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Class hierarchy

emp_building_imp_barracks is a point entity available in Empires Empires. The barracks spawns players and allows for dynamic class changes.


Name (targetname) <string>
The name that other entities refer to this entity by, via Inputs/Outputs or other keyvalues (e.g. parentname or target).
Also displayed in Hammer's 2D views and Entity Report.
See also:  Generic Keyvalues, Inputs and Outputs available to all entities

Fully Built? (startBuilt) <boolean>
If yes, then the building will start with full health and be fully functional. If no, then an engineer must repair it to full health before it functions.



SetHealth <integer>
Sets the health of the building, clamped between 0 and the building's maximum health.
Destroy <void>
Set the health of the building to 0.
RecycleStartDuration <integer>
Begin the recycle process, with the countdown set to the given number of seconds.
RecycleCancel <void>
Cancel the recycling process, returning the building to a functional state.
SabotageStart <void>
Mark this building as sabotaged. If the activator is a player, give them points for it.
SabotageEnd <void>
Mark this building as no longer sabotaged.



OnBuilt <void>
Fired when this building is fully built.
OnNFBuilt <void>
Fired when this building is fully built by the Northern Faction.
OnImpBuilt <void>
Fired when this building is fully built by the Brenodi Empire.
OnKill <void>
Fired when this building is destroyed.
OnSpotted <void>
Fired when this building is spotted by an enemy using any method. The spotter is the activator.
OnSpottedBinoculars <void>
Fired when this building is spotted by an enemy using the binoculars. The spotter is the activator.
OnSabotageStart <void>
Fired when this building has become sabotaged. The saboteur is the activator.
OnSabotageEnd <void>
Fired when this building is repaired to the point where the sabotage ends.
OnRecycleStart <void>
Fired when a commander has started the recycling process on this building.
OnRecycleCancel <void>
Fired when a commander has canceled the recycling process on this building.
OnRecycleComplete <void>
Fired when this building has been recycled.