Talk:Creating indicator lights

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Sweet, i used to think this was hard but its very easy, good job.--Gear 22:47, 20 Nov 2007 (PST)

The instructions are pretty good but they and the pictures indicate you missed a step. If you locate the testchmb_a_05.vmf file that came with the sdk you will see that the overlays are changed to 10 units wide. Also to get the right number of lights per length you stretch the overlay as far as you want it to go. Then you take its length/32 and put that number into the U End of the info_overlay.
Ah yeah, I knew I forgot something in the tutorial map. Thanks for the note, i'll add it in and put it into the article.--Remmiz 10:59, 21 Nov 2007 (PST)
For example in the included map file, the overlay touching the floor button is 10 units wide and 52 long. With a U End parameter of 1.625. --Caldaan 12:38, 21 Nov 2007 (EST)

The indicators should be 8 units wide. It makes no sense to have an 10x32 overlay when the original is 16x64. The only reason it comes up as 10 units wide when you select it is that the overlay square (the blue thing that shows up in the center of the overlay) is 10x10x2. --volt 03:06, 18 Dec 2007 (PST)

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My tick keeps appearing back to front and I can't ajust this! What do I do? Neobenedict

Finally got it. I unchecked the "world" checkbox and checked the "face" checkbox in the align part of the textures dialog... So easy, took so long... Neobenedict 15:32, 19 December 2010 (UTC)


This guide is very misleading and I really want to add a deletion to it --Mandrew (talk) 13:43, 27 July 2021 (PDT)

To elaborate, the guide doesn't tell you to scale down the indicators by half, doorstate indicators are only supposed to be used on test chamber doors (hence the name doorstate), and lastly doesn't tell you how to use indicators properly which I'm sure can be figured out just by looking at the original Portal because certain testing elements have their own rules for indicators. --Mandrew (talk) 19:17, 27 December 2021 (PST)

Adding vague warnings about "being misleading" and wanting to delete the article does nothing but confuse newbie mappers further. If you think these are significant problems, then fix them. Also, who says the checkmark can't be used outside of doors? Valve themselves uses a checkmark on the incinerator in the final battle. I mean I guess it is a door, but clearly the rule isn't that all incinerators need check marks because the one in test chamber 17 doesn't have one. Indicators should indicate, not be constrained to arbitrary rules. SaladBadger (talk) 19:15, 29 December 2021 (PST)
Remember that I specifically meant test chamber doors. But the incinerator indicator the exception, not the rule. I may also add that it's not in a test chamber. The main reason as to why it was added was probably to make it easier to see. Every other instance of the doorstate indicator being used is with test chamber doors. As for the stuff about the article, I had this weird habit of replacing the article instead of editing it, so you're right about that. But I don't see how that would confuse newer mappers. --Mandrew (talk) 05:28, 30 December 2021 (PST)