Lights.rad/Half-Life 2

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The 🖿hl2 folder included in most Source 2013 Multiplayer Source 2013 Multiplayer game installations (as well as a few other games) does not include the lights.rad file included in Half-Life 2's 🖿hl2 directory. While this is not a problem for most games, as they include their own lights.rad, some titles such as Half-Life 2: Deathmatch Half-Life 2: Deathmatch and Source 2013 Multiplayer Source SDK Base 2013 - Multiplayer do not, which can result in unexpected results in some circumstances. The vanilla Half-Life 2 radfile is provided below for reference.


This is a text file used internally by a Valve Software technology, such as GoldSrc GoldSrc, Source Source, and/or Source 2 Source 2 engine.
To save this to a file, copy the following text into a text editor such as Notepad++ Notepad++, and save it with "save as type" being "all files" and .rad appended to the file name. Then open the file in the appropriate tool.
Tip.pngTip:Select the beginning of the line (usually the "//" comment) by clicking it, scroll down then hold Shift, and click at the end of the line to select all.
ldr: lights/fluorescentcool001a 189 231 232 350 hdr: lights/fluorescentcool001a 189 231 232 175 ldr: lights/fluorescentcool001b 236 255 182 350 hdr: lights/fluorescentcool001b 236 255 182 175 ldr: lights/fluorescentcool002a 189 231 232 400 hdr: lights/fluorescentcool002a 189 231 232 200 ldr: lights/fluorescentcool002b 236 255 182 400 hdr: lights/fluorescentcool002b 236 255 182 200 ldr: lights/fluorescentcool003a 189 231 232 300 hdr: lights/fluorescentcool003a 189 231 232 150 ldr: lights/fluorescentwarm001a 239 216 193 350 hdr: lights/fluorescentwarm001a 239 216 193 175 ldr: lights/fluorescentwarm002a 239 216 193 400 hdr: lights/fluorescentwarm002a 239 216 193 200 ldr: lights/fluorescentwhite001a 245 245 245 350 hdr: lights/fluorescentwhite001a 245 245 245 175 ldr: lights/fluorescentwhite002a 245 245 245 400 hdr: lights/fluorescentwhite002a 245 245 245 200 ldr: lights/hazzardred001a 228 37 0 300 hdr: lights/hazzardred001a 228 37 0 150 ldr: lights/hazzardyellow001a 250 215 74 300 hdr: lights/hazzardyellow001a 250 215 74 150 ldr: lights/HIDcool001a 145 222 172 650 hdr: lights/HIDcool001a 145 222 172 325 ldr: lights/HIDcool001b 205 232 255 650 hdr: lights/HIDcool001b 205 232 255 325 ldr: lights/HIDwarm001a 255 201 116 650 hdr: lights/HIDwarm001a 255 201 116 325 ldr: lights/white001 250 240 205 100 hdr: lights/white001 250 240 205 50 ldr: lights/white002 189 233 247 425 hdr: lights/white002 189 233 247 212 ldr: lights/white003 232 246 190 350 hdr: lights/white003 232 246 190 175 ldr: lights/white004 170 228 247 425 hdr: lights/white004 170 228 247 100 ldr: lights/white005 234 235 220 375 hdr: lights/white005 234 235 220 187 ldr: lights/white006 234 235 220 100 hdr: lights/white006 234 235 220 50 ldr: lights/white001_nochop 250 240 205 100 hdr: lights/white001_nochop 250 240 205 50 ldr: lights/white002_nochop 189 233 247 425 hdr: lights/white002_nochop 189 233 247 212 ldr: lights/white003_nochop 232 246 190 350 hdr: lights/white003_nochop 232 246 190 175 ldr: lights/white004_nochop 170 228 247 425 hdr: lights/white004_nochop 170 228 247 100 ldr: lights/white005_nochop 234 235 220 375 hdr: lights/white005_nochop 234 235 220 187 ldr: lights/white006_nochop 234 235 220 100 hdr: lights/white006_nochop 234 235 220 50 ldr: lights/incandescentcool001a 235 235 235 300 hdr: lights/incandescentcool001a 235 235 235 150 ldr: lights/incandescentwarm001a 250 226 129 300 hdr: lights/incandescentwarm001a 250 226 129 150 ldr: glass/glassscreen001a 172 192 161 225 hdr: glass/glassscreen001a 172 192 161 112 ldr: glass/glasspipe001f 214 72 44 200 hdr: glass/glasspipe001f 214 72 44 100 ldr: glass/glassscreen001c 172 192 161 225 hdr: glass/glassscreen001c 172 192 161 112 ldr: glass/glassscreen001d 211 187 134 225 hdr: glass/glassscreen001d 211 187 134 112 ldr: glass/glassblock001a 70 194 209 200 hdr: glass/glassblock001a 70 194 209 100 ldr: composite/citadelfloor001a 103 143 203 200 hdr: composite/citadelfloor001a 103 143 203 100 ldr: props/tvscreen006a 196 0 0 200 hdr: props/tvscreen006a 196 0 0 100 ldr: shadertest/gooinglass 149 49 15 50 hdr: shadertest/gooinglass 149 49 15 25 ldr: glass/glasswindow002e 189 233 247 425 hdr: glass/glasswindow002e 189 233 247 212 ldr: glass/glasswindow035a 145 222 172 100 hdr: glass/glasswindow035a 145 222 172 50 ldr: dev/DEV_INTERIORLIGHT02B 151 176 204 225 hdr: dev/DEV_INTERIORLIGHT02B 151 176 204 112 ldr: plaster/plasterwall029h 189 223 227 125 hdr: plaster/plasterwall029h 189 223 227 62 ldr: building_template/Building_Trainstation_Template001d 230 230 200 65 hdr: building_template/Building_Trainstation_Template001d 230 230 200 32 ldr: building_template/Building_Trainstation_Template001e 230 230 200 150 hdr: building_template/Building_Trainstation_Template001e 230 230 200 75 ldr: building_template/Building_Trainstation_window002d 230 230 200 300 hdr: building_template/Building_Trainstation_window002d 230 230 200 150 ldr: building_template/Building_Trainstation_window002e 230 230 200 300 hdr: building_template/Building_Trainstation_window002e 230 230 200 150 ldr: lights/physgunlight 189 231 232 20 hdr: lights/physgunlight 189 231 232 10 noshadow tree_deciduous_01a_branches.vmt noshadow tree_deciduous_01a_leaves.vmt noshadow tree_deciduous_01a_lod.vmt noshadow tree_deciduous_01a_lod-leaves.vmt forcetextureshadow props_wasteland/exterior_fence_notbarbed002a.mdl forcetextureshadow props_wasteland/exterior_fence_notbarbed002b.mdl forcetextureshadow props_wasteland/exterior_fence_notbarbed002c.mdl forcetextureshadow props_wasteland/exterior_fence_notbarbed002d.mdl forcetextureshadow props_wasteland/exterior_fence_notbarbed002e.mdl forcetextureshadow props_wasteland/exterior_fence_notbarbed002f.mdl forcetextureshadow props_wasteland/exterior_fence001a.mdl forcetextureshadow props_wasteland/exterior_fence001b.mdl forcetextureshadow props_wasteland/exterior_fence002a.mdl forcetextureshadow props_wasteland/exterior_fence002b.mdl forcetextureshadow 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forcetextureshadow props_wasteland/interior_fence001g.mdl forcetextureshadow props_wasteland/interior_fence002a.mdl forcetextureshadow props_wasteland/interior_fence002b.mdl forcetextureshadow props_wasteland/interior_fence002c.mdl forcetextureshadow props_wasteland/interior_fence002d.mdl forcetextureshadow props_wasteland/interior_fence002e.mdl forcetextureshadow props_wasteland/interior_fence002f.mdl forcetextureshadow props_wasteland/interior_fence003a.mdl forcetextureshadow props_wasteland/interior_fence003b.mdl forcetextureshadow props_wasteland/interior_fence003d.mdl forcetextureshadow props_wasteland/interior_fence003e.mdl forcetextureshadow props_wasteland/interior_fence003f.mdl forcetextureshadow props_wasteland/interior_fence004a.mdl forcetextureshadow props_wasteland/interior_fence004b.mdl