Talk:Master Blasters

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We've decided to minimize this discussion board to only a comment section and a section for anyone asking any specific questions about the Masters Blasters mod. --Grayjamn 16:10, 14 Jan 2007 (PST)


Hi guys, this mod sounds pretty interesting.

Need any help with maps? I'd love to make some maps for this! --Daedalus 03:31, 9 Jan 2007 (PST)

You know making it exactly like SSB would make more sense, damage add directly to a percent value and then that value defines how much more your effected by a hit. Because with your scheme it reaches a point where if someones good enough they could still camp the center with 0 health depending upon your balancing. The value you show as health doesn't have to actually be thier health.--Angry Beaver 07:42, 9 Jan 2007 (PST)

Thanks Daedalus! Throw me an email at my address listed on my user profile, I'd like to see what you come up with. I'm going to post up some screen shots of some of the levels that we have already, maybe it'll give you an idea of what to expect. As for your comment Angry Beaver, the reason it was implemented by health was solely for the reason of simplicity, the code is already written to handle the player's health, so it was easier to edit. Furthermore, instead of making a special power up to give the player some percentage back, it's a lot easier to just to drop a health kit. However, from the testing I have done with the system in game, I have to say that the way it is right now works very well with how much jet pack energy the player has in relation to how far they are blasted out. Also, I can imagine the levels looking a lot bigger than they are right now if the player's were blasted out even further (which, when you see the game in action, is pretty far!) so I can imagine that would make the levels take even longer to compile. Anyway, thanks for the comments! --Grayjamn 18:15, 10 Jan 2007 (PST)

Screen shots have posted online via ModDB, you should be able to find the link on the front page at the bottom or click here. Hope that helps! --Grayjamn 18:49, 10 Jan 2007 (PST)

Would you mind if I added the screenshots to your mod article in the form of a screenshot gallery?
Are you talking about the screen shots from the levels I posted on the ModDB or of a level you created? --Grayjamn 22:51, 10 Jan 2007 (PST)
Yup. Or did you not want them on? --Daedalus 01:15, 11 Jan 2007 (PST)
As is stands right now, there isn't a map in our collection that is 100% done (mostly done, but with minor tweaks that needs to be adjusted). I think I will wait until we get a 100% finished map before posting a picture on this article. I still need to figure out how to make a 3D sky box for my castle level...--Grayjamn 12:10, 11 Jan 2007 (PST)

Topic: Level design

I'm wondering about how the levels will work. Do you have low gravity? Or perhaps normal gravity, but the use of jetpacks or ladders to get to other platforms? Unsigned comment added by Daedalus (talkcontribs) Always sign your posts with four tildes (~~~~)

Yes, currently how the mod is right now the players can jump slightly higher than normal, gravity is set at 600, and they have jet packs. So getting to different levels isn't really a problem, no matter how high they are. Ladders aren't really needed in any of the maps, in fact, stairs are just for aesthetic purposes. Some other things I should mention is that there are trigger_hurts brushes at the very bottom of the levels which kill the player if they touch it, players spawn using the info_player_deathmatch entity, and the skybox for the levels is fairly the player plenty of room to fly backwards if they are knocked off by an opponent's weapon. Feel free to email me or reply to this if you have any more questions. I'm interested in what you come up with! --Grayjamn 22:51, 10 Jan 2007 (PST)
I whipped up a quick map that reminded me of a SSB had a waterfall at first but that didn't want to render properly... anyway, please don't take this as the normal quality of the maps I create.
It was created fast as a potential design for a map for this mod, something big and open. If we could see some more screenshots I'd be able to get a better idea of how to design :)
I'm not an awesome mapper, but I create proper maps that are nicely detailed and have an eye for detail.
Anyways, the VMF file availible here - mb_waterfall_alpha.
--Daedalus 01:15, 11 Jan 2007 (PST)
I've done another map, called mb_arena. Download it here --Daedalus 05:01, 11 Jan 2007 (PST)
See the email I sent you Daedalus. Thanks for your contributions! Also as another suggestion when mapping for this mod, have a good idea before you start laying brushes how many players this map is designed for. The map I sent you (mb_castle) was made for about 10 people to play on since it's a lot of surface area that the player is able to move around on. Any more people playing on that map than 10 would be too chaotic and I think it would be less enjoyable to play on. --Grayjamn 13:05, 11 Jan 2007 (PST)