
is a point entity available in Postal III. It is used to add models that utilizes the Nvidia PhysX physics engine.

Left - PhysX disabled; Right - PhysX enabled

This entity is designed to work with certain cloth models, such as the one used for Postal Dude's coat. It also does not interact or react with props using Havok physics, grenade explosions or bullets. Disabling PhysX using physx_enabled 0 or launch argument -nophysx will replace the material of the "cloth" models with a template texture (such as template_body for Postal Dude's coat) and disable the PhysX physics engine (Entirely disabling it if the -nophysx launch argument is used).
In the case of the Postal Dude model, disabling PhysX will cause the game to load a fallback version with preset animations.
- Pitch Yaw Roll (Y Z X) (angles) <angle>
- This entity's orientation in the world. Pitch is rotation around the Y axis, yaw is the rotation around the Z axis, roll is the rotation around the X axis.
- Model (model) <string>
- The model this entity should appear as.

- Wind Entity (windentity) <targetname>
- Attach to a wind entity.