Lambda Fortress Standalone Port

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Note.pngNote:Steam needs to be running in order to run hl2.exe, due to gamemounting.txt


Lambda Fortress Standalone Port, also known as LF:SA, is a standalone port simulating the feels of LF being released to Steam, made by PracticeMedicine/Isucklolol. He was given permission by AlexEpisode who was the lead developer of Lambda Fortress to upload this to the public.


  • A new version called Lambda Fortress aims to add content and fix bugs to LF and is currently playable with friends
  • LF utilizes the Source SDK 2013 Multiplayer Base

Fixes while porting

  • Med said that the port was meant to fix the Steam Overlay problems.

Problems while porting

  • Med also said that the mod's UI sounds were broken
Note.pngNote:This is the reason that theres this multi-chunk VPK file called "lfe_sound_misc" was mounted to the gameinfo.txt structure.

Change logs

4.5: SDK Update

  • Replaced old Hammer with New Hammer
Note.pngNote:This one is fanmade, the theme looks like Artifact.
  • Added hammer_run_map_launcher/run map launcher
  • Replaced compilers.
  • Replaced xwad.exe

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