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List of Alien Swarm: Reactive Drop Soundscapes

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Alien Swarm Level Creation

Below is a list of 138 soundscapes for use in Alien Swarm: Reactive Drop Alien Swarm: Reactive Drop. Soundscapes are mostly from Alien Swarm Alien Swarm, you can find it here. An easy way of testing them is to use the playsoundscape console command, which includes limited searching for soundscape names so you shouldn't have to print out a copy of this list for reference.

Soundscapes with 'util' in the name are intended for inclusion in other, full soundscapes. While they should work without problems in-game, they generally aren't nearly as varied or deep as the resulting composites. Others have positional sounds which will be played at certain locations specified in the env_soundscape entity's properties. If these locations are not given, the sounds will not be heard.

Note.pngNote:Some Soundscape files or files that have the title same are combined, they have the same text or they have some parts to them.


Name Description DSP Position Number Position Origin Location Description



Name Description DSP Position Number Position Origin Location Description
Indoors.Ambience1 Computer Room 1 - Low tech busy sounds on top of a low humming 100
Indoors.Ambience2 Sparse muffled metal sounds and a low moaning on top of an air generator
Indoors.Ambience3 Various human sounds (whispering/laughter) on top of a very low humming 100
Indoors.Ambience4 Computer Room 2 - Various CPU busy sounds on top of a low humming/heartbeat loop 100
Indoors.Ambience5 Computer Room 3 - Various beeping sounds on top of a mid humming/pulsating loop 100
Indoors.Ambience6 Sparse muffled metal sounds on top of a mid humming 100
Indoors.Ambience7 Random water drips 100



Name Description DSP Position Number Position Origin Location Description
Outside.OutsideAmbience1 Very strong storm with some occasional wind hits 0
Outside.OutsideAmbience2 Like OutsideAmbience1 but mixed with faint inside/industrial sounds. Can be played near buildings 0
Outside.OutsideAmbience3 Very strong storm, more open than OutsideAmbience1 (whistling/moaning wind). Can be used for open passages 0
Outside.OutsideAmbience4 More industrial sounds, less wind 0



Name Description DSP Position Number Position Origin Location Description
dm_desert.outdoors ( in // -1005.253784, -509.180115, 163.830017) Fire medium
1 Metal stress
(random) Wind gust



Name Description DSP Position Number Position Origin Location Description
util_ext.windgusts (random)
util_metal.rattles (random)
util_abstract.ambient (random)
outside.spawn 1 (random)
outside.bridge (//.5) (random) 1335.781250, 5435.312500, 43.000000 Large fan
interior.small 3 (random) interior
(random) Icy wind
interior2.DistantCritters (random)



Name Description DSP Position Number Position Origin Location Description
Industrial.Ambience1 Various undefinable distant machine sounds on top of a low pulsating hum 7
Industrial.Ambience2 Similar to Industrial.Ambience1 7
Industrial.Ambience3 Distant muffled metal sound mixed with a low horn-like sound on top of a mid hum 7
Industrial.Ambience4 Distant undefinable "growling" machines on top of a huge steam pumping sound - almost organic-like 7
Industrial.Ambience5 Big machine switching on/off in the distant mixed with "working metal" sounds on top of a low hum 7
Industrial.Ambience6 Various crystal-like sounds with different pitch mixed with a spooky low moan/growl - almost cathedral-like mood 7
Industrial.Ambience7 Working metal mixed with some weird sniffing sound on top of a low hum - sounds a bit like in a submarine 7
Industrial.Ambience8 Working metal mixed on top of a low pumping machine 7
Industrial.Ambience9 Loud open hall with machine noises mixed with muffled running water 7
Industrial.Ambience10 Some machines, a low hum and toxic slime ambient loop 7
Industrial.Ambience11 Various undefinable distant machine sounds, mixed with human sounds (distant talking, screaming, fighting) 7


Infested (Rydberg Lab)

Name Description DSP Position Number Position Origin Location Description
interior1.Start 2
interior1.CorridorSmall 2
interior1.CorridorBig 3
interior1.RoomMed 3
interior1.RoomBig 4
interior1.ObjMed 3
interior1.ObjBig 4
interior2.SmallA 2
interior2.SmallB 2
interior2.MedA 3
interior2.MedB 3
interior2.LargeA 4
interior2.Ambiguous 4 (-6563.937500, -3725.843750, 887.781250) water drip
(-7381.687500, -3246.843750, 889.968750) water drip
(-6302.031250, -5218.000000, 1006.937500) pipe burst
interior2.DistantCritters (random)


Landing Bay

Name Description DSP Position Number Position Origin Location Description
util_interior.bursts (random)
util_abstract.interior (random)
util_metal.moans (random)
exterior1.IcyDisquiet 0
interior.generator.big 4 (-7916.812500, -2085.906250, 702.718750) big machine
(-7400.187500, -1764.062500, 799.593750) steam
landingbay.interiorB (-6302.031250, -5218.000000, 1006.937500) pipe burst
(-6722.187500, -6547.187500, 945.000000) water drip
(-6365.218750, -6011.593750, 934.656250) water drip
(-7184.625000, -5127.875000, 865.531250) steam
(-6608.625000, -5681.531250, 957.937500) steam
landingbay.interior1 (-7540.156250, -890.656250, 865.406250) pipes active
(-7400.187500, -1764.062500, 799.593750) steam
landingbay.interior2 (-5247.531250, 2760.312500, 828.687500) steam
landingbay.interior3 (-5461.937500, 5114.343750, 755.843750) radioactive goo
landingbay.interior3_pract (-3782.00, 7222.00, 800.00) radioactive goo
interior2.Pits 4
TS.mineambience.01 19
yanaurus.exterior 0






Name Description DSP Position Number Position Origin Location Description
Mine.Ambience1 Sounds of crumbling rocks, distant machines and howls on top of a low lum 25
Mine.Ambience2 Water drips and running water in a windy tunnel 25
Mine.Ambience3 Crumbling sounds, occasional water drips in windy tunnel 25
Mine.Ambience4 Random metal noises on top of a low turbine sound 25
Mine.Ambience5 Faint, distant undefinable noises over a slow pumping hum 25
Mine.LavaAmbience Lava field. Low gurgling sound with random steam sounds 25
Mine.Queenlair Slimey, squishy, disgusting fleshy sounds and faint distant screams over a low heartbeat 25



Name Description DSP Position Number Position Origin Location Description
res.spawn 1 (338.000000, -9997.656250, 21.093750) lights flicker
s(567.125000, -7876.250000, -28.437500) computer spatial
res.interior01 1 (-1384.531250, -7946.593750, -35.500000) computer room tone
(-1664.281250, -7547.156250, -65.156250) water drip
res.mall01 1 (-760.468750, -5442.812500, 17.687500) fluorescent lights
(-1786.781250, -4185.531250, 489.500000) mall music
res.ducts01 2 (2380.468750, -3684.468750, -22.781250) water drip
(247.343750, -5673.687500, -21.500000) water drip
res.interior03 1 (-420.312500, -3184.906250, -15.312500) computer spatial
(-760.468750, -5442.812500, 17.687500) fluorescent lights
(-1786.781250, -4185.531250, 489.500000) mall music
res.interior02 1 (-2033.781250, -2061.250000, 93.718750) pipes active
(-1786.781250, -4185.531250, 489.500000) mall music
res.interior04 1 (276.250000, -5360.406250, -33.937500) vending machine hum



Name Description DSP Position Number Position Origin Location Description
util_lo.end (random)
util_verb.machinery (random)
interior.generators 4
rydberg.interior01 (-2989.031250, -6225.25000,0 594.812500) steam
rydberg.interior02 (-492.156250, -2396.187500, 635.468750) pipes active
(-2224.812500, -3819.156250, 687.500000) pipe burst
rydberg.interior.big.1 (304.750000, -2149.812500, 351.343750) steam
(-447.593750, -1333.343750, 375.843750) steam
(-1136.812500, -168.843750, 557.562500) pipes active
(-492.156250, -2396.187500, 635.468750) pipes active (random)



Name Description DSP Position Number Position Origin Location Description
util_sewer.ambient (random)
Sewers.conduit Corridor sound for inside the sewer conduit 7 sound for open sewer area 7 (100.000000, -2878.843750, -598.781250) pipes active
(1259.437500, -3076.156250, -504.000000) large fan
(1312.281250, -2815.937500, -653.406250) water drips
(-1079.937500, -3084.125000, -647.500000) water drips
Sewers.open2 sound for 2nd open sewer area 7 (365.437500, -1847.875000, -648.687500) water drips
(641.437500, -171.562500, -632.125000) water drips
Sewers.platforms sound for 2nd platform sewer area 7


Timor Station

Name Description DSP Position Number Position Origin Location Description
util_rockslides (random)
util_abstract.interior2 (softer lo textures) (random)
TS.mineambience.01 19
TS.mineambience.02 19 (-1760.468750, 3416.000000, 15.156250) conveyor belt rocks
TS.LavaAmb.01 19
TS.LavaAmb.02 19
TS.mineambience.03 19 (-1760.468750, 3416.000000, 15.156250) conveyor belt rocks
TS.escape 18


Area 9800

Name Description DSP Position Number Position Origin Location Description
area9800_binnen_gen 4 (-7916.812500, -2085.906250, 702.718750) big machine
(-7400.187500, -1764.062500, 799.593750) steam loop
area9800_binnen_gen_aliens 4 (-7916.812500, -2085.906250, 702.718750) big machine
(-7400.187500, -1764.062500, 799.593750) steam loop
area9800_binnen_gen_steam 4 (-7916.812500, -2085.906250, 702.718750) big machine
(-7400.187500, -1764.062500, 799.593750) steam
area9800_binnen_gen 4 (-7916.812500, -2085.906250, 702.718750) big machine
(-7400.187500, -1764.062500, 799.593750) steam
area9800_waterdruppels (-7916.812500, -2085.906250, 702.718750) big machine
(-7400.187500, -1764.062500, 799.593750) steam
area9800_buiten_wind 0
area9800_doorhit 0 door hit sounds
1 steam
2 large fan
(-7916.812500, -2085.906250, 702.718750) big machine






Planet X

Name Description DSP Position Number Position Origin Location Description
PlanetX.Surface Sound of the surface of Planet X - very stormy 1
PlanetX.Interior Sound of the cave interior on Planet X - wind sounds from outside 1
Rain.Zone Sound of the rain 1
Wind.Zone Sound of the wind at high points 1
Construction.Zone Sound in the construction levels 1
ElevatorShaft.Zone Sound in the elevator shafts under construction 1
Lobby.Zone Sound in the lobby levels 1
Ground.Zone Sound at ground level 1
Facility.Quarters The living quarters where the players spawn 1
Facility.Interior Sound of the inside of the train maintenance shop / warehouse 1
Facility.Exterior Sound of the battle area outside the maintenance shop / warehouse 1
Facility.CPArea Sound of the inside of the facility near the command post 1
Start.Zone Sound of the start area. Battle.Zone with diesel engine sound added 1
Start.ZoneRadio Start.Zone with radio sound added 1
Battle.Zone Sound of the remaining battle area 1
End.ZoneRadio Battle.Zone with radio sound added 1





Desert Outpost

Name Description DSP Position Number Position Origin Location Description
util_alien.noises (random) drone glide
util_ext.windgusts (random) random wind gust
util_abstract.ambient (random)
outside.spawn 1
inside.caves 24 (random) cave


Abandoned maintenance

Name Description DSP Position Number Position Origin Location Description
bursts_noises (random)
machinery_ambience1 (random)
undergroundatmosphere_ambience1 1
general.maintenance 1 (random) 18
craneroom.maintenance 19
entrance.corridor 1


Space Port

Name Description DSP Position Number Position Origin Location Description
generic_spaceport 1
hangar 18 (random)
airlock 1
control_room 1 (276.250000, -5360.406250, -33.937500) vending machine hum
general.spaceport 1 (338.000000, -9997.656250, 21.093750) lights flicker


Environment articles:
Soundsystem SoundscapesSoundscriptsSoundcacheSound OperatorsLooping SoundMusic Composition SoftwareHammer Sound Browser
Choreography Choreography CreationResponse SystemFaceposerScene Implementation