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Exception: please specify a MediaWiki or custom i18n message!

English (en)Deutsch (de)Esperanto (eo)Español (es)Français (fr)Suomi (fi)Hrvatski (hr)Magyar (hu)Italiano (it)日本語 (ja)한국어 (ko)Nederlands (nl)Polski (pl)Português (pt)Português do Brasil (pt-br)Русский (ru)Slovenčina (sk)Svenska (sv)Türkçe (tr)Українська (uk)Tiếng Việt (vi)中文 (zh)中文(臺灣) (zh-tw)
О пользователе
Icon-translate.png Available doc translations
Страница документации User:結衣/Template:Int/doc/ru не существует.
Вместо неё будет отображена документация на английском. Если после данного сообщения ничего нет, вероятней всего документации не существует даже на английском.


The {{i18n}} template is used to localize common strings by key similarly to the magic word {{int:}}. This is a necessary template for the Valve Developer Community since site administrators have yet to add Extension:Translate for i18n support. This seeks to deprecate the unmaintainable and sub-optimal localization stack built on Template:Autolang, Template:Uselangflags, and Template:Uselang. It should be used for localizing small phrases of text and not for full-page translation (e.g., see Template:Doc, Template:Dictionary). Localizations are automatically transcluded based on the user’s {{PAGELANGUAGE}}. If a localization is non-existent, then a link to the hypothetical page is returned.

This template is technically a wrapper for {{int:}} and will behave identically for MediaWiki messages. Otherwise, it will emit the localizations for a given custom localization key. Custom localization keys are stored as sub-pages to {{i18n}}. Each sub-page of a localization key is named after a valid MediaWiki language code and stores the raw translation of its localization key. For example, the localization key sandbox could have the sub-pages en and ja whose contents are Sandbox and サンドボックス, respectively.


Parameter Description Type Status
Localization Key 1 The localization key to substitute a translation for. String required


  • {{User:結衣/Template:Int}} is an invalid state: Exception: please specify a MediaWiki or custom i18n message!
  • {{User:結衣/Template:Int|mainpage}} yields: Заглавная страница
  • {{User:結衣/Template:Int|blahblahblah}} requests an non-existent localization key: Warning: undefined localization key! Check if the key is misspelled or create the localization key blahblahblah.