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Dota 2.fgd (Source)

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This is the Hammer FGD for Source 1 version of Dota 2 Dota 2 (also known as pre-Reborn/version 6.84).


This is a text file used internally by a Valve Software technology, such as GoldSrc GoldSrc, Source Source and Source 2 Source 2 engine.
To open this file, copy the following text into a text editor such as Notepad++ Notepad++, and save it with "save as type" being "all files" and .fgd appended to the file name. Then open the file in the appropriate tool.
Forge Game Data
//====== =================================================================== // // Purpose: Dota 2 entity defs (.fgd) // //============================================================================= @include "base.fgd" @gridnav(64, 32, 32, 3500) @BaseClass base(Origin, Angles, Targetname) = DotaBase [ ] @PointClass base(DotaBase) studio("models/heroes/ancient_apparition/ancient_apparition.mdl") color(0 255 0) = info_player_start_goodguys [ ] @PointClass base(DotaBase) studio("models/heroes/ancient_apparition/ancient_apparition.mdl") color(255 0 0) = info_player_start_badguys [ ] @PointClass base(Targetname) = ent_dota_game_events : "An entity that fires outputs based on game events." [ // Outputs output OnDayStarted(void) : "Fired when the day starts." output OnNightStarted(void) : "Fired when the night starts." ] @PointClass base(Targetname) sphere(inner_radius) sphere(outer_radius) = ent_dota_lightinfo: "An entity that controls the global light." [ color_day(color255) : "Color - Day" : "0 0 0" : "Daytime color." color_dusk(color255) : "Color - Dusk" : "0 0 0" : "Dusk color." color_night(color255) : "Color - Night" : "0 0 0" : "Nighttime color." color_dawn(color255) : "Color - Dawn" : "0 0 0" : "Dawn color." ambient_color_day(color255) : "Ambient Color - Day" : "0 0 0" : "Ambient Daytime color." ambient_color_dusk(color255) : "Ambient Color - Dusk" : "0 0 0" : "Ambient Dusk color." ambient_color_night(color255) : "Ambient Color - Night" : "0 0 0" : "Ambient Nighttime color." ambient_color_dawn(color255) : "Ambient Color - Dawn" : "0 0 0" : "Ambient Dawn color." ambient_scale_day(float) : "Ambient Scale - Day" : "0" : "Ambient Daytime scale." ambient_scale_dusk(float) : "Ambient Scale - Dusk" : "0" : "Ambient Dusk scale." ambient_scale_night(float) : "Ambient Scale - Night" : "0" : "Ambient Nighttime scale." ambient_scale_dawn(float) : "Ambient Scale - Dawn" : "0" : "Ambient Dawn scale." shadow_color_day(color255) : "Shadow Color - Day" : "0 0 0" : "Shadow Daytime color." shadow_color_dusk(color255) : "Shadow Color - Dusk" : "0 0 0" : "Shadow Dusk color." shadow_color_night(color255) : "Shadow Color - Night" : "0 0 0" : "Shadow Nighttime color." shadow_color_dawn(color255) : "Shadow Color - Dawn" : "0 0 0" : "Shadow Dawn color." shadow_scale_day(float) : "Shadow Scale - Day" : "0" : "Shadow Daytime scale." shadow_scale_dusk(float) : "Shadow Scale - Dusk" : "0" : "Shadow Dusk scale." shadow_scale_night(float) : "Shadow Scale - Night" : "0" : "Shadow Nighttime scale." shadow_scale_dawn(float) : "Shadow Scale - Dawn" : "0" : "Shadow Dawn scale." shadow_ground_scale_day(float) : "Shadow Ground Scale - Day" : "0" : "Shadow Daytime ground scale." shadow_ground_scale_dusk(float) : "Shadow Ground Scale - Dusk" : "0" : "Shadow Dusk ground scale." shadow_ground_scale_night(float) : "Shadow Ground Scale - Night" : "0" : "Shadow Nighttime ground scale." shadow_ground_scale_dawn(float) : "Shadow Ground Scale - Dawn" : "0" : "Shadow Dawn ground scale." specular_color_day(color255) : "Specular Color - Day" : "0 0 0" : "Specular Daytime color." specular_color_dusk(color255) : "Specular Color - Dusk" : "0 0 0" : "Specular Dusk color." specular_color_night(color255) : "Specular Color - Night" : "0 0 0" : "Specular Nighttime color." specular_color_dawn(color255) : "Specular Color - Dawn" : "0 0 0" : "Specular Dawn color." light_direction_day(vector) : "Light Direction - Day" : "0 0 0" : "Light Daytime direction." light_direction_dawn(vector) : "Light Direction - Dusk" : "0 0 0" : "Light Dusk direction." light_direction_night(vector) : "Light Direction - Night" : "0 0 0" : "Light Nighttime direction." light_direction_dusk(vector) : "Light Direction - Dawn" : "0 0 0" : "Light Dawn direction." ambient_direction_day(vector) : "Ambient Direction - Day" : "0 0 0" : "Ambient Daytime direction." ambient_direction_dawn(vector) : "Ambient Direction - Dusk" : "0 0 0" : "Ambient Dusk direction." ambient_direction_night(vector) : "Ambient Direction - Night" : "0 0 0" : "Ambient Nighttime direction." ambient_direction_dusk(vector) : "Ambient Direction - Dawn" : "0 0 0" : "Ambient Dawn direction." fog_color_day(color255) : "Fog Color - Day" : "0 0 0" : "Fog Daytime color." fog_color_dusk(color255) : "Fog Color - Dusk" : "0 0 0" : "Fog Dusk color." fog_color_night(color255) : "Fog Color - Night" : "0 0 0" : "Fog Nighttime color." fog_color_dawn(color255) : "Fog Color - Dawn" : "0 0 0" : "Fog Dawn color." fog_start_day(float) : "Fog Start - Day" : "0" : "Daytime Fog Start distance." fog_start_dusk(float) : "Fog Start - Dusk" : "0" : "Dusk Fog Start distance." fog_start_night(float) : "Fog Start - Night" : "0" : "Night Fog Start distance." fog_start_dawn(float) : "Fog Start - Dawn" : "0" : "Dawn Fog Start distance." fog_end_day(float) : "Fog End - Day" : "0" : "Daytime Fog Start distance." fog_end_dusk(float) : "Fog End - Dusk" : "0" : "Dusk Fog End distance." fog_end_night(float) : "Fog End - Night" : "0" : "Night Fog End distance." fog_end_dawn(float) : "Fog End - Dawn" : "0" : "Dawn Fog End distance." inner_radius(float) : "Inner Radius" : "0" : "Radius inside which the global light is exactly the specified color." outer_radius(float) : "Outer Radius" : "0" : "Radius inside which the global light is partially the specified color." ] @PointClass base(DotaBase) = world_bounds [ max(vector) : "Max Bound" : "640 1280 0" : " " min(vector) : "Min Bound" : "-1024 -1280 0" : " " ] @PointClass base(DotaBase, Studiomodel) studio() = ent_dota_tree [ targetname(target_source) : "Name" : "dota_item_rune_spawner" : "The name that other entities refer to this entity by." base(integer) : "Base" : 1 : "Needs to be 1 to work correctly" ] @SolidClass base(DotaBase) = func_water_analog [ movedir(vector) : "Move Direction" : "0 0 0" : " " movedistance(float) : "Move Direction" : "100" : " " speed(float) : "Speed" : "100" : " " startposition(float) : "Start Position" : "0" : " " WaveHeight(float) : "Wave Height" : "3.0" : " " ] @SolidClass base(Trigger) = trigger_no_wards [ ] @BaseClass = DotaTeam [ teamnumber(choices) : "Team" : 2 : " " = [ 0 : "No Team" 1 : "Spectator" 2 : "Radiant" 3 : "Dire" 4 : "Neutral" ] ] @BaseClass base(DotaBase, prop_dynamic_base, RenderFxChoices, DotaTeam) = DotaUnit [ ] @BaseClass base(DotaUnit) = DotaBuilding [ ambientfx(string) : "Ambient FX" : "tower_good3_lamp" : " " destdmgamnt_lvl1(integer) : "Damage level 1 amount" : 66 : " " destdmgamnt_lvl2(integer) : "Damage level 2 amount" : 33 : " " destroyfx(string) : "Destroy FX" : "tower_good3_destroy_lvl3" : " " destroysound(sound) : "Destroy Sound" : "Building_RadiantTower.Destruction" : " " destruction_lvl1(studio) : "Destruction level 1 model" : " " : " " destruction_lvl2(studio) : "Destruction level 2 model" : " " : " " MapUnitName(string) : "Map Unit Name" : " " : " " solid(boolean) : "Solid" : "0" : " " vulnerableoncreepspawn(boolean) : "Use Backdoor Protection" : "1" : " " invuln_count(integer):"Invulnerability Link Count" : 0 : "The number of entities linked to this to trigger to remove invulnerability." link(string) : "Linked" : " " : "The Linked Unit." ] @PointClass base(DotaBuilding) studio() = npc_dota_tower [ ] @PointClass base(DotaBuilding) studio() = npc_dota_barracks [ upgrade_level(choices) :"Upgrade Category" : 0 = [ 0: "UPGRADED_NONE" 1: "UPGRADED_BAD_BOTTOM_MELEE" 2: "UPGRADED_BAD_BOTTOM_RANGE" 4: "UPGRADED_BAD_MID_MELEE" 8: "UPGRADED_BAD_MID_RANGE" 16: "UPGRADED_BAD_TOP_MELEE" 32: "UPGRADED_BAD_TOP_RANGE" 64: "UPGRADED_GOOD_BOTTOM_MELEE" 128: "UPGRADED_GOOD_BOTTOM_RANGE" 256: "UPGRADED_GOOD_MID_MELEE" 512: "UPGRADED_GOOD_MID_RANGE" 1024: "UPGRADED_GOOD_TOP_MELEE" 2048: "UPGRADED_GOOD_TOP_RANGE" ] ] @PointClass base(DotaBuilding) studio() = npc_dota_fort [ ] @PointClass base(DotaBuilding) studio() = npc_dota_building [ ] @PointClass base(DotaBuilding) studio() = ent_dota_fountain [ ] @PointClass base(prop_dynamic_base) = ambient_creatures [ ScriptedMovement(boolean) : "Use Scripted Movement" : "0" : " " showatday(boolean) : "Show at Day" : "0" : " " showatnight(boolean) : "Show at Night" : "1" : " " ] @SolidClass base(prop_dynamic_base) = ambient_creatures_zone [ ScriptedMovement(boolean) : "Use Scripted Movement" : "0" : " " showatday(boolean) : "Show at Day" : "0" : " " showatnight(boolean) : "Show at Night" : "1" : " " ] @PointClass base(DotaBase) = path_corner [ yaw_speed(float) : "Yaw Speed" : "0" : " " wait(float): "Wait Time" : "0" : " " target(target_destination) : "Target" : "" : " " speed(float) : "Speed" : "0" : " " spawnflags(integer) : "Spawn Flags" : 0 : " " ] @PointClass base(DotaBase) = info_courier_spawn_radiant [ ] @PointClass base(DotaBase) = info_courier_spawn_dire [ ] @PointClass base(DotaBase) iconsprite("materials/vgui/achievements/dota_multiple_runes.vtf") = dota_item_rune_spawner [ ] @BaseClass base(DotaBase) = BaseShop [ shoptype(choices) : "Shop Type" : 0 : " " = [ 0 : "Default" 1 : "Side Shop" 2 : "Secret Shop" ] ] @SolidClass base(BaseShop, EnableDisable, Trigger) = trigger_shop [ ] @PointClass base(BaseShop, prop_dynamic_base) = ent_dota_shop [ ] @PointClass base(DotaBase) = ent_fow_blocker_node [ ] @PointClass base(DotaBase) = dota_minimap_boundary [ ] @SolidClass base(DotaBase, RenderFields) = func_precipitation [ preciptype(choices) : "Percipitation Type" : 7 : " " = [ 0 : "Unknown0" 1 : "Unknwon1" 2 : "Unknown2" 3 : "Unknwon3" 4 : "Unknown4" 5 : "Unknwon5" 6 : "Unknown6" 7 : "Unknwon7" ] minSpeed(integer) : "Min Speed" : 25 : " " maxSpeed(integer) : "Max Speed" : 35 : " " ] @BaseClass base(DotaBase, RenderFields) = deferred_light_base [ start_falloff(float) : "Start Falloff" : ".15" : " " radius(float) : "Radius" : "512" : " " lightcolor(color255) : "Light Color" : "18 222 120" : " " intensity(float) : "Intensity" : ".5" : " " distance_falloff(float) : "Distance Falloff" : "10" : " " input TurnOn(void) input TurnOff(void) input LightColor(color255) input Intensity(float) input Radius(float) ] @PointClass base(deferred_light_base) iconsprite("editor/light.vtf") sphere() = env_deferred_light [ ] @PointClass base(deferred_light_base) iconsprite("editor/light.vtf") sphere() = env_deferred_spot_light [ spot_light_distance(float) : "Spot Light Distance" : "10" : " " spot_fov(float) : "Spot Light FOV" : "180" : " " ] @PointClass base(prop_dynamic_base) studio() = prop_dynamic_clientside [ ] @PointClass base(prop_dynamic_base) iconsprite("editor/env_particles.vtf") = dota_world_particle_system [ start_active(boolean) : "Start Active" : "1" : " " showatnight(boolean) : "Show At Night" : "1" : " " showatday(boolean) : "Show at day" : "1" : " " effect_name(string) : "Particle Name" : "blueTorch_flame" : " " dotaworldtype(integer) : "Dota world type" : 1 : " " cpoint0(string) : "Control Point 0" : "" : " " cpoint1(string) : "Control Point 1" : "" : " " cpoint2(string) : "Control Point 2" : "" : " " cpoint3(string) : "Control Point 3" : "" : " " cpoint4(string) : "Control Point 4" : "" : " " cpoint5(string) : "Control Point 5" : "" : " " cpoint6(string) : "Control Point 6" : "" : " " cpoint7(string) : "Control Point 7" : "" : " " cpoint8(string) : "Control Point 8" : "" : " " cpoint9(string) : "Control Point 9" : "" : " " cpoint10(string) : "Control Point 10" : "" : " " cpoint11(string) : "Control Point 11" : "" : " " cpoint12(string) : "Control Point 12" : "" : " " cpoint13(string) : "Control Point 13" : "" : " " cpoint14(string) : "Control Point 14" : "" : " " cpoint15(string) : "Control Point 15" : "" : " " cpoint16(string) : "Control Point 16" : "" : " " cpoint17(string) : "Control Point 17" : "" : " " cpoint18(string) : "Control Point 18" : "" : " " cpoint19(string) : "Control Point 19" : "" : " " cpoint20(string) : "Control Point 20" : "" : " " cpoint21(string) : "Control Point 21" : "" : " " cpoint22(string) : "Control Point 22" : "" : " " cpoint23(string) : "Control Point 23" : "" : " " cpoint24(string) : "Control Point 24" : "" : " " cpoint25(string) : "Control Point 25" : "" : " " cpoint26(string) : "Control Point 26" : "" : " " cpoint27(string) : "Control Point 27" : "" : " " cpoint28(string) : "Control Point 28" : "" : " " cpoint29(string) : "Control Point 29" : "" : " " cpoint30(string) : "Control Point 30" : "" : " " cpoint31(string) : "Control Point 31" : "" : " " cpoint32(string) : "Control Point 32" : "" : " " cpoint33(string) : "Control Point 33" : "" : " " cpoint34(string) : "Control Point 34" : "" : " " cpoint35(string) : "Control Point 35" : "" : " " cpoint36(string) : "Control Point 36" : "" : " " cpoint37(string) : "Control Point 37" : "" : " " cpoint38(string) : "Control Point 38" : "" : " " cpoint39(string) : "Control Point 39" : "" : " " cpoint40(string) : "Control Point 40" : "" : " " cpoint41(string) : "Control Point 41" : "" : " " cpoint42(string) : "Control Point 42" : "" : " " cpoint43(string) : "Control Point 43" : "" : " " cpoint44(string) : "Control Point 44" : "" : " " cpoint45(string) : "Control Point 45" : "" : " " cpoint46(string) : "Control Point 46" : "" : " " cpoint47(string) : "Control Point 47" : "" : " " cpoint48(string) : "Control Point 48" : "" : " " cpoint49(string) : "Control Point 49" : "" : " " cpoint50(string) : "Control Point 50" : "" : " " cpoint51(string) : "Control Point 51" : "" : " " cpoint52(string) : "Control Point 52" : "" : " " cpoint53(string) : "Control Point 53" : "" : " " cpoint54(string) : "Control Point 54" : "" : " " cpoint55(string) : "Control Point 55" : "" : " " cpoint56(string) : "Control Point 56" : "" : " " cpoint57(string) : "Control Point 57" : "" : " " cpoint58(string) : "Control Point 58" : "" : " " cpoint59(string) : "Control Point 59" : "" : " " cpoint60(string) : "Control Point 60" : "" : " " cpoint61(string) : "Control Point 61" : "" : " " cpoint62(string) : "Control Point 62" : "" : " " cpoint63(string) : "Control Point 63" : "" : " " cpoint1_parent(integer) : "Control Point 1 Parent" : 0 : " " cpoint2_parent(integer) : "Control Point 2 Parent" : 0 : " " cpoint3_parent(integer) : "Control Point 3 Parent" : 0 : " " cpoint4_parent(integer) : "Control Point 4 Parent" : 0 : " " cpoint5_parent(integer) : "Control Point 5 Parent" : 0 : " " cpoint6_parent(integer) : "Control Point 6 Parent" : 0 : " " cpoint7_parent(integer) : "Control Point 7 Parent" : 0 : " " ] @PointClass base(DotaBase, DotaTeam, prop_dynamic_base) studio() = dota_prop_customtexture [ ] @SolidClass base(Origin, EnableDisable, Trigger) = trigger_boss_attackable [ ] @PointClass base(DotaBase) = npc_dota_neutral_spawner [ VolumeName(target_destination) : "Spawn Box Name" : "" : "Target func_trigger for determining if a unit is nearby to decide when to spawn a unit" NeutralType(choices) : "Neutral Camp Type" : 0 : " " = [ 0 : "Easy Camp" 1 : "Medium Camp" 2 : "Hard Camp" 3 : "Ancients" ] ForcedSubType(choices) : "Forced Sub Type" : 0 : " " = [ -1 : "Any" 0 : "Type0" 1 : "Type1" 2 : "Type2" 3 : "Type3" 4 : "Type4" 5 : "Type5" ] BatchLimit(integer) : "Batch Limit" : 5 : " " output OnSpawnerExhausted(void) : "Fires when the spawner is exhausted" ] @PointClass base(prop_dynamic_base) = ent_dota_halloffame [ ] @BaseClass base(Origin, Targetname, DotaTeam) = DotaSpawnerBase [ NPCScriptName(string) : "NPC Script Name" : "" : " " NPCUniqueName(string) : "NPC Unique Name" : "" : " " NPCFirstWaypoint(target_destination) : "First Waypoint" : "" : "Must target a path_corner" input SpawnNPCFromScript(integer) : "Spawn X npcs from the script." ] @PointClass base(DotaSpawnerBase) = npc_dota_scripted_spawner [ ] @PointClass base(DotaSpawnerBase) = npc_dota_spawner [ ] @PointClass base(DotaSpawnerBase) = npc_dota_spawner_good_bot [ ] @PointClass base(DotaSpawnerBase) = npc_dota_spawner_good_mid [ ] @PointClass base(DotaSpawnerBase) = npc_dota_spawner_good_top [ ] @PointClass base(DotaSpawnerBase) = npc_dota_spawner_bad_bot [ ] @PointClass base(DotaSpawnerBase) = npc_dota_spawner_bad_top [ ] @PointClass base(DotaSpawnerBase) = npc_dota_spawner_bad_mid [ ] @PointClass base(DotaBase) = npc_dota_roshan_spawner [ ] @PointClass base(DotaBase, EnableDisable) = tutorial_npc_blocker [ other_blocker(target_destination) : "Other Blocker" : "" : " " Hidden(boolean) : "Hidden" : 1 : " " input Toggle(void) ] @PointClass base(Targetname) occluder(radius) color(255 0 0) = env_occluder : "A test entity for radius occluding for the Fog of War system." [ radius(float) : "Radius" : 128 : "The radius around this occluder." ] @PointClass base(Targetname) line_occluder(radius) color(255 0 0) = env_line_occluder : "A test entity for line occluding for the Fog of War system." [ radius(float) : "Radius" : 128 : "The radius around this occluder." ] @PointClass base(Targetname) viewer(radius) color(0 255 0) = env_viewer : "A test entity for viewing for the Fog of War system." [ radius(float) : "Radius" : 256 : "The radius around this viewer." ] @PointClass base(Targetname, EnableDisable) sphere(minfalloff) sphere(maxfalloff) iconsprite("editor/color_correction.vmt") = dota_color_correction : "An entity to control the color correction in the map." [ minfalloff(float) : "Min Radius" : "200.0" : "This is the distance at which this color correction is in 100% control" maxfalloff(float) : "Max Radius" : "400.0" : "This is the distance where this color correction starts taking effect." filename(string) : "Lookup Table Filename" : "" : "This is the lookup table filename" ] @PointClass base(Targetname) size(-1 -1 0, 1 1 1) color(80 150 225) studio("models/editor/overlay_helper.mdl") sphere(fademindist) sphere(fademaxdist) overlay() = info_overlay : "An entity that places an overlay on the world." [ material(material) : "Material" sides(sidelist) : "Brush faces" RenderOrder(integer) : "Render Order" : 0 : "Higher values render after lower values. This value can be 0-3." StartU(float) : "U Start" : "0.0" EndU(float) : "U End" : "1.0" StartV(float) : "V Start" : "0.0" EndV(float) : "V End" : "1.0" BasisOrigin(Vector) readonly : "Overlay Basis Origin(Read-Only)" BasisU(Vector) readonly : "Overlay Basis U(Read-Only)" BasisV(Vector) readonly : "Overlay Basis V(Read-Only)" BasisNormal(Vector) readonly : "Overlay Basis Normal(Read-Only)" uv0(vector) readonly : "Overlay Point 1(Read-Only)" uv1(vector) readonly : "Overlay Point 2(Read-Only)" uv2(vector) readonly : "Overlay Point 3(Read-Only)" uv3(vector) readonly : "Overlay Point 4(Read-Only)" fademindist(float) : "Start Fade Dist" : -1 : "Distance at which the overlay starts to fade (<0 = use fademaxdist)." fademaxdist(float) : "End Fade Dist" : 0 : "Maximum distance at which the overlay is visible (0 = don't fade out)." hideOnLV(boolean) : "Hide under Low Violence" : "0" : "When set to 1, this overlay is not displayed in Low-Violence mode." ]