Source Engine Beta Changelist
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Note:Obsolete as of 2018
Changelist and list of known issues for current Source Engine Beta.
Current Known Issues
- Beta users using SourceTV functionality may not be compatible with non-beta users.
- Mods that were built off of HL2 will continue to run the publicly released engine. Mods that were built off of CS:S, DoD:S, or HL2DM will use the beta engine.
- Both Linux and Win32 dedicated servers are affected by this beta.
Update Monday May 22nd, 2006
Source Engine
Fixes for beta user submitted bugs:
- video stress test and audio settings test no longer crash
- fixed broken server browser info buttons
- fixed cursor disappearing after being kicked from server
- avi recording no longer stops after 1 frame
- fixed white areas in de_aztec
- fixed demo playback of old demos in new engine
Other fixes
- de_nuke loads in all mat_dxlevel configurations
- fixed bug where mat_colorcorrection wasn't set properly in -autoconfig
- added newer video cards to dxsupport.cfg
- added video memory detection support for dxsupport.cfg
- added mod-specific support to dxsupport.cfg
- fixed full-screen flicker when alt-tabbing out of fullscreen
Update Wednesday May 10th, 2006
Initial beta release.
Partial beta engine changes. (Many of the changes in this engine update are Episode 1 specific and are not relevant to this beta. These changes are not listed here.)
Source Engine
- Bloom (HDR level 1) supported on DX8 cards (previously, dx9-only)
- added SourceTV port and delay time to "status" output if SourceTV is active.
- fixed SourceTV relays unable to connect to "sv_lan 1" servers.
- fixed SourceTV reporting correct password restrictions.
- fixed SourceTV bots joining game even if command line specified "-nohltv".
- added new command "net_status" that shows more detailed information about total and average packet loss, latency, packets/sec and bandwidth.
- added convar "tv_autoretry 1" so relay proxies try to reconnect after connection crashed/timed out.
- added convar "tv_timeout" to specify connection timeout limit in seconds.
- fixed disappearing weapons in SourceTV.
- fixed spectator chat on relay proxies.
- improved spectator client dispatching, faster and better balanced.
- fixed SourceTV crash during changelevel.
- fixed command tv_record crashing relay proxies.
- reduced SourceTV CPU demand.