Soundmixer/Half-Life 2

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This is the list of soundmixers for Half-Life 2 (soundmixers.txt).


Group Name File Name Classname Channel Min Soundlevel Max Soundlevel Priority Ducked Causes Ducking Duck Percent Ducker Threshold
Vort_Dialog /vort 60 0 1 100 20
Alyx_Dialog /alyx 60 0 1 100 20
Alyx_Dialog /al_ 60 0 1 100 20
Citizen_Dialog /citizen 60 0 1 100 20
Citizen_Dialog /female 60 0 1 100 20
Citizen_Dialog /male 60 0 1 100 20
Monk_Dialog /monk 60 0 1 100 20
Eli_Dialog /eli_ 60 0 1 100 20
Kleiner_Dialog /kl_ 60 0 1 100 20
Breen_Dialog /br_ 60 0 1 100 20
Mossman_Dialog /mo_ 60 0 1 100 20
Barney_Dialog /ba_ 60 0 1 100 20
Gman_Dialog /gman_ 60 0 1 100 20
Metrocop_Dialog /mcop 60 0 1 100 20
Soldier_Dialog /cs_ 60 0 1 100 20
bullethit impact_bullet 50 0 0 100 40
bulletmiss nearmiss 50 0 0 100 40
Explosions explo 120 50 0 1 100 40
Player_Suit fvox/ Player 50 0 0 100 40
Player_Weapons_Loud weapon Player 140 50 0 1 100 40
Player_Weapons weapon Player 50 0 1 100 40
Player player/ Player 50 0 0 100 40
Player physics/ Player 50 0 0 100 40
NPC_Voice NPC CHAN_VOICE 50 0 1 100 40
NPC_Weapons_Loud NPC CHAN_WEAPON 140 50 0 1 100 40
NPC_Weapons NPC CHAN_WEAPON 50 0 1 100 40
NPC_Body NPC CHAN_BODY 50 0 0 100 40
NPC_Looping NPC CHAN_STATIC 50 0 0 100 40
NPC NPC 50 0 0 100 40
AHELI_WEAPON aheli_weapon 140 50 0 1 100 40
GUNSHIP_WEAPON gunship_weapon 140 50 0 1 100 40
STRIDER_WEAPON strider_weapon 140 50 0 1 100 40
Ambient_Alarms ambient/alarms 20 1 0 60 40
Ambient_Atmosphere ambient/atmos 20 1 0 60 40
Ambient_Wind ambient/wind 20 1 0 60 40
Ambient_Water ambient/water 20 1 0 60 40
Ambient_Fire ambient/fire 20 1 0 60 40
Ambient_Gas ambient/gas 20 1 0 60 40
Ambient_Levels ambient/levels 20 1 0 60 40
Ambient_Creatures ambient/creatures 20 1 0 60 40
Ambient_Machines ambient/machines 50 1 0 60 40
Trains plats/ 50 0 0 100 40
Doors doors/ 50 0 0 100 40
Buttons buttons/ 50 0 0 100 40
Items items/ 50 0 0 100 40
Beams beams/ 50 0 0 100 40
Vehicles vehicles/ 20 1 0 68 40
Vehicles_Looping vehicles/ CHAN_STATIC 20 1 0 68 40
UI common/ 50 0 0 100 40
UI ui/ 50 0 0 100 40
Physics physics/ 50 0 0 100 40
Ambient ambien 50 0 0 100 40
Music music/ 25 1 1 75 40
Dialog vo/ 60 0 1 100 20
Dialog combined/ 60 0 1 100 20
Combat weapon 110 50 0 0 100 40
Combat explo 110 50 0 0 100 40
Weapons weapon 120 50 0 0 100 40
Quiet 0 70 50 0 0 100 40
Medium 71 90 50 0 0 100 40
Loud 91 100 50 0 0 100 40
VeryLoud 101 149 50 0 0 100 40
SuperLoud 150 50 0 0 100 40
All 50 0 0 100 40


Group Name Mix Value
Explosions 0.90
Player_Weapons_Loud 1.0
Player_Suit 0.56
Weapons 0.79
bullethit 0.67
Music 0.81
All 0.72


Group Name Mix Value
Explosions 1.0
Physics 0.7
Ambient 0.7
Music 0.7
Vehicles 0.7
Vehicles_Looping 0.7
Ambient_Alarms 0.7
Trains 0.7
Doors 0.7
Buttons 0.7
Items 0.7
Beams 0.7
UI 0.7
bullethit 0.7
bulletmiss 0.7
Player_Suit 0.7
Player_Weapons_Loud 0.7
Player_Weapons 0.7
Player 0.7
NPC_Voice 0.7
NPC_Weapons 0.7
NPC_Weapons_Loud 0.7
NPC_Body 0.7
NPC_Looping 0.7
NPC 0.7
Dialog 0.7
Weapons 0.8
Alyx_Dialog 0.7
Citizen_Dialog 0.7
Barney_Dialog 0.7
Metrocop_Dialog 0.7
Soldier_Dialog 0.7
All 0.7


Group Name Mix Value
NPC_Voice 1.0
Dialog 1.0
Alyx_Dialog 1.0
Citizen_Dialog 1.0
Barney_Dialog 1.0
Metrocop_Dialog 1.0
Soldier_Dialog 1.0
All 0.1


Group Name Mix Value
NPC_Voice 0.72
Dialog 0.72
Alyx_Dialog 0.72
Gman_Dialog 0.72
Music 0.81
All 0.01