Black Mesa - Compiling your map using htct

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Black Mesa Level Creation

Compiling with the HTCT compiler can be much easier than messing with hammer'sExpert Compile

Skill Level

This tutorial expects you to have this amount of knowledge within the topic to follow along smoothly.

Novice Familiar Competent Proficient Expert

Blank image.pngTodo: Finish this, add some pictures, some nice formatting maybe like bold text.

Heads up and information before starting

Note.pngNote:This tutorial does not go in depth about what HTCT is, you can find out about that Here

Quick summary: HTCT was developed by Darthkillyou Since this was created as an internal tool for Hazard Course, it works perfectly for Black Mesa.

Download and setting up


Download the software from one of these 2 places:

The next step will be extracting the zip file, place the folder anywhere as-long as it is easy to access.

Settting up

Run htct.exe, if you get an anti-virus popup, press continue. Configure as following:

Option Needed input
Enter your path to your steam directory: You may keep the default one if it is correct.
Choose SDK version to use: Black Mesa
Choose game configuration: Black Mesa
Remember compile queue: This is personal preference
Example Setup of htct

Using the tool

The main interface

Once setup, you should see a window open, this is your main interface you will be using.

  • The top settings button allows you to change the configuration if needed
  • The Edit Presets button allows you to edit the presets.
Warning.pngWarning:Editing presets is not recommended unless you are familiar with advanced compiling, creating new presets is fine.
  • And the last button is the select preset button which allows you to select a preset to use for the compile of your map(s)

Starting a compile

At the bottom of the main interface you will see a Map Source FIles list, to add your vmfs to the compile queue, simply press the add button

  • Once at-least one vmf has been added you can start the compile!
Blank image.pngTodo: Maybe showcase the compile window?

Final notes

Some compiles may take a VERY long time, especially the final compiles so only do these once you are ready to publish your map!