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Monster hevsuit dead.PNG

monster_hevsuit_dead is a point entity available in all GoldSrc GoldSrc games. A nondescript scientist in an HEV suit, forced into a dead position and without AI. Serves as setdressing, just like monster_scientist_dead and monster_barney_dead. Unlike most monsters, this monster works in multiplayer.

In singleplayer, the body will have 8 HP and bleed red.
In multiplayer, the body will be nonsolid and indestructible.

Icon-Important.pngImportant:This entity uses the second bodygroup of 🖿models/player.mdl. As such, it may not appear correctly in games where the player model is not clad in an HEV suit (it will reliably work in the Half-Life Half-Life: Blue Shift Half-Life: Opposing Force Half-Life 1 series and Deathmatch Classic Deathmatch Classic).


Pose (pose) <choices>
How the body is positioned.
Value Description
1 On back
2 Seated
3 On Stomach
4 On Table
Animation Sequence (editor) (sequence) <integer>
Animation sequence to display in the editor (no effect in-game). The vanilla player.mdl from Half-Life and Deathmatch Classic should use the following values:
Value Description
73 On back
74 Seated
75 On Stomach
76 On Table
Render FX (renderfx) <choices>
Render FX mode to use, for special effects.
Value Description
0 Normal
1 Slow Pulse
2 Fast Pulse
3 Slow Wide Pulse
4 Fast Wide Pulse
5 Slow Fade Away
6 Fast Fade Away
7 Slow Become Solid
8 Fast Become Solid
9 Slow Strobe
10 Fast Strobe
11 Faster Strobe
12 Slow Flicker
13 Fast Flicker
14 Constant Glow
15 Distort
16 Hologram (Distort + fade)
Render Mode (rendermode) <choices>
Render Mode to use.
Value Description
0 Normal
1 Color
2 Texture
3 Glow
4 Solid
5 Additive
Render Amount (0-255) (renderamt) <integer>
Controls transparency when using another render mode then normal. 0 is completely invisible, and 255 is opaque. If render mode is solid, then all values except 0 are opaque.
Render Color (R G B) (rendercolor) <color255>
Color to use by the specified render mode.

Pitch Yaw Roll (Y Z X) (angles) <angle>
This entity's orientation in the world. Pitch is rotation around the Y axis, yaw is the rotation around the Z axis, roll is the rotation around the X axis.


Not in Deathmatch : [2048]