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Add this VMT parameter to make brushes non-solid. When compiling the map, VBSP will flag the brush with this material as non-solid. Useful for foliage or light effects.

Unlike a brush tied to a func_illusionary, a worldspawn (or func_detail) brush with %CompileNonSolid does not count as an edict.

Icon-Important.pngImportant:All faces of the brush must be textured with a nonsolid material for the brush to be nonsolid.
Tip.pngTip:Use toolsblocklight as a nodraw texture for nonsolid brushes (counts as detail), or create a duplicate of toolsnodraw with %CompileNonSolid (naming it something like toolsnoclip).
Icon-Bug.pngBug:Left 4 Dead 2 Left 4 Dead 2 The material will be invisible if used on a brush with solid contents.  [todo tested in ?]