couldn't read c:\users\vasco\desktop\coisas\vasco\steam\steamapps\c ommon\counter-strike global offensive\sdk_content\maps\am_1v1.prt this appears after the compiling.

Also the hammer itself chrashes.


The compiling page should describe the main compiling parts, aka the longest ( Portal Flow etc... ) and how to make each one take less time.
