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Abilities Data Driven Examples

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Included here are some examples using the data driven ability system.

AOE Damage Over Time

Here is an ability that waits for the owner to die. On death, a thinker is created with an acid pool visual effect and an aura modifier which reduces armor and applies a damage over time effect.

// Creature: Acid Spray
    // General
    "BaseClass"              "ability_datadriven"
    "AbilityUnitDamageType"  "DAMAGE_TYPE_PHYSICAL"
    "AbilityTextureName"     "alchemist_acid_spray"
    // Casting
    "AbilityCastPoint"  "0.2"
    "AbilityCastRange"  "900"
            "ModifierName" "creature_acid_spray_thinker"
            "Target" "CASTER"
            "Aura" "create_acid_spray_armor_reduction_aura"
            "Aura_Radius" "%radius"
            "Aura_Teams" "DOTA_UNIT_TARGET_TEAM_ENEMY"
            "Duration" "%duration"
                    "EffectName" "particles/units/heroes/hero_alchemist/alchemist_acid_spray.vpcf"
                    "EffectAttachType" "follow_origin"
                    "Target" "TARGET"
                        "00" "0 0 0"
                        "01" "%radius 1 1"
            "IsDebuff" "1"
            "IsPurgable" "0"
            "EffectName" "particles/units/heroes/hero_alchemist/alchemist_acid_spray_debuff.vpcf"                
            "ThinkInterval" "%tick_rate"
                    "Type"   "DAMAGE_TYPE_PHYSICAL"
                    "Damage" "%damage"
                    "Target" "TARGET"
                "MODIFIER_PROPERTY_PHYSICAL_ARMOR_BONUS" "%armor_reduction"
    // Special    
            "var_type"                "FIELD_INTEGER"
            "radius"                "250"
            "var_type"                "FIELD_FLOAT"
            "duration"                "16.0"
            "var_type"                "FIELD_INTEGER"
            "damage"                "118 128 138 158"
            "var_type"                "FIELD_INTEGER"
            "armor_reduction"                "-3 -4 -5 -6"
            "var_type"                "FIELD_FLOAT"
            "tick_rate"                "1.0"

Orb Attack Example

Causes an area of effect stun and damage similar to Sven's Storm Hammer ability.

    "BaseClass"                 "ability_datadriven"
    "AbilityUnitTargetTeam"     "DOTA_UNIT_TARGET_TEAM_ENEMY"
    "AbilityUnitTargetType"     "DOTA_UNIT_TARGET_ALL"
    "AbilityCastPoint"          "0.0"
    "AbilityCastRange"          "900"
    "AbilityCooldown"           "0"
    "AbilityManaCost"           "10"
            "var_type"          "FIELD_INTEGER"
            "RangeDamage"       "75"

            "Passive"     "1"
            "IsHidden"    "1"
                "Priority"          "DOTA_ORB_PRIORITY_ABILITY"
                "ProjectileName"    "particles/units/heroes/hero_sven/sven_spell_storm_bolt.vpcf"
                "CastAttack"        "1"
                    "Mana"    "%AbilityManaCost"
                    "EffectName"            "particles/units/heroes/hero_sven/sven_spell_warcry.vpcf"
                    "EffectAttachType"      "attach_hitloc"
                    "Target"                "TARGET"
                    "Type"          "DAMAGE_TYPE_PURE"
                    "Damage"        "%RangeDamage"
                        "Center"    "TARGET"
                        "Teams"     "DOTA_UNIT_TARGET_TEAM_ENEMY"
                        "Type"      "DOTA_UNIT_TARGET_ALL"
                        "Radius"    "275"
                    "Duration"      "2"
                        "Center"    "TARGET"
                        "Teams"     "DOTA_UNIT_TARGET_TEAM_ENEMY"
                        "Type"      "DOTA_UNIT_TARGET_ALL"
                        "Radius"    "275"

System's Aura Example

A Normally Aura Example

  "BaseClass" "ability_datadriven"
  "AbilityUnitTargetTeam" "DOTA_UNIT_TARGET_TEAM_ENEMY"
  "AbilityUnitTargetType" "DOTA_UNIT_TARGET_ALL"
  "AbilityTextureName" "alchemist_acid_spray"
  "MaxLevel" "1"

  "AbilityCastPoint"    "0.0"
  "AbilityCastRange"    "500"
  "AbilityCooldown"    "0"
  "AbilityManaCost"    "0"

    "var_type" "FIELD_INTEGER"
    "Range" "500"

    "Passive" "1"
    "IsHidden" "1"
    "Aura" "TestSysAura_FixAttackPercent"
    "Aura_Radius" "%Range"
    "Aura_Types" "DOTA_UNIT_TARGET_ALL"

    "IsDebuff" "1"
    "IsPurgable" "0"

一个自定义的光环实例(A CustomAura Example)

The effect of this aura is the same as the example above, but we can use this to find the aura's owner and effects from Lua, allowing us to manipulate the data to do other things. (Someone pls confirm that the translation is correct) 这个光环的效果和上面那个光环的效果一样。 但是通过这个我们可以在lua中得到光环的拥有者和作用单位。于是可以在lua里面对这些实体进行各种额外的操作。

//In Lua, we can get this entity
// AuraOwner -> EntIndexToHScript(keys.caster_entindex)
// AuraEffectUnit ->
  "BaseClass" "ability_datadriven"
  "AbilityUnitTargetTeam" "DOTA_UNIT_TARGET_TEAM_ENEMY"
  "AbilityUnitTargetType" "DOTA_UNIT_TARGET_ALL"
  "AbilityTextureName" "alchemist_acid_spray"
  "MaxLevel" "1"

  "AbilityCastPoint"    "0.0"
  "AbilityCastRange"    "500"
  "AbilityCooldown"    "0"
  "AbilityManaCost"    "0"

    "var_type" "FIELD_INTEGER"
    "Range" "500"

    "Passive" "1"
    "IsHidden" "1"

    "ThinkInterval"  "0.5"
      "ModifierName" "TestCustomAura_FixAttackPercentIcon"
       "Types"  "DOTA_UNIT_TARGET_ALL"
       "Center" "CASTER"
       "Radius" "%Range"
      "ModifierName" "TestCustomAura_FixAttackPercentTimer"
       "Types"  "DOTA_UNIT_TARGET_ALL"
       "Center" "CASTER"
       "Radius" "%Range"

    "IsDebuff" "1"
    "IsPurgable" "0"
    "TextureName" "alchemist_acid_spray"


    "IsDebuff" "1"
    "IsPurgable" "0"
    "IsHidden" "1"
    "Duration" "0.6"
      "ModifierName" "TestCustomAura_FixAttackPercentIcon"
      "Target" "TARGET"